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InVeKoS Feldblöcke Sachsen

Im Rahmen des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems InVeKoS werden in Sachsen seit 2005 die Feldblöcke und Landschaftselemente als Referenzflächen gepflegt und bereit gestellt. Neben der Referenz des aktuellen Jahres können auch weiterführende Informationen über die Internetanwendung InVeKoS Online GIS bezogen werden.

InVeKoS förderfähige Elemente Sachsen

Im Rahmen des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems InVeKoS werden in Sachsen seit 2005 die Feldblöcke und Landschaftselemente als Referenzflächen gepflegt und bereit gestellt. Neben der Referenz des aktuellen Jahres können auch weiterführende Informationen über die Internetanwendung InVeKoS Online GIS bezogen werden.

oxygen concentration - bottom

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model calculated concentration of bottom oxygen (mean value), between August to September for the years 2006 to 2014 in the Western Baltic Sea.

anoxic days

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model (with a horizontal resolution of 600 m) calculated days per year with bottom oxygen below 2 ml/l, averaged between 2005 and 2014 in the German Baltic Sea.

Chlorophyll a - spring

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model (with a horizontal resolution of 600 m) calculated Chlorophyll a [µg/l] at surface, averaged for spring (March to May) between 2005 and 2014 in the German Baltic Sea.

Chlorophyll a - summer

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model (with a horizontal resolution of 600 m) calculated Chlorophyll a [µg/l] at surface, averaged for summer (June to August) between 2005 and 2014 in the German Baltic Sea.

Chlorophyll a - winter

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model (with a horizontal resolution of 600 m) calculated Chlorophyll a [µg/l] at surface, averaged for winter (December to February) between 2005 and 2014 in the German Baltic Sea.

Chlorophyll a - autumn

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model (with a horizontal resolution of 600m) calculated Chlorophyll a[µg/l] at surface, averaged for autumn (Septemberto November) between 2005 and 2014in the German Baltic Sea.

Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen - DIN - spring

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model (with a horizontal resolution of 600m) calculated Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen [µmol/l] at surface, averaged for spring (March to May) as sum of Nitrate and Ammonium between 2005 and 2014 in the German Baltic Sea.

Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen - DIN - summer

With ERGOM-GETM-WBS model (with a horizontal resolution of 600m) calculated Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen [µmol/l] at surface, averaged for summer (June to August) as sum of Nitrate and Ammonium between 2005 and 2014 in the German Baltic Sea.

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