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WISE WFD monitoring sites reported under Water Framework Directive 2016

Description: The service contains information on the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of surface water bodies and groundwater bodies in the 2nd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP). The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/715 for further information on the WFD2016 reporting. Relevant concepts: Monitoring site: [Operational definition. Not in the WFD] Monitoring point included in a WFD surveillance, operational or investigative monitoring programme. Surface water body: Body of surface water means a discrete and significant element of surface water such as a lake, a reservoir, a stream, river or canal, part of a stream, river or canal, a transitional water or a stretch of coastal water. Surface water: Inland waters, except groundwater; transitional waters and coastal waters, except in respect of chemical status for which it shall also include territorial waters. Groundwater body: 'Body of groundwater' means a distinct volume of groundwater within an aquifer or aquifers. Groundwater: All water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.

Global identifier:



Origin: /Europa/EEA/SDI

Tags: Slowenien ? Gerinne ? Informationspflicht ? Messstation ? Wasserstraße ? Seen ? Fluss ? Bulgarien ? Dänemark ? Finnland ? Griechenland ? Norwegen ? Portugal ? Rumänien ? Schweden ? Belgien ? Slowakische Republik ? Schifffahrtskanal ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Europäische Kommission ? Frankreich ? Vereinigtes Königreich ? Island ? Niederlande ? Österreich ? Polen ? Ungarn ? Zypern ? Estland ? Lettland ? Litauen ? Tschechische Republik ? Irland ? Bewirtschaftungsplan ? Küstenmeer ? Wasserrahmenrichtlinie ? Binnengewässer ? Küstengewässer ? Übergangsgewässer ? Geodaten ? Chemischer Zustand ? Grundwasser ? Grundwasserkörper ? Wasser ? Monitoring ? Grundwasserleiter ? Oberflächengewässer ? Wassermengenwirtschaft ? Malta ? Grundwasserraum ? Monitoringprogramm ? Erdoberfläche ? Luxembourg ? European ? Spain ? Environmental monitoring facilities ? Italy ? Croatia ? Monitoring stations (Water Framework Directive) ?

Bounding boxes: -62.9951° .. 55.813367° x -21.378367° .. 70.620781°

License: unbekannt

Language: Englisch/English


Modified: 2025-02-11

Time ranges: 2016-05-05 - 2019-03-31



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Accessed 1 times.