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Integratives Boden- und Wassermanagement im Bewässerungsprojekt Hirakud (Orissa, Indien) unter Verwendung von Simulations- und Optimierungsmodellen

Description: Das Projekt "Integratives Boden- und Wassermanagement im Bewässerungsprojekt Hirakud (Orissa, Indien) unter Verwendung von Simulations- und Optimierungsmodellen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hannover, Institut für Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und landwirtschaftlichen Wasserbau durchgeführt. The Hirakud irrigation project provides irrigation for 157.018 ha during Kharif (monsoon) and for 108.385 ha during Rabi (winter) seasons in the districts of Sambalpur, Bargarh, Subarnapur, and Bolangir and provides flood protection to about 9,500 km2 of Mahanadi delta in the Cuttack and Puri districts of Orissa. Topography of the area is undulating and comprises mostly terrace lands with slopes between 1 to 6 procent. Physiographically the study area can be divided into high, middle and low lands covering 55, 20 and 25 procent, respectively. The elevation of land surface varies from 120 to 180 m above the MSL. The canal command area has been divided into four sectors with ridge canals and major rivers, viz., Mahanadi and Ong as boundaries of the sectors in order to determine and represent the different components of the study into smaller units. Major land and water resource problems of the study area are: traditional farming (paddy after paddy), undulating topography, low agricultural productivity due to majority of area (66 procent) under Inceptisoils (red and yellow soils) and inequitable distribution of water i.e. excessive supply of surface water in the head and middle reaches and the shortage of water in the tail reaches. The major objectives of the proposed study are to develop an integrated model to generate various land and water resources management scenarios of the study area under flood, drought, and normal situations. The developed model will be solved by simulation linked optimisation technique in a GIS framework. The individual components of the joint project are: Development of the simulation/optimisation model, Model input data collection/generation by GIS, Model calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis, Development of various land and water resources management scenarios under uncertainty of hydrological events.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Hannover ? Flussmündung ? Monsun ? Gerinne ? Wasserstraße ? Fluss ? Kalibrierung ? Tollwut ? Wind ? Hochwasser ? Schifffahrtskanal ? Indien ? Geografisches Informationssystem ? Stadtteil ? Szenario ? Topographie ? Dürre ? Winter ? Landwirtschaftlicher Wasserbau ? Unterboden ? Tropengebiet ? Bewässerung ? Wasserdargebot ? Wassermengenwirtschaft ? Management ? Oberflächengewässer ? Flussgebiet ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Hügellandschaft ? Sensitivitätsanalyse ? Terrassenlandschaft ? Modellierung ? Simulation ? Daten ? Studie ? Landwirtschaftliche Produktivität ? Hochwasserschutz ? Wasserknappheit ? Hydrologie ? Landwirtschaft ? Wasserressourcen ? Wasserwirtschaft ? Ressource ? Ressourcenschutz ? Hang ? Datenerhebung ? Wetterabhängigkeit ? Optimierungsmodell ?

Region: Niedersachsen

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2004-06-01 - 2006-05-31



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