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Biogeochemische Zyklen in zwei bedeutenden europaeischen Flussmuendungsgebieten: Shannon und Elbe

Description: Das Projekt "Biogeochemische Zyklen in zwei bedeutenden europaeischen Flussmuendungsgebieten: Shannon und Elbe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft, Hydrobiologische Abteilung durchgeführt. Objective: This research proposal describes a co-operative project drawing on the expertise of a number of research organisation in Ireland and the federal republic of Germany and co-ordinated jointly by trinity college Dublin (IRL) and the university of Hamburg (FRG). The proposal seeks to identify the factors controlling the transport of contaminants (esp. Nutrients) through estuarine ecosystems by carrying out comparative studies in a polluted (Elbe) and a relatively unpolluted estuary (Shannon). The work will be conducted by three working groups with the following programme (the originally proposed group 2 and 3 are combined due to necessary revision). General information: working group 1:(university of Hamburg, SFB 327: Institut fuer Meereskunde, GKSS-Forschungszentrum): a three-dimensional baroclinic current model of the Shannon estuary will be developed comparable to the existing Elbe model. By means of evaluated data material the model will be verified. Computations with Elbe and Shannon models will be compared to elaborate response behaviours of both estuaries to a variation of river discharge and tides. Field campaigns will be supported by locating suitable measurements positions and by providing hydro graphic environment information for measurement periods. Times of residence for conservative substances will be computer with a langrangian tracer model to investigate short term fluxes and dispersion of nutrients. Working party 2 + 3:(university of Hamburg, SFB 327: Institut fuer Biochemie und Lebensmittelchemie, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg, GKSS-Forschungszentrum; university of Dublin, trinity college, TCD; institute for industrial research and standards, Dublin, (IRS). The initial phase will involve harmonisation to appropriate sampling and analytical techniques, including separation techniques and inter-calibration between the Irish and German laboratories, methods will be required for the qualitative and quantitative characterisation of water, suspended matter and sediments. These methods will be applied at selected sites in the estuaries, chosen to represent different sediment and salinity regimes. While all the laboratories will be involved in this work, samples from the Shannon estuary will generally be collected, separated and analysed by IIRS with selected sub-samples being transported to TCD and German laboratories. The key parameters to be measured in the estuaries are the nutrients eg carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and silica compounds, and selected heavy metals such as the contaminants Pb, Zn, Cu and the normalizing elements Fe, Mn, and Il. Depending on the outcome of the characterisation phase certain combinations of these parameters will be selected for the process-related studies. The rates and concentration-related fluxes between water and particular phases will be studied by means of in-situ bell-jars and controlled Laboratory experiments...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Hamburg ? Stickstoffgehalt ? Mangan ? Siliziumdioxid ? Verhaltensmuster ? Eisen ? Kupfer ? Kohlenstoffgehalt ? Hamburg ? Biochemie ? Gewässerbelastung ? Kalibrierung ? Lebensmittelchemie ? Meerwasser ? Phosphor ? Schadstoffbelastung ? Tracer ? Zink ? Blei ? Schwermetall ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Elbe ? Irland ? Suspension ? Meereskunde ? Marines Ökosystem ? Verfahrensparameter ? Gewässerverunreinigung ? Salzgehalt ? Analyseverfahren ? Meeresströmung ? Schadstoffausbreitung ? Datenverarbeitung ? Dispersion ? Feldstudie ? Strömungsmodell ? Trennverfahren ? Bestimmungsmethode ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Wasseranalyse ? Nährstoffeintrag ? Sediment ? Hydrobiologie ? Meeresgewässer ? Küstenregion ? Hydrographie ? Standortbewertung ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Europa ? Kontrollmaßnahme ? Klimaforschung ? Ozeanographie ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Probenahme ? Gezeiten ? Gutachten ? Umweltschutz ? Ökosystem ? in situ ? Kenngröße ? Mehrdimensionale Bewertung ? Hochschule ? Forschungskoordination ? Harmonisierung ? Verweilzeit ? Nachweisbarkeit ?

Region: Hamburg

Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1988-05-01 - 1990-04-30



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