The EU Bathing Waters Directive requires Member States to identify popular bathing places in fresh and coastal waters and monitor them for indicators of microbiological pollution (and other substances) throughout the bathing season which runs from May to September
The EU Bathing Waters Directive requires Member States to identify popular bathing places in fresh and coastal waters and monitor them for indicators of microbiological pollution (and other substances) throughout the bathing season which runs from May to September
All EU Member States are requested to monitor birds listed in the Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) and send a report about the progress made with the implementation of the Directive every 6 years following an agreed format. The assessment of breeding population short-term trend at the level of country is here presented. The spatial dataset contains gridded birds distribution data (10 km grid cells) as reported by EU Member States for the 2013-2018 period. The dataset is aggregated by species code and country in the attribute CO_MS. By use of the aggregated attribute [CO_MS], the tabular data can be joined to the spatial data to obtain e.g. the EU population status and trend. This metadata refers to the public dataset, without sensitive species.