Description: Das Projekt "Die Schaffung von Systemen zur Ueberwachung der Biosicherheit: biologische Wechselwirkungen zwischen freigesetzten Mikroben und deren Feinden in der Nahrungskette in Gewaessern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Novartis Pharma durchgeführt. Biosafety research includes the search for new and realistic scenarios, and experimental investigation of those which seem to provide a potential concern if they should happen. Considering the release of genetically modified microorganisms (GMOs) into aquatic ecosystems, concern could be envisioned if horizontal gene transfer would occur between GMOs and wild pathogens. By looking for environmental microniches where such phenomenon may preferentially occur, we have found that digestive vacuoles and faecal pellets of free living protozoa are able to promote strongly gene exchanges between ingested bacteria. Microscopical methods were also developed to follow the survival ability of bacteria ingested by protozoa. Taking advantage of the protozoan bacteriotrophy, we have developed a biomonitoring system (BACTOX) to test the toxicity of bacterial strains of biotechnological interest. The test has similarities with traditional toxtests for chemicals/pollutants, but protozoa are fed whole bacteria instead of being exposed to isolated chemicals. The validity of the results obtained with Tetrahymena pyriformis was confirmed by using various types of protozoa (wild isolates). We are investigating the relevance of BACTOX for helping impact assessment of the release of bacteria (GMOs or not) into the environment. Leading Questions: What are the environmental microniches of ecological relevance where horizontal gene transfer between bacteria preferentially occurs? Knowing that the ingestion of particular bacterial strains leads to the death of Tetrahymena pyriformis, would it be possible to develop a test system using protozoa to assess the toxicity of bacteria involved in biotechnology? Is the BACTOX test of relevance for impact studies, concerning the release of bacteria into the environment?
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Gen ? Ingestion ? Biomonitoring ? Fäkalbakterien ? Protozoen ? Szenario ? Bakterien ? Gentechnisch veränderte Mikroorganismen ? Biotechnologie ? Chemikalien ? Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen ? Aquatisches Ökosystem ? Studie ? Toxizität ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Mikroorganismen ? Biologische Sicherheit ? Krankheitserreger ? Nahrungskette ? BACTOX ? Freiwerdung [Organismen] ? Gentransfer ? Tetrahymena-performis ? biosafety research ? digestive vacuoles ? environmental microbiology ? gene transfer ? oxicity test ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1996-07-01 - 1998-12-31
Accessed 1 times.