API src

INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations (GBL)

Description: The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS, but were transmitted to SGS by third parties in accordance with legal requirements. Therefore, the SGS can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the boreholes of each federal state are stored in one INSPIRE-compliant GML file. The GML file together with a Readme.txt file is provided in ZIP format (e.g. GBL-INSPIRE_Lower_Saxony.zip). The Readme.txt file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML file content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.

Global identifier:



Origin: /Bund/BGR/Geoportal

Tags: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? INSPIRE-Daten ? Stratigraphie ? Open Data ? Geologie ? Gesteinskunde ? Bohrung ? Gestein ? Erdbeobachtung und Umwelt ? National ? borehole ? genesis ? layer ? strata ? stratum ?

Bounding boxes: 5.5° .. 15.5° x 47.25° .. 55°

License: geoNutz/20130319

Language: Deutsch


Modified: 2025-02-12

Time ranges: 2025-02-12 - 2025-02-12




Quality score

Accessed 1 times.