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Marie Curie action, 7th Framework Programme, COFUND, 'Trentino' Project - AcceDo: Combining agent based models and optimization to define strategies of sustainable access to protected mountain areas: the Dolomites UNESCO Heritage Site between conservation needs and recreational use

Description: Das Projekt "Marie Curie action, 7th Framework Programme, COFUND, 'Trentino' Project - AcceDo: Combining agent based models and optimization to define strategies of sustainable access to protected mountain areas: the Dolomites UNESCO Heritage Site between conservation needs and recreational use" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Interdisziplinäre Gebirgsforschung IGF durchgeführt. This project aims to identify approaches for the sustainable management of protected mountain areas, by defining strategies of visitor access that will better preserve their ecological quality while allowing recreational use. The project will address a core issue of nature conservation, namely how to manage tourist movements within popular protected areas. Such problem is becoming more and more important in the Alps due to constantly increasing tourist flows and the intrinsic vulnerability of mountain regions to human interference. The project will focus on the recently established Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site (north eastern Italy), for which the UNESCO Committee has expressively requested a comprehensive strategy for sustainable tourism and visitor use in order to maintain its outstanding universal value. A programme of multidisciplinary work will be undertaken to analyse whether and how it is possible to arrange tourist movements to and within the site in a way that improves nature conservation while maintaining an adequate recreational use. The project is based on the assumption that the combination of agent-based models (ABM) and optimization techniques, by providing adequate representation of tourist flows, can both predict the outcomes of a given policy option (i.e. strategy of access) and assess its long term sustainability. As defined by its specific objectives, this project will: (1) analyze and map the wilderness status of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site through statistical and GIS analyses; (2) assess the current and expected behaviour of tourists by statistical analysis of available data and the collection of new information through ad hoc surveys; (3) build a spatially explicit agent-based model simulating tourist movements across the study area according to the previously investigated behaviour; (4) build optimization models based on linear and stochastic programming to assess the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of different management decisions concerning tourist movements within the study area; (5) develop tools, guidelines and policy recommendations that may help local administrators and park managers set up sustainable strategies of access to protected mountain areas; (6) disseminate the results of the research activity through scientific publications and reports.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Ökologie ? Skigebiet ? Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement ? Sozioökonomie ? Konservierung ? Karte ? Statistische Daten ? Berg ? Geodäsie ? Rechtsverfahren ? Parkanlage ? Technik ? Wildnis ? Alpen ? Freizeit- und Erholungsnutzung ? Arbeit ? Bedarf ? Schutzgebiet ? Statistik ? Gebirge ? Politik ? Erbe ? Lineare Programmierung ? Vermehrung ? Werkzeug ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2011-01-01 - 2013-12-31



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