Description: GISCO (Geographic Information System of the COmmission) is responsible for meeting the European Commission's geographical information needs at three levels: the European Union, its member countries, and its regions. In addition to creating statistical and other thematic maps, GISCO manages a database of geographical information, and provides related services to the Commission. Its database contains core geographical data covering the whole of Europe, such as administrative boundaries, and thematic geospatial information, such as population grid data. Some data are available for download by the general public and may be used for non-commercial purposes. For further details and information about any forthcoming new or updated datasets, see This metadata refers to the whole content of GISCO reference database extracted in May 2021, which contains both public datasets (also available for the general public through and datasets to be used only internally by the EEA (typically, but not only, GISCO datasets at 1:100k). The database is provided in as a single GDB and also as individual GPKG file per feature, with datasets at scales from 1:60M to 1:100K, with reference years spanning until 2021 (e.g. NUTS 2021). Additional information and metadata is provided with the dataset in the folder docs. The database manual, a file with the content of the database, a glossary, and a document with the naming conventions are included in this folder. The document GISCO-ConditionsOfUse.pdf provided with the dataset gives information on the copyrighted data sources, the mandatory acknowledgement clauses and re-dissemination rights. The license conditions for EuroGeographic datasets in GISCO are provided in a standalone document "LicenseConditions_EuroGeographics.pdf". The main updates with respect to the previous version of the full database in the SDI (from June 2020) are the addition of the following datasets: - Coastline boundaries, 2020 (COAS_2020) (N.B.: An update is expected soon) - Degree of Urbanisation, 2020 (DGURBA_2020) - Exclusive Economic Zones, 2020 (EEZ_2020) - FAO Fishing Areas, 2020 (FAO_FISH_2020) - Healthcare services (HEALTH) - LAU Historical Census data (LAU_CENS_1961-2011) - Local Administrative Units, 2017 (LAU_2017), 2019 (LAU_2019) and 2020 (LAU_2020) - LUCAS, 2018 (LUCAS_2018) - Metropolitan Regions, 2021 (MREG_2021) - Postal Codes, 2020 (PCODE_2020) (N.B.: DE is to be updated soon) When available, the model specifications of these new layers are also provided with the database (under the folder docs). NOTE: This metadata file is only for internal EEA purposes and in no case replaces the official metadata provided by Eurostat. For specific GISCO datasets included in this version there are individual EEA metadata files in the SDI: NUTS_2021, MREG_2021 and CNTR_2020. For public products, continuous updates are being published in the public website of GISCO: The original metadata files from Eurostat for the different GISCO datasets are available via ECAS login through the Eurostat metadata portal on For more information about the full database or any of its datasets, please contact the SDI Team (
Global identifier:
Uuid( fd30a070-48b7-49e9-a6b6-c37d4f1e15f9, )
Origin: /Europa/EEA/SDI
Tags: Montenegro ? Albanien ? Bulgarien ? Dänemark ? Finnland ? Griechenland ? Norwegen ? Portugal ? Rumänien ? Schweden ? Slowenien ? Estland ? Europäische Kommission ? Thematische Karte ? Belgien ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Frankreich ? Vereinigtes Königreich ? Irland ? Island ? Liechtenstein ? Niederlande ? Österreich ? Polen ? Schweiz ? Ungarn ? Zypern ? Lettland ? Litauen ? Tschechische Republik ? Slowakische Republik ? Ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone ? Geografisches Informationssystem ? Urbanisierung ? Metadaten ? Europäische Union ? Statistische Daten ? Daten ? Europa ? Malta ? Datenbank ? Gesundheitsvorsorge ? Grenzschicht ? Spain ? sub-national boundary ? national boundary ? Serbia ? world ? Italy ? Croatia ? North Macedonia ? World ? Türkiye ? Luxembourg ? political geography ? administrative boundary ? statistical information system ? census survey ?
Bounding boxes: -63.54° .. 34.61° x 14.38° .. 65.24°
License: unbekannt
Language: Englisch/English
Modified: 2025-01-09
Time ranges: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31 2021-01-01 - 2021-12-31
Accessed 1 times.