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Introduction of biochar technology in village-scale agricultural systems in India: a feasibility study

Description: Das Projekt "Introduction of biochar technology in village-scale agricultural systems in India: a feasibility study" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. The biochar technology has been recently proposed as one of the most promising technology to mitigate climate change as well as improve agricultural systems. It consists in producing a gas usable as energy and a specific char as by-product out of organic wastes. The char (named biochar) is known to improve soil fertility, retain nutrients and moisture and increase yield when applied to soil. In addition, biochar is rich in carbon (C) and resistant to degradation and thus sequester C in soil and reduce CO2 fluxes (greenhouse gas) to the atmosphere. Biochar technology is therefore considered carbon negative and cheap, and thus raises many expectations in terms of poverty reduction in smallscale farms. This is of particular interest in areas where agriculture is an important economic sector and agricultural and organic wastes are produced in abundance, for instance small scale farming practices in Indian villages. If the theory is well established, evidence that this system can be implemented successfully and is sustainable in reality are virtually absent. In particular, two questions that need attention before implementation of such technology are, 1. what are the physical factors one should considered before introducing this kind of technology in the field for instance, type of soil, climatic conditions and type of cultivation (physical geography aspects)? Which agricultural systems can take advantage from biochar application? 2. what are the social structures that would welcome favorably such kind of structures (human geography aspects)? This innopool proposal is a feasibility study which aims to select the right location from the physical and social point of view to start a large case study research project where a biochar production unit will be introduced in a village of India.



Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Bodenkohlenstoff ? Bodennährstoff ? Nährstoffgehalt ? Zürich ? Biokoks ? Abfallverwertung ? Gasmotor ? Kohlenstoff ? Nährstoff ? Pflanzenkohle ? Kind ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Energetische Verwertung ? Gesamtkohlenstoff ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Machbarkeitsstudie ? Biowäscher ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Dorfgebiet ? Organischer Abfall ? Indien ? Bodenfruchtbarkeit ? Management ? Dorf ? Kohlenstoffkreislauf ? Energie ? Energiegewinnung ? Biomassenutzung ? Energiewirtschaft ? Nebenprodukt ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Entwicklungsland ? Fallstudie ? Geographie ? Emissionsminderung ? Klimafolgen ? Klimaanpassung ? Bodenluft ? Bodentyp ? Forschungsprojekt ? Klimawandel ? Atmosphäre ? Landwirtschaft ? Sozialstruktur ? Wirtschaftszweig ? Feuchtigkeit ? Treibhausgas ? Landwirtschaftliche Fläche ? Agrarstruktur ? Gasreinigung ? Armutsbekämpfung ? Rechte ? Gasentspannungsmaschine ? India ? Werkzeug ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2011-07-01 - 2014-12-31



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