Das Projekt "Heat recovery in the production of phosphoric acid" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BK Ladenburg GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The combustion of yellow phosphorus generates 24,350 kJ of heat per kg of the substance. The large-scale production of phosphoric acid involves the combustion of yellow phosphorus. The considerable amounts of heat generated in this process have been evacuated by means of cooling water. The project suggests to utilize this heat, in the future, for the generation of steam and to have it converted into electric power. This process-heat recovery enables considerable savings of primary energy (coal, oil, gas). General Information: The heat generated by the large-scale combustion of phosphorus is absorbed, in an acid tower, by recirculating acid. The recirculating acid then releases the heat previously absorbed into a heat exchanger (cooling water). The amounts of heat thus transferred are subsequently released, mainly in the form of steam, from the cooling tower into the atmosphere. Now, the new method suggests an upstream combustion chamber before the acid tower, thus utilizing a major part of the heat generated in the combustion of yellow phosphorus for the production of energy. The new method represents an energy-recovery process on a very high temperature level, with the possibility to produce high-pressure to medium-pressure steam with subsequent power/heat coupling. The estimated energy generation, at 8000 hours, would be as follows: Steam 15 t/h = 120,000 t/a with steam-pressure reduction from 80 bars/550 degree of Celsius to 40 bars/450 degree of Celsius. Electric power: 550 kWh = 4,400 mWh/a. Achievements: The project cannot be carried on, for the following reasons: - The capital expense (investment), in view of the actual cost level, will be approx. 30-40 per cent higher than estimated at the time of submission. - The capital payback period, due to the price decline for primary energy, will be excessively long (7 years); longer than there is an assured supply of phosphorus. - Since 1985, in view of a modified strategy, our company has increased its efforts to manufacture speciality products rather than to produce mass phosphates (commodities); this will lead to a reduced demand of phosphorus in the future. - A drastic collapse, since early 1986, in the sale of phosphate salts used in washing powers, detergents, and cleaning agents, will further reduce the amounts of phosphorus needed in the manufacture of our product line. - A major aspect of the project was the purchase of energy by Joh. A. Benckiser, with whom we have a joint network. Joh. A. Benckiser are no longer prepared to purchase any such energy.
Das Projekt "Verbesserung der Qualitaet von Biogas mit dem Ziel der Erhoehung seines Heizwertes auf Heizgasstandard" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Tiefbauamt durchgeführt. Objective: To construct a plant for the purification of biogas produced in a sewage treatment plant and to upgrade its calorific value. A projected 10 000 m3 of biogas will be processed daily. General Information: The biogas, which contains a high percentage of CO2, has a calorific value of 7.45 Kwh/m3. In addition, for final use H2S should be eliminated from the biogas. In order to reach the prescribed calorific value of 11.2 Kwh/m3 it may be necessary to add some hydrocarbons such as propane. The CO2 and H2S are removed in a regenerative alcanolamin process (MEA) for which the required steam of the MEA-lye is obtained from the sludge incineration plant. The condensate is conveyed back to the boiler on the sludge incineration plant. For purification the sewage gas has to go through the following process: - removal of CO2 and H2S by means of regenerative alcanolamine scrubbing; - drying, compression and absorption on activated aluminium oxide; - analysis of the CO2 content and dew point of the purified gas; - odorization with a pungent substance added by metering pump; - conditioning of the purified gas with LPG, to comply with the prescribed calorific value for fuel gas. Achievements: Experimental operation of the plant carried out from 5/9 to 11/9/1985 with the agreement of the Public Works Department and the City Gas Company was successfully completed. During this period approx. 40000 m3 purified sewage gas of natural gas quality were fed into the city's mains gas supply. The plant was thus deemed to be accepted and was transferred to the authority of the Public Works Department on 12/9/1985. Output Data of the plant were the following: Crude gas approx. 606 Nm3/h CO2 approx. 36 - 38 per cent vol. H2S approx. 270 - 320 mg/Nm3 N2 + 02 approx. 0.6 - 1.8 per cent vol. t approx. 20 deg. C. Purified gas max. 369 Nm3/h min. 128 Nm3/h. From commissioning in September 1985 until the end of 1988 3.8 million m3 of purified gas have been produced. This is equivalent to 3.7 million litres or 3.2 million kg of heating oil. The guaranteed performance of the plant is exceeded and the consumption of operating materials falls below the stated values. Despite increased output the guaranteed composition of purified gas is below the required levels. Operating costs of the main sewage plant are slightly reduced by sewage gas processing.
Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 3" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Institut für Wasserwirtschaft und Ökotechnologie durchgeführt. Hauptquelle für die direkten Treibhausgase Methan und Lachgas sowie indirekt Ammoniak in Deutschland ist die Landwirtschaft - Nutztierhaltung und Düngung mit Gülle. Insbesondere die Nährstoffproblematik ist trotz vieler Ansätze noch nicht gelöst. Ansatz zur möglichen Lösung in diesem Vorhaben ist die Abtrennung der Nährstoffe N zunächst als gasförmiges Ammoniak und P als festes Fällprodukt Struvit. Im Anschluss werden Ammoniak mit Schwefelsäure zu Ammoniumsulfat ausgewaschen und Struvit als Feststoff separiert. Dieser Ansatz ist insofern neu, als dass die Nährstoffe N und P der Gülle entnommen werden und eine unerwünschte Bildung des Treibhausgases Methan unterdrückt wird. Dazu wird die Gülle in Chargen alkalisiert und aufbereitet. Für die dadurch bedingten Verfahrensschritte werden Komponenten recherchiert, für die Machbarkeit und Verfügbarkeit dokumentiert sind. Es sind zunächst der Reaktortyp auszuwählen, die Aggregate zur Dosierung/Umwälzung/Mischung und die Begasung der Gülle zu testen. Der Maßstab insgesamt soll so gewählt werden, dass technisch verfügbare - möglich günstige- Standardkomponenten zum Einsatz kommen können. Dieses ist für eine spätere wirtschaftliche kommerzielle Anwendung wichtig. Der nächste Verfahrensschritt ist eine saure Gaswäsche mit Schwefelsäure, um den Dünger Ammoniumsulfat herzustellen. Als offene Anwendung häufig erprobt, wird hier jedoch das Strippgas oder die Strippluft geschlossen im Kreislauf geführt, um möglichst effektiv zu arbeiten und keine Emissionen aus der Wäsche entstehen zu lassen. Diese Technik ist neu und stellt ein hohes Innovationspotenzial dar. Daher müssen die Komponenten für die Absorption ausgelegt und getestet werden. Letzter technischer Schritt ist die Untersuchung der Feststoffseparation (Sedimente und Schwimmdecke) aus der Gülle mittels Pressen. Die Versuchsanlage wird im Praxistest mit Gülle betrieben. Es erfolgen Optimierungen mit/ohne Anpassungen der Technik und der Entwurf für ein Scale-up (Tierhaltung).
Das Projekt "Einsatz von Waerme aus Abwasser und Klaergas aus einer Klaeranlage fuer die Fernwaermeversorgung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadtwerke Waiblingen durchgeführt. Objective: Utilization of the heat potential of cleaned waste water and sewage gases from a sewage treatment plant by means of an absorption heat pump for the heating of several large buildings of the town of Waiblingen. General Information: The planned district heating of the town of Waiblingen consists of an absorption heat pump and 2 gas boilers, operating in a bivalent parallel connection. It has a total heating capacity of 9500 kW (2500 kW heat pump, 2 x 3500 kW boilers). For the supply of the users, a heating capacity of 6450 kW is necessary, the surplus capacity serves as reserve. The plant utilizes the heat potential of cleaned waste water and sewage gases from the town's sewage treatment plant to produce heating waste which is fed in to the network for the heating of 6 public buildings: town hall, covered market, indoor swimming pool, civic center, sewage plant, hospital. The absorption heat pump operates with NH3 a heat carrier and a NH2 - water solution as solvent. The heat source is the waste water from the sewage treatment plant which is cooled down from 9 degree C to 5 degree C in the heat pump evaporator. An automatic brush cleaning system keeps the evaporator free of dirt. The ejection boiler is fired with sewage gas and natural gas. Apart of the ejection boiler's exhaust gas, heat is recovered in a heat exchanger for the heating of the district heating water. In the whole heat pump system, the district heating water is heated from its return temperature of 40 degree C to a supply temperature of 65 degree C. The heat pump covers the base load of the district heating network, it supplies about 77 per cent of the total annual output of the district heating plant. In the case of consumption peaks at low outside temperatures, the boilers, using natural gas and sewage gas as fuel, are switched on. When using the boilers, the temperature of the supply water of the heating network can be raised to 110 degree C. A surplus of hot water produced by the heat pump is fed into an 80 m3 storage tank and can again be taken out in case of an increasing heat demand in the district heating circuit. The calculated energy saving of this heat pump - boiler plant amounts to 880 TOE/y, compared with a monovalent decentral gas boiler concept. The cost of the project amounts to DM 11,434,246. The construction phase of the project has started in 1983. The completion of the demonstration is expected for the end of 1984. Achievements: The Waiblingen plant has operated satisfactorily. Only the development of micro-organisms in the treated waste water on a few days in 1984. These micro-organisms brought about severe fouling of the automatic backwashing filter, which could only be removed by manual cleaning. It is, however, possible to avoid such upset conditions by careful monitoring and by applying adequate cleaning methods. As far as the energetic aspects are concerned, plant operation in practice shows positive and negative deviations from design and ...
Das Projekt "Entwicklung von Tastensystemen fuer Offshore-Tauchboote - Phase 2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Thyssen Nordseewerke durchgeführt. Objective: The overall aim of the project is to further pursue the development of the key systems of offshore submarines begun in Phase I (TH. 07062/86) in order to attain the level of proven technology. By extensive testing of those systems which are not standard technology on test rigs and in a submarine in real operations, it is intended to obtain sufficient data to gain acceptance from potential users and to qualify the submarine for sub sea work. See projects TH./07062/86 and OG./00064/91. General Information: The project covers the engineering, construction and testing of the systems mentioned below. The programme also includes the engineering for the installation of the test rigs in a submarine. It is planned to install the plant in a existing submarine and test the systems in real sub sea operations in a subsequent Phase III. Energy system: Based on the experience gained on the test rig built in Phase I, a new and improved closed cycle diesel engine of 150 kW will be engineered and built. The improvements are expected to achieve the following: (1) Increase in the specific power output. (2) Improvement of the system efficiency. (3) Reduction in noise level. (4) Higher endurance. After extensive testing of the new closed cycle diesel on the test rig, it is planned to install the plant on a submarine for trials at sea. The engineering for the installation is part of the current project. Life support system: During Phase I a concept for the regenerative CO2 absorption system was established. In the present project a full scale test plant for a full submarine crew is to be engineered, built and tested on a land based rig. Later the equipment will be tested together with the energy system on a submarine in a planned Phase III. Achievements: The technical objectives of this part project with respect to: - increase in specific power output or conversely decrease in space requirements per unit power; - improvement of the system efficiency; - reduction in noise level; - improved reliability and higher endurance were achieved. The test rig achieved a power output in excess of 450 kWe. Life support system: After some initial problems with the behaviour of the amine granules in the absorption beds, the test CO2 control system performed satisfactorily. It achieved 94 per cent of the design rating of 220 l/h (CO2 removal) for a submarine crew of 11 persons at atmospheric conditions of 17 deg. C and 40 per cent r.h. Endurance tests were not performed during the current Phase; these are planned for Phase III.
Das Projekt "Der Einsatz der Fernerkundung zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffgehaltes von Vegetation - Ein Beitrag zur IGBP/BAHC Forschung in Deutschland" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität München, Institut für Geographie, Lehrstuhl für Geographie und Geographische Fernerkundung durchgeführt. The main goal of this project was the investigation of the nitrogen of vegetation using remote sensing techniques. The small bandwidths of hyperspectral sensors in combination with the contiguous recording of the solar domain of the electromagnetic spectrum enable the derivation of plant constituents and pigments via their specific absorption features. Nitrogen does not reflect or absorb itself, but its amount can be derived indirectly via the chlorophyll absorption. In this study the focus lie on a combination of the chlorophyll/nitrogen content and specific plant water absorption at 960nm. Hyperspectral sensors are required to retrieve the pigment contents of plants. To do this the institutes own airborne imaging spectrometer AVIS (Airborne Visible/near Infrared Imaging Spectrometer) was used. The airborne measurements were supported by ground-based measurements, which were used to develop an empirical relationship between the nitrogen content of the vegetation canopies investigated and the remote sensing measurements. The primary intention was the investigation of permanent grassland. The cooperation with the Amt für Landwirtschaft Weilheim enabled the ancillary investigation of crops. Therefore, the main crop types, i.e. winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.), were monitored in addition to the grassland canopies.
Das Projekt "Mobiles Notfallsystem für den Einsatz bei Havarien mit Chlor" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Akzo Nobel Industrial Chemicals GmbH durchgeführt. Das Unternehmen Akzo Nobel Industrial Chemicals GmbH betreibt Chloralkali-Elektrolysen an den Standorten Bitterfeld, Frankfurt am Main und Ibbenbüren. Aus einer Kochsalzlösung werden die Produkte Chlor, Natronlauge und Wasserstoff er-zeugt. Während ein Teil zu Folgeprodukten wie Salzsäure, Bleichlauge und Eisensalz-lösungen weiterverarbeitet oder über Rohrleitungen transportiert wird, wird ein Teil der Chlorproduktion an Kunden über den Schienenverkehr ausgeliefert. Trotz hoher Sicherheitsstandards, die für den Transport von Chlor bereits heute gelten, bleibt ein Restrisiko, wenn es zu einem Zugunglück kommt. Dann müssen die Kesselwagen ggf. restlos entleert werden. Damit dabei kein Chlor austreten kann, wird das Unternehmen ein innovatives mobiles Notfallaggregat für Chlorunfälle bereitstellen. Mit der Anlage soll künftig im Falle einer Havarie schnell eine vollständige und risikofreie Umwandlung des Chlors erfolgen, das dann sicher abtransportiert werden kann. Das Vorhaben wird aus dem Umweltinnovationsprogramm gefördert. Das Notfallaggregat wird eine mobile Chlorabsorptionsanlage, ein Notfall-Kit, das den Anschluss an Chlor-Kesselwagen und die Hilfsenergieversorgung ermöglicht, und einen Teststand umfassen. Die neun Tonnen schwere Anlage soll in ISO-Containern untergebracht werden, deren Transport an den Ort der Havarie über Straße, Schiene und möglicherweise auch Luft möglich ist. Einmal vor Ort, soll die Anlage innerhalb kürzester Zeit einsatzbereit sein. Das Notfallaggregat ist durch Verwendung moderner Werkstoffe bis hin zur Kopplung von Mehrfachreaktionskreisläufen innovativer als die bisher angewandte Technik. Die vorgesehene Kühlung sorgt für eine Steigerung der Effizienz und der Sicherheit bei der Absorption. Eine Steuereinheit des Aggregats garantiert, dass etwa bei der Über-schreitung der sicheren Prozessbedingungen eine Notabschaltung erfolgt. Die Kombination dieser Ansätze führt nicht nur zu einer vollständigen Umwandlung des Chlors, sondern im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Verfahren auch zu einer Durchsatz-steigerung um den Faktor 10. Das Unternehmen plant, das Notfallsystem im Rahmen des Transport-Unfall-Informations-Systems (TUIS) Behörden, Feuerwehren, Polizei und anderen Einsatzkräften zur Verfügung zu stellen. Damit wird der Schutz von Bevölkerung und Umwelt erheblich erhöht.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung eines Waermewandlers, der bei 130 Grad C Betriebsdampf erzeugt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MAN durchgeführt. General Information: Different possibilities have been studied to produce heat at 125 - 145 degrees c for a paper dryer from its waste heat at 80 - 90 degrees c. A comparison of the possible systems was made regarding technical feasibility, energy saving potential and costs. The two-staged absorption heat pump with libr/h2o was found to be able to work under the specific operating conditions of the reference paper machine. A 100 kw heat pump of this type was built and tested on a test rig. As a result of these tests the following modifications are being brought about: - installation of a pump to control the solution and avoid crystallization of libr - continuous measurement of the libr concentration - design of a new libr solution distribution system - replacement of the solution heat exchanger by a new apparatus with low losses.
Das Projekt "Duennfilm-Gassolarzellen auf der Grundlage von Cu(Ga,In)Se2-Chalkopyrit-Halbleitern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Physikalische Elektronik durchgeführt. Objective: The project aims to realize efficient thin film solar cells with chalcopyrite semiconductors as absorber material. Either single junction devices with optimized bangap or tandem systems are developed. The work is performed in collaboration with the Universities of Parma (Prof. Romeo), Montpellier (Prof. Savelli), Newcastle Polytechnique (Prof. Hill), and ENSC de Paris (Dr. Vedel). General Information: Cu(Ga,In)Se2 thin films are deposited by simultaneous vacuum evaporation of the single elements from special sources. Films with compositions y in the whole range of the quaternary system cugay In1-Y Se2 have been investigated. The optical bandgap varies nearly linearly with composition from 1.04 to 1.68 ev. Only p-type conductivity strongly dependent on the Cu/Ga + in ratio have been observed. Heterojunctions have been fabricated by evaporating Ga-doped (Zn, Cd)S or ZNO films onto the absorber layer. Solar cell efficiencies of cells with compositions Y =0, 0.5, 1 are 8.4, 2.7, 5.8 per cent. First results on films fabricated by selenization of metal films have demonstrated the feasibility of this possibly low-cost method.
Das Projekt "Energy-saving production of molassed durable beet pulp" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Südzucker AG durchgeführt. Objective: Energy savings by the production of durable molassed beet pulp by means of a second mechanical draining, utilizing the diffusion effect of the factory-owned molasses. The process makes use of draining effect of diffusion with highly concentrated factory owned molasses and then again pressed in a specifically designed conical press. The results are molassed beet pulp with sucrose content. The press drain is recirculated, inspissated in several stages. In contrast to wet pulp, the process is less expensive and the final product is durable without further treatment and reduce the nutrient losses during the ensilaging. General Information: Pressed pulp and molasses (92 per cent TS, 95 C) are doughed in at a 1:1 ratio. The mixed product has to be homogeneous. The required reaction time period for the complete utilization of the pulp's ability to absorb molasses is realised in a conditioning container. The temperature of the molasses strongly influences the pressed pulp's ability for absorption. The conical press works continually. Pressure-regulated, hydraulically moved stoppers fill the conical press and provide for an optimal filling of the conical press. Squeezing pressure and squeezing time have a positive effect on the quantity of the final dry matter in the molassed beet pulp. The resulting final product shows a dry matter content of approximately 70 per cent TS and approximately 30 per cent polarizable sugar, dependent on the sugar content of the factory-owned molasses. The quantity of the attainable dry matter depends on the squeezing performance of the press, as well as on the quantity of the dry matter added by the molasses. The obtained product may be marketed directly or dried conventionally. Economically, the most favourable inspissation of the press drain to approximately 80 per cent TS is effected in a multiple-phase evaporating station. The factory-owned molasses, a by-product of the sugar production, are added to the previously concentrated molasses. In order to obtain the highest possible solid matter in the pressed pulp, the solid matter content of the molasses has to be adjusted to the highest level. Under practical conditions, this requirement for molasses is technically and economically attainable only with great difficulties and has therefore never been practised.
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