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Cerastoderma glaucum - biomass (AFDW)

Description: Distribution of biomass (ash free dry weight in g/m²) for 10 key species modeled with random forests method.Macrozoobenthic data from 1191 sampling stations located in the German part of the Baltic Sea were analyzed (data sources: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research). Samples have been collected from 1999 to 2015. Sample data were averaged per stations and standardized to the area of 1 m².For modeling R package “Random Forest” (RF, Version 4.6–7, Liaw and Wiener, 2002), based on random forests statistical analysis (Breiman, 2001) is used.Predictors and modeling algorithm as described in Gogina, M., Morys, C., Forster, S., Gräwe, U., Friedland, R., Zettler, M.L. 2017. Towards benthic ecosystem functioning maps: Quantifying bioturbation potential in the German part of the Baltic Sea. Ecological Indicators 73: 574-588. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.10.025

Global identifier:



Origin: /Wissenschaft/Leibniz-Gemeinschaft/Institut für Ostseeforschung

Tags: Asche ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Benthos ? Karte ? Daten ? Modellierung ? Biomasse ? Verpackung ? Ostsee ? AFDW ? Cerastoderma glaucum ? Downloadable Data ? SECOS ? benthic macrofauna ? random forest ?

Bounding boxes: 9.40524° .. 14.81398° x 53.672271° .. 55.082324°

License: unbekannt

Language: Englisch/English



Modified: 2018-07-09

Time ranges: 2018-07-09 - 2018-07-09



Quality score

Accessed 1 times.