Description: Das Projekt "Experimental investigations of soils in the context of underground nuclear waste disposal" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institut des sols, roches et fondations, Laboratoire de mecanique des sols durchgeführt. This request R'Equip is within the context of a research project dealing with an experimental investigation of unsaturated soils behavior under very high temperature, suction, and pressure loadings. The aims of this research program require the development of a new specific apparatus adapted to these extreme testing conditions for LMS-EPFL. Defining the thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of materials is one of the main modern issues in soil mechanics. In recent years, thermal-geomechanical problems have strongly increased as a result of the demand for new and enlarged types of applications such as high-level nuclear waste disposal, energy extraction from pressurized geothermal reservoirs, heat storage, zones around buried high-voltage cables, geothermal structures, and so on. For sure, one of the fundamental challenges in this field is an insight in the understanding of unsaturated soil behavior at high pressures and temperatures for host rocks and buffer materials for radioactive waste. Several of the leading research teams around the world have now implemented research programs in this area. The aim of the proposed research is therefore the development of a new multi-purpose triaxial cell able to perform tests on unsaturated materials for wide ranges of temperature (20-150 C) and cell pressure (up to 30 MPa) along with suction control. The LMS-EPFL is already involved in two important research projects in the field of the safety study of disposal for vitrified High Level Wastes. The TIMODAZ (Thermal Impact on the Damaged Zone around a Radioactive Waste Disposal in Clay Host Rocks) European project investigates the behavior of two host rocks (Boom Clay from Mol (Belgium) and Opalinus Clay from Mont Terri (Switzerland)) for high level waste repository and a collaboration with the NAGRA (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste - Switzerland) characterizes the thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of granular bentonite as a buffer material. To conduct these experimental programs in the best way, the laboratories need to acquire such a triaxial cell adapted for very high thermo-hydro-mechanical loadings. The decisiveness of these experimental programs is to use the test results to define for each material the parameters of ACMEG-TS (Advanced Constitutive Model for Environmental Geomechanics) model developed by the LMS, which takes into account at the same time the temperature and the suction effects on soil behavior. This model will permit to predict the evolution of the clay host rocks or the granular bentonite in order to take into account all the thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in the safety study of disposal for vitrified High Level Wastes.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Lausanne ? Material ? Bentonit ? Buchhaltung ? Radioaktiver Abfall ? Pflanzensamen ? Skigebiet ? Belgien ? Schweiz ? Bodenmechanik ? Gebäude ? Genehmigung ? Genossenschaft ? Temperatur ? Lehm ? Abfalllager ? Bodenbelastung ? Festgestein ? Abfall ? Absaugung ? Ackerland ? Energie ? Evolution ? Handelsgewerbe ? Wasserspeicher ? Boden ? Beseitigung ? Wirkung ? Bedarf ? Forschung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Kenngröße ? Radioaktivität ? Umwelt ? Gestein ? Sicherheitsanalyse ? EINSATZ ? DRUCK ? ANGEPASST ? EIN ? BEST ? UNSATURIERT ? UNTER ? UNTERSUCHUNG ? Untergrund [Boden] ? ENTWICKLUNG ? ERGEBNIS ? Erlass [Recht] ? VERARBEITEN ? Vermehrung ? FORTSCHRITTLICH ? Verwertung ? Prüfvorschrift ? GRUNDLAGE ? Hochdruck ? WICHTIG ? Werkzeug ? ZWECKBESTIMMUNG ? Zelle ? SPEZIFISCH ? STARK ? KONTROLLE ? THERMISCH ? UMGANG ? NACHFRAGE ? NATIONAL ? NEU ? PROGRAMMIERUNG ? PROJEKT ? PUFFERUNG ? GEWINNUNG ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2008-12-01 - 2010-11-30
Accessed 1 times.