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Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft

Description: Das Projekt "Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. 95% of the incoming solar radiation at the sea surface is absorbed by the ocean body. This process is an integral part of the oceanic heat budget, drives most of the global biological production and, thus, almost all major nutrient and carbon cycles in the ocean. This emphasizes the need of a proper understanding of the transport of solar radiation into the ocean. While previous research has been devoted to the mean energy input by solar radiation into the ocean, effects of the temporal and spatial fluctuations of the incoming solar radiation including its distribution with depth are poorly known, although certainly of large importance. Such fluctuations are caused by variations in the atmospheric transmission, sea surface roughness and spray, turbulent fluctuations in density, plankton, gelbstoff and other biological parameter. Since both the radiative transfer and the physical, biological and chemical response in the upper ocean are non-linear processes, temporal and spatial variability in the radiation yields a systematically different mean response compared to more homogeneous forcing. An existing Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code will be modified to simulate variability in light penetration through observed and simulated physical and biological states of the upper ocean. The results will be applied to ocean circulation models and to models of biological and chemical tracer cycles. Furthermore, the effect of radiation variability on algal physiology, i.e. photosynthetic performance and physiological acclimation, will be explored.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Meereserwärmung ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Nährstoffgehalt ? Meerestemperatur ? Beleuchtung ? Kohlenstoff ? Physiologie ? Solarstrahlung ? Tracer ? Energieverteilung ? Meereswärme ? Meeresenergie ? Akklimatisation ? Licht ? Meeresboden ? Photosynthese ? Plankton ? Strahlung ? Chemikalien ? Kohlenstoffkreislauf ? Algen ? Meeresgewässer ? Physikalischer Vorgang ? Globale Aspekte ? Stoffkreislauf ? Ozeanographie ? Forschung ? Transmission ? Informationsgewinnung ? Kenngröße ? Ozean ? Turbulenz ? Zerstäubung ? Kreislaufmodell ?

Region: Sachsen

Bounding boxes: 10.40664° .. 10.40664° x 49.29433° .. 49.29433°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2006-11-01 - 2008-10-31




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