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Noise data reported under Environmental Noise Directive (END)

Description: The datasets includes 1) the noise exposure data, 2) the noise contours data, 3) razterized noise contours data and 4) potential quiet areas all under the terms of the Environmental Noise Directive (END). Data covers the EEA32 member countries and the United Kingdom (excluding Turkey for the third round of noise mapping in 2017).

Global identifier:



Origin: /Europa/EEA/SDI

Tags: Autobahn ? Fluglärm ? Straße ? Straßenverkehrslärm ? Schadstoffbelastung des Menschen ? Norwegen ? Lärmkartierung ? Flugplatz ? Lärmüberwachung ? Verkehrslärm ? Vereinigtes Königreich ? Island ? Liechtenstein ? Schweiz ? EU-Umgebungslärmrichtlinie ? Umgebungslärm ? Industrielärm ? Lärmpegel ? Straßenverkehr ? Nachtlärm ? Daten ? Eisenbahn ? Exposition ? Lärm ? Lärmbelastung ? Umweltbedingte Krankheitslast ? Lärmdaten ? Schutzgebiet ? Verunreinigung ? Biodiversität ? Transport and mobility ? 2019 1.1.5 ? Agglomerations - aircraft noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - aircraft noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - industrial noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - population (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - railways noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - railways noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - roads noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations - roads noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Agglomerations – industrial noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units ? EEA33 (2013-2020) ? EU28 (2013-2020) ? Environmental heatlh effects ? Environmental noise exposure (Noise Directive) ? European ? Major airports noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Major airports noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Major railways noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Major railways noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Major roads noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) ? Major roads noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) ? Nature protection and restoration ? Population (Noise Directive) ? 2016 1.1.1 ? noise type ? noise, vibrations ? Agglomerations (Noise Directive) ?

Bounding boxes: -30° .. 35° x 25° .. 72° -31.285° .. 34.099° x 27.642° .. 70.075°

License: unbekannt

Language: Englisch/English


Modified: 2024-07-31

Time ranges: 2006-01-01 - 2006-12-31 2011-01-01 - 2011-12-31 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31 2021-01-01 - 2021-12-31


Quality score

Accessed 1 times.