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BMP: Monitoring Cruise 2010/03 07PE1007 (TF0253, 55.8398 N, 18.8659 E) (IOWDB)

Description: Marine chemical, physical and biological investigations at TF0253, 55.8398 N, 18.8659 E (2010-03-20) during the Monitoring Cruise 2010/03 07PE1007 of IOW as part of the monitoring program of the Baltic marine environment in the framework of the Helsinki agreement (HELCOM COMBINE) and IOWs long term data series in the central Baltic Sea.

Global identifier:



Origin: /Wissenschaft/Leibniz-Gemeinschaft/Institut für Ostseeforschung

Tags: Marines Ökosystem ? HELCOM ? Chemikalien ? Daten ? Monitoringprogramm ? Ostsee ? CTD-Fierserie und Schoepfer ? Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by Winkler titration ? Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor and calibration against sample data ? Dichte des Meerwassers (DENS7EQD) ? Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column ? Fluoreszenz (FLU22XXD) ? Forschungsschiff Prof. Albrecht Penck (07PE) ? Ostsee-Monitoring ? Photosynthetic Radiation (PARI2XXD) ? Photosynthetic Radiation (PARS2XXB) ? Salinity of the water column ? Salzgehalt (PSAL5IBD) ? Salzgehalt (PSAL7IDD) ? Sauerstoff (DOXY4IDD) ? Sauerstoff (DOXY6TID) ? TF0253 ? Temperatur (TEMP7IDD) ? Temperatur (TEMP7STD) ? Temperature of the water column ? Truebung (TUR52XXD) ? Wassertiefe (DEPH7CVD) ? dynamische Tiefe (DYND2CVD) ? potentielle Temperatur (POTM7CVD) ?

Bounding boxes: 18.865883° .. 18.86805° x 55.839817° .. 55.840833°

License: unbekannt

Language: Englisch/English


Time ranges: 2010-03-20 - 2010-03-20



Quality score

Accessed 1 times.