Description: Das Projekt "Development of a GIS-based model for the assessment of regional element balances as a basis for sustainable management of trace elements in agricultural soils" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART durchgeführt. Limiting the input of toxic trace elements into soils is an important task in achieving sustainability of agricultural land use. Excessive accumulation of trace elements in soils is a major issue world-wide. In the EU agriculture is currently under particular pressure to meet stricter standards of sustainability including zero accumulation of contaminants in soils. Monitoring element accumulation in soils by means of element balancing is a very efficient method to gather the information needed to prevent or at least to limit and control soil pollution at an early stage before critical levels are reached, to prioritize decisions on abatement actions and to guide remedial actions. While methods have been developed and are continuously improved to assess element balances in European agro-ecosystems at the farm scale, there is a lack of similar models that are applicable to agricultural systems at regional scales, capable to deal with the problem of a complex data acquisition from very diverse information sources, account for dynamic feedbacks between system components and adequately address spatial redistribution of elements through processes such as erosion. The objective of this project is to develop a model for the assessment of regional element balances that has these capabilities and can deal with spatial data through combination with a GIS. For this purpose we propose to extend the existing regional mass balance model PROTERRA-S with respective dynamic features and to couple it with a GIS. Accounting for the different agricultural, socio-economic and bio-physical subsystems is a challenge that requires a modular approach with high flexibility. The generalized model will be calibrated and tested in a case study of the Swiss Canton Thurgau, for which comprehensive data bases have been already compiled and are available.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Thurgau ? Lack ? Befruchtung ? Buchhaltung ? Critical Level ? Kalibrierung ? Erosion ? Schweiz ? Ackerboden ? Agrarökosystem ? Bodennutzung ? Bodenverunreinigung ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Sozioökonomie ? Metall ? Geodaten ? Bilanz ? Fallstudie ? Rechtsverfahren ? Handelsgewerbe ? Management ? Monitoring ? Toxizität ? Boden ? Bodenschadstoff ? Modellierung ? Beseitigung ? Norm ? Anreicherung ? Bedarf ? Datenbank ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Informationsgewinnung ? Landwirtschaft ? Nachhaltigkeit ? Ökosystem ? Umwelt ? Globale Aspekte ? Bewertung ? Plan ? DRUCK ? GEMISCHT ? UMGANG ? UMVERTEILUNG ? Datenspeicherung ? UNTER ? VERARBEITEN ? VERFUEGBAR ? VORSCHLAGEN ? WICHTIG ? ZWECKBESTIMMUNG ? INFORMATIONSQUELLE ? KONTROLLE ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? BEWERTEN ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? ENTSCHEIDUNG ? METHODE ? MISCHUNG ? NACHHALTIG ? Bilanz [Betriebswirtschaft] ? BESTEHEND ? NULL ? BESTANDTEIL ? OEKONOMISCH ? ENTWICKLUNG ? FAEHIG ? PROJEKT ? REGIONAL ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2008-03-01 - 2011-09-30
Accessed 1 times.