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Self Sustained Compact Mobile System Turning Waste Sludge Inert

Description: Das Projekt "Self Sustained Compact Mobile System Turning Waste Sludge Inert" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Muegge-electronic GmbH durchgeführt. With the increasing population densities within the EU and the predicted rise in the volume of sewage sludge to 10 Bn tonnes p.a., there is an urgent need to provide the 40,000 waste water treatment plants with a cost effective and energy efficient method of converting their biologically active sludge output into an inert form, on-site prior to it's transportation and in a safe form for landfill. European emission standards for disposal and incineration have to be met. There is a need for reduction of hazardous, biologically active sludge being land filled and potentially contaminating ground water supplies for drinking water. Sludge is transported from sewage plants to the incineration with content of only 30 percent dry substance (DS). 1.15 M tonnes of DS mean actually 3.83 M tonnes p.a. of sludge being transported. This equates to 191,500 truck loads of 20 tonnes each. The main innovation of the project is the combination of sludge drying and gasification in one unit having both steps heated up by microwave. The project will develop a basic understanding of the dynamic processes involved in heat transfer and antenna interaction of microwave and the aerodynamic control of flows within the dryer cavity. One specific innovative step required is the design of a novel antenna, using arial technique configuration to achieve sufficient microwave energy density and homogeneity across the conveyed pellet stream to achieve 95 percent dryness at stage 1 because the gasification process at stage 2 needs dry input of more then 92 percent. This project delivers the development of a compact and therefore mobile combined sludge drying and gasification system that uses microwave energy to improve the thermal efficiency of both drying and gasification processes and produces waste solid in an inert form. These systems can process up to 1.7 tons per hour of sludge (approx. 0.6 tons/h dry solids content) and achieves 95 percent drying prior to gasification to produce 'clean' combustible gas supply during gasification stage. An electrical conversion efficiency of 25 percent will enable to produce sufficient power for the microwave generator. The recovery of 90 percent of thermal energy from the gases and degassed product and its use during the drying process will enable the system to be energy self-sufficient. Objectives are to substitute at least 20 percent of the current 1.15M tonnes p.a. European incinerated sludge disposal market within 5 years, generating ?23 M p.a. and securing 153 jobs as well as capturing at least 5 percent of the current 6.8 M tonnes p.a. of the landfill sludge disposal market, generating ?34 M p.a., creating 227 jobs. Through this reduction of 230,000 tonnes p.a. of sludge being transported by road and incinerated a lot of transport and up to 19 Mio litres of diesel fuel for transportation can be saved. ...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Klärschlammtrocknung ? Main ? Belebtschlamm ? Brennstoff ? Schlammverbrennung ? Abwasserschlamm ? Kläranlage ? Brennbarer Stoff ? Abfallbeseitigung ? Brennbarkeit ? Energieträger ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Verbrennung ? Verfahrenskombination ? Vergasung ? Europäische Union ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiegewinnung ? Innovation ? Toxische Substanz ? Thermisches Verfahren ? Mobile Anlage ? Schadstoffminderung ? Generatorgas ?

Region: Hessen

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2002-02-01 - 2004-01-31



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