Description: Das Projekt "Effects of UMTS radio-frequency fields on well-being and cognitive functions in human subjects with and without subjective complaints" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bern, Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin, Abteilung Internationale Gesundheit & Umwelt, Ressort Umwelt und Gesundheit durchgeführt. Background: In 2003, a Dutch study on the effects of GSM- and UMTS-like electromagnetic fields on well being and cognitive functions in human subjects was published (Zwamborn et al. 2003, hereafter called TNO-study). In the two groups studied (sensitive and non-sensitive subjects) exposure to GSM-electromagnetic fields had no effect on well being and did not consistently affect cognitive function, whereas UMTS-like exposure had a negative influence on well being. Cognitive function was only slightly affected in non-sensitive subjects in a positive way in one test (memory comparison test). The TNO-study is of good quality, but criticisms were raised with respect to study design, methodology and analysis. Objective and Hypothesis: Based on the results of the TNO-study, the objective of the present study is to replicate the effect of electromagnetic fields on well being and cognitive functions in humans with improved methodology and with focus on the UMTS-like exposure condition. Two field strengths will be applied on two groups of subjects with and without subjective complaints about sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Our working hypothesis is that exposure to UMTS-like radiation will attenuate well being in both groups, possibly in a dose-dependent manner, but will not affect cognitive performance of the subjects. Design and Method: The study will replicate the UMTS field condition of the TNO study (1V/m) using an identical exposure setup and will apply an additional field strength of 10 V/m to establish a dose-response relationship. Three treatments (sham, UMTS 1 V/m, UMTS 10 V/m) will be applied on each subject in a randomized, double blind design. During the treatments, subjects will not know whether they are exposed or not, and accordingly they will not know which field-strength will be applied. The effects of UMTS-like electromagnetic fields will be separately investigated in a group of subjects hypersensitive to EMF (group A) and in a group of subjects without symptoms to EMF (group B). On the basis of the TNO-report, sample sizes for both groups were calculated with a power analysis (p kleiner 0.05; power 0.8). The same sample size as in the TNO-study will be used in group A (N= 24). Due to a higher standard deviation, sample size in group B will consist of 60 subjects. Prior to and after exposure subjects will have to fill in an improved well-being questionnaire together with the TNO well-being questionnaire that will be handed after exposure. During exposure subjects will need to perform cognitive tests. In addition, organ and functional brain tissue specific dosimetry will be performed.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Resorption ? Elektromagnetisches Feld ? Textilchemikalien ? Dosimetrie ? Elektrizität ? Pflanzensamen ? Schadstoffbelastung ? Skigebiet ? Blei ? Akute Exposition ? Expositionsdauer ? Fragebogen ? Schadstoffexposition ? Strahlenexposition ? Strahlenschutz ? Wirkung ? Wohlstand ? Strahlung ? Langzeitbelastung ? Dosis ? Ackerland ? Bodenbelastung ? Bodenfunktion ? Bodenprobe ? Energie ? Exposition ? Organisches Gewebe ? Immission ? Lärmbelastung ? Studie ? Test ? Elektrosensibilität ? Mobilfunk ? Norm ? Arbeit ? Bedarf ? Gesundheitsvorsorge ? Organ ? Sicherheitsanalyse ? Vergleich ? Messergebnis ? Umwelt und Gesundheit ? Staatsbürger ? Gehirn ? abhängig ? Gruppe ? Güter ? Krankheitsbild ? Leistungsfähigkeit ? gebraucht ? Mentaler Effekt ? Methode ? spezifisch ? Funktion ? Methodik ? Probe ? Risikoexposition ? Thema ? Gegenwart ? angewandt ? Untersuchung ? Vergleiche [benutze Unterbegriffe] ? ein- ? Bemessung ? Bezug ? Verhältnis ? Ergebnis ? Zuschüttung ? Beschwerdeführer ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2004-09-01 - 2006-06-30
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