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[EU SDG 06_60] Water exploitation index, plus (WEI+)

Description: The WEI+ provides a measure of total water consumption as a percentage of the renewable freshwater resources available for a given territory and period. The WEI+ is an advanced geo-referenced version of the WEI. It quantifies how much water is abstracted monthly or seasonally and how much water is returned before or after use to the environment via river basins (e.g. leakages, discharges by economic sectors). The difference between water abstractions and water returns is regarded as ‘water consumption’.

Global identifier:



Origin: /Europa/EEA/SDI

Tags: Slowenien ? Albanien ? Bulgarien ? Dänemark ? Finnland ? Griechenland ? Norwegen ? Portugal ? Rumänien ? Schweden ? Litauen ? Wassernutzungsindex ? Belgien ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Frankreich ? Irland ? Island ? Niederlande ? Österreich ? Polen ? Schweiz ? Ungarn ? Zypern ? Estland ? Lettland ? Tschechische Republik ? Slowakische Republik ? Wasserverbrauch ? Konsum ? Flussgebiet ? Wasser ? Malta ? Leckage ? Wirtschaftszweig ? EEA38 (from 2020) ? Spain ? Percentage ? 2024 1.2.2 ? Calendar year ? Bosnia and Herzegovina ? Country ? Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) ? 2023 1.3.2 ? Croatia ? Türkiye ? Serbia ? Luxembourg ? North Macedonia ?

License: unbekannt

Language: Englisch/English

Modified: 2025-01-28

Time ranges: 2000-01-01 - 2022-12-31


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Accessed 1 times.