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Dynamics of Trace Metal Speciation in Periodically Reduced Soils

Description: Das Projekt "Dynamics of Trace Metal Speciation in Periodically Reduced Soils" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Biogeochemie und Schadstoffdynamik durchgeführt. Riparian soils form the interface between upland soils and aquatic ecosystems and between surface water and groundwater. Therefore, they are of paramount importance for the transfer of nutrients and contaminants between these systems. Periodic flooding and variations in groundwater level result in regular changes of soil redox state. Consequently, the biogeochemical processes including the cycling of trace metals are distinctly different from aerobic upland soils or permanently reduced sediments. While knowledge from aerobic soils and anoxic sediments may provide indications on trends in metal speciation under variable redox conditions, the understanding of trace metal speciation in this dynamic environment is currently limited due to the lack of studies specifically addressing these conditions. In this project, we will investigate the binding of protons, calcium, ferrous iron, and trace metals by reduced natural organic matter (NOM) and major factors affecting trace metal speciation over reduction-oxidation cycles in soils. The results of this project will contribute to the development of quantitative models for the assessment of trace metal bioavailability and mobility in periodically reduced environments.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Ufer ? Calcium ? Lack ? Eisen ? Biogeochemie ? Zürich ? Aerobe Bedingungen ? Anaerobe Bedingungen ? Bodenchemie ? Huminstoff ? Schmutzstoff ? Spurenelement ? Metall ? Bioverfügbarkeit ? Bodenqualität ? Ionen ? Oxidation ? Redoxpotential ? Redoxreaktion ? Sediment ? Bodenschadstoff ? Bodenprozess ? Ausbreitungsvorgang ? Schadstoffverhalten ? NOM [natürlicher organischer Stoff] ? Proton ? Reduktion [chemisch] ? Speziation [Chemie] ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-03-01 - 2011-02-28



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