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Veränderung und Materietransfer in einem alpinen Zeitabschnitt

Description: Das Projekt "Veränderung und Materietransfer in einem alpinen Zeitabschnitt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institut d'Amenagement des Terres et des Eaux (IATE) DGR - PEDOL durchgeführt. Leading Questions: - Are the various types of soils present in the ecosystem characteristic for the different formation times? - Do weathering and acidification progress simultaneously? - Which is the best sampling method for colloids? - Is the distribution of soil colloids responsible for the behavior of trace elements? Abstract: In a natural ecosystem, Val d'Arpette (VS), we will choose a sequence of soils formed on homogeneous granitic material and characterized by an increasing age to study the progressive stratification of the pedological covering. We will test a conceptual model of formation of soil in relation with acidification of rocky parent material. We will focuse on matter transferring throughout the different macroscopic compartments of soil in studying the distribution of macromolecular and colloids organic and mineral compounds and their microscopic organization in the solid and liquid phase of soil.^Relations entre modes d'alteration des roches, humification et redistribution intrapedique des elements traces -role des fractions colloidales de la solution du sol dans le transport de Cd, Cu, Zn - role des composes polyphenoliques dans la mobilisation de Cu - les moraines du Val d'Arpette (VS) representent un modele naturel a tres faible pollution permettant d'etudier, de maniere synchrone, des phenomenes diachroniques - les applications a la pollution environmentale sont realisees par le moyen d'etudes specifiques de nature experimentale impliquant des modeles simplifies 'sol-vegetation' a pollution plus massive. (FRA)



Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Bodenvegetation ? Kupfer ? Lausanne ? Bodenkolloid ? Cadmium ? Mineralstoff ? Schadstoffbelastung ? Zink ? Schwermetall ? Bodenverunreinigung ? Kolloid ? Spurenelement ? Stratigraphie ? Granit ? Organische Verbindung ? Mineralboden ? Bodenbildung ? Bodenqualität ? Bodenökosystem ? Bodenprobe ? Bodentyp ? Bodenuntersuchung ? Bodenversauerung ? Studie ? Verwitterung ? Modellierung ? Niederschlag ? Ökosystem ? Mineral ? Probenahme ? Versauerung ? Naturhaushalt ? Stofftransport ? Zeitverlauf ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1993-04-01 - 1996-03-31



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