This metadata refers to the presence of marine litter. It present information on marine litter items by beach and marine region, based on Marine Litter Watch (MLW). The European Environment Agency has developed Marine LitterWatch mobile app to collect information on marine litter and strengthen Europe’s knowledge base and thus provide support to European policy making. Marine LitterWatch is a citizen science based app that aims to help fill data gaps in beach litter monitoring.
The European Environment Agency has developed Marine LitterWatch mobile app to collect information on marine litter and strengthen Europe’s knowledge base and thus provide support to European policy making. Marine LitterWatch is a citizen science based app that aims to help fill data gaps in beach litter monitoring.
Data on emissions of air pollutants (ammonia (NH3), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) and sulphur dioxide (SO2)) reported annually by Member States to the European Commission (with copies to EEA) under Directive 2016/2284 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants.
Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA databases on the status and quality of Europes rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and on the quantity of Europes water resources
Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA databases on the status and quality of Europes rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and on the quantity of Europes water resources
Data on emissions of air pollutants (NH3, NMVOC, NOX, SO2) reported annually by Member States to the European Commission (with copies to EEA) under Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on National Emission Ceilings for certain pollutants.