Description: Das Projekt "Quantitative Interpretation von Nachweistests mit Bakteriophagen im Vergleich zu klassischen kuenstlichen Nachweismitteln (Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe, Salz) in hydrogeologischen Anordnungen; Karst-/poroese Grundwasserleiter" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Geologie, Centre d'Hydrogeologie durchgeführt. The goal of the intended research is to experiment biological tracers - i.e. Bacteriophages - in hydrogeology in karstic and/or fractured environments as well as in interstice porous environments, and to quatitatively interpretate the breakthrough curves. This research follows the line of the preceding requests that allowed the successful development of bacteriophages as tracers. The quantitative interpretation of the tracing tests allows to determine either hydrodispersive parameters that are characteristics of an aquifer or of a portion of a porous aquifer, or to determine the transfer functions for the karstic aquifers, in the goal of simulating the pollution's effects. In a first time we realize and repeat multi-tracings in karstic environments, on various sites in Jura mountains, with simultaneously classic artificial tracers (fluorescents or salts) and bacteriophages. Thus it will be possible to study the time variability of the transfer functions fo repeated tracer tests in similar hydrodynamical conditions, as well as the spatial variability fo the functions for tests done on one or more aquifers, and most of all the obtained transfer functions from classic tracers will be compared with those obtained by the means of bacteriophages. In a second time th propagation of artificial tracers (fluorescents) will be compared to the bacteriophages in intersite porous environments (study site or experimental tank for the study of transfer processes) and the hydrodispersive parameters of the environment will be studied. Leading Questions: - Do the bacteriophages tracers interpretated quantitatively in the same way als fluorescent or salt tracers in karstic aquifers and in porous environment ? - What is the spatial and time variability of transfer functions resulting of tracers tests carried out in karstic aquifer?
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Hydrodynamik ? Jura ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Farbstoff ? Pflanzensamen ? Tracer ? Salz ? Bakteriophagen ? Hydrogeologie ? Verfahrensparameter ? Tankbehälter ? Porengrundwasserleiter ? Berg ? Geologie ? Grundwasserleiter ? Karstgebiet ? Standortwahl ? Studie ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Grundwasser ? Hydrologie ? Umwelt ? Gebirge ? Porosität ? Schweizer-Jura ? Transfer-Funktion ? biological tracers ? karstic aquifers ? pretection zone ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1994-10-01 - 1998-09-30
Accessed 1 times.