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Entwicklung und Integration von Analysewerkzeugen zur operationellen Vorhersage von Naehrstoffen in den Muendungsgebieten europaeischer Fluesse

Description: Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Integration von Analysewerkzeugen zur operationellen Vorhersage von Naehrstoffen in den Muendungsgebieten europaeischer Fluesse" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Institut für Gewässerphysik durchgeführt. General Information: To be able to plan and manage sustainable development in the coastal zone on both short- and long-term time scales, environmental and socio-economic imperatives require the effective application of our knowledge of coastal ecosystems. Tools are needed to operationally monitor and forecast those parameters which have key functions in these ecosystems. The final goal is the ability to produce routine assessments of the spatial distribution of nutrients at any given moment and to describe its evolution in time. PIONEER will set up analysis systems for routine day-to-day monitoring, analysis and short-term prediction of nutrient distributions in the Odra and Ebro estuaries, which are located in coastal regions with significant impacts from nutrient loads. The project is focussed on integrating presently available technology and methodology in data management, geostatistical and dynamical data assimilation and numerical modelling in cooperation with scientific institutions, management authorities and commercial companies. Since the on-time delivery of reliable nutrient data can be achieved at present only with considerable employment of specialized personnel, the skills and potentials of these systems will be demonstrated during several weeks periods simulating 'real-time' operational conditions with data previously sampled. The perequisites to run such systems under real-time and continuous operational mode will be discussed. As a by-product, the project will offer estimates of the predictability of the estuarine ecosystems on time scales of days and weeks. The overall approach of PIONEER parallels that of weather forecasting in that actual point obervations are brought together with a 'best guess' into a data assimilation scheme. This analysis forms the initial state of the forecast . Since the application of data assimilation to nutrient forecasting is new, three different assimilation schemes of increasing complexity and skill will be explored: straightforward linear interpolation, geostatistics and dynamical data assimilation. Geostatistics uses a model of multivariate spatial-temporal correlation functions to optimally estimate the spatial distribution of a natural resource. Dynamical data assimilation results in a space-time analysis of the system which is dynamically consistent with the data, the guess and the assumed dynamics of the system in order to build an optimal forecast. The two techniques are complementary in the way they make use of the data and help improve understanding of the ecological system. Solutions obtained from each group of methods will be offered to the practitioner for the wide range of resource estimation and forecasting problems faced in estuarine and coastal research. ... Prime Contractor: GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Institut für Gewässerphysik; Geesthacht; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Geesthacht ? Nährstoffgehalt ? Nährstoffhaushalt ? Fluss ? Oder ? Bodeninformationssystem ? Fließgewässer ? Klimatologie ? Langzeitwirkung ? Datenaustausch ? Dauerbeobachtungsfläche ? Hydrogeologie ? Nährstoffbilanz ? Marines Ökosystem ? Zeitreihenanalyse ? Prognosedaten ? Geoinformation ? Monitoring ? Analyseverfahren ? Datenverarbeitung ? Management ? Mathematisches Modell ? Assimilation ? Evolution ? Numerisches Verfahren ? Ökologische Bewertung ? Aquatisches Ökosystem ? Bestimmungsmethode ? Prognosemodell ? Statistische Analyse ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Wettervorhersage ? Küstenregion ? Ökosystemforschung ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Hydrobiologie ? Europa ? Informationsvermittlung ? Ressource ? Mehrfachnutzung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Zusammenarbeit ? Forschungskooperation ? Sozioökonomische Merkmale ? Geowissenschaften ? Statistik ? Ökosystem ? Fischerei ? Dynamische Analyse ? Ebro ? Wissenschaftsintegration ?

Region: Schleswig-Holstein

Bounding boxes: 9.75° .. 9.75° x 54.2° .. 54.2°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1998-09-01 - 2001-08-31



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