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Ultra compact high flux GaAs cell photovoltaic concentrator

Description: Das Projekt "Ultra compact high flux GaAs cell photovoltaic concentrator" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Telefunken electronic durchgeführt. General Information/Project Objectives: To design and build a photovoltaic concentrator based on a new optical design and a recently developed GaAs cell. The device will be capable of operation at 1000 suns with an acceptance angle of + / - 1.5 degrees, a global efficiency of 20-22 per cent (at Tcell=25 degrees), a cell to ambient temperature deop not greater than 40 degrees, and a total concentrator thickness not greater than 0.5 its aperture diameter. Because of several reasons, this aperture diameter will be in the range of 4-7 cm so the cell size is such that its manufacturing, bonding and encapsulation technologies become close t that of common opto-electronics devices and so the cost can be reduced up to the range of 0.1 ECU/KWh for a Southern Europe installation (on a large production basis). The cost reduction is partially based on using upto-electronics industry expertise and equipment. The last objective is to evaluate this cost. Technical Approach: The optical concentrator is of RXI type, which is unique providing large acceptance angles for high concentration devices. The concentrator will be turned on PMMA with diamond-tipped tools and will also be manufactured by injection molding (also using high accuracy tools for the molds). Mirroring of concentrator surfaces will be achieved by evaporation of solver. Encapsulation of the cell and filling of the region with high irradiance levels will be done by potting clear silicone. Two cell technologies will be used: Low Temperature Liquid Phase Epitaxy n GaAs and MOCVD also on GaAs. The first one is a recently developed technology which provides high quality material and allows the growing of structures as complex as the one to be grown here: a highly doped GaAs cap contact layer, an ultra-thin wide gap window, a thin photoactive p-GaAs, a photoactive n-GaAs achieved with a less complex structure. Optical efficiency, acceptance angle and cell efficiency will be measured at indoors facilities using solar simulators and conventional optical and electronic equipment. Photovoltaic concentrator efficiency, angular response and operating temperature will be measured at outdoors facilities. Expected Achievements and Exploitation: The main expected achievement is to prove the feasibility of the concept, i.e. to prove that significant cost reduction of photovoltaic energy may derive from the gathering of the following items: 1) GaAs cells working efficiently under high irradiance, 2) new concentrator designs combining large acceptance angles with high concentration factions and 3) the technology and expertise of the opto-electronic industry. Experience on photovoltaic cells and concentrators working under high irradiance should also result from the project, as well as the experience on encapsulation and bonding for such applications. ... Prime Contractor: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Instituto de Energia Solar; Madrid; Spain.



Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Silikon ? Madrid ? Elektronik ? Silizium ? Solarzelle ? Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte ? Main ? Alternative Energie ? Elektrotechnik ? Schimmel ? Verdunstung ? Alternativtechnologie ? Beleuchtungsstärke ? Energie ? Energietechnik ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Kapselung ? Kostensenkung ? Werkstoffkunde ? Europa ? Gebäudefenster ? Gutachten ? Produktdesign ? Technische Aspekte ? Effizienzsteigerung ? Energiespeicherung ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding box: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1997-06-01 - 1999-05-31



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