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Das Projekt "BAT-Studie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IfG - Institut für Gießereitechnik gGmbH durchgeführt.

Use of a new type of anthracite curner and boiler in a power station

Das Projekt "Use of a new type of anthracite curner and boiler in a power station" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sophia-Jacoba GmbH, Steinkohlenbergwerk durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the use of an innovative, low pollutant burner of low volability anthracite, in a power station, in combination with a boiler system linked to a coal mine, thus solving the problems of mineral oil substitutes, use of low volability coal, SO2 separation, nitrogen removal, adjustability and economy. General Information: The burner design, divided into pre-burner and main burner, means that the ignition and burning of the coal dust can be maintained without brick-lined burner walls and heated combustion air. Due to the type of air passage and course of combustion, the combusted ash is drawn off dry; the boiler can be dimensioned without the need to take waste gas loading into account. The direction of the air and combustion allows 'the cold' combustion with low NOx concentrations. By the addition of lime dust, waste gases are desulphurised in the burner. After grinding to dust, fine coal is passed from storage silos to 7 burners then passed for pre-burning where it is ignited using propane gas; this is gradually decreased (after warming the pre -burner) as the coal dust passes in. This, then, continues to burn by recirculation of hot exhaust gases and continuous glowing coal-dust residue at the end of the pre -burner/start of the main burner. Air supply is via nozzles at the end of the burner which allows combustion control, termination and separation of air particles for easy disposal. To reduce SO2, lime dust is added in the main burner. Waste gas is filtered prior to emission to the atmosphere. The advantage of low-volability coals are: - easier storage (fewer volatile components); - easier transport by road, without need for special measures; - no danger from explosion since anthracite dust is not self -igniting, and there is no risk to groundwater. It is comparable to gas or oil-fired systems from the viewpoint of handling, storage and burning. Achievements: The burners were able to ignite and burn low volatile coal in the combustion chambers of this unit, however, an operation of the boiler was not possible. Reasons were the temperature level, flow behaviour, heat expansion and instabilities of the feed water flow. Thus the project failed. The calculation of expected and actual simple payback was originally based on a comparison with oil burning installations. Based on today's oil price a re-evaluation does not turn out favourable for coal. Furthermore, a realistic comparison cannot be conducted due to the defective boiler.

Ersatz von Asbest in chemisch bestaendigen Bauteilen

Das Projekt "Ersatz von Asbest in chemisch bestaendigen Bauteilen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gewerkschaft Keramchemie durchgeführt. Projektbeschreibung (1. Ausgangslage, 2. Zielsetzung, 3. Massnahmen): 1. Asbest ist seit Jahren als krebserzeugender Arbeitsstoff bekannt. (Siehe hierzu 13. Mitteilung der Senatskommision zur Pruefung gesundheitsschaedlicher Arbeitsstoffe der DFG 1977 Seite 45). Um Gefahren durch krebserzeugende Asbeststaeube zu verhindern, hat die schwedische Regierung einschneidende Verwendungsbeschraenkungen fuer asbesthaltige Waren erlassen. Aus den gleichen Gruenden hat die finnische Regierung den Abbau von Asbest in den Gruben einstellen lassen. 2. Zur Beseitigung von Gesundheitsgefahren bei der Herstellung, Montage und Wartung von chemisch und thermisch bestaendigen Bauteilen aus faserverstaerkten Phenolformaldehyd-Harzen soll Asbest durch andere anorganische Fasern ersetzt werden. 3. In der 1. Stufe werden in Laborversuchen marktuebliche Fasern auf ihre Eignung untersucht. In der 2. Stufe wird im Technikumsmassstab die Verarbeitung und Bearbeitung der Massen inTestbauteilen geprueft. In der 3. Stufe wird die Eignung der neuen, nicht gesundheitsschaedlichen Chemie-Werkstoffe im praktischen Einsatz erprobt.

A long-term climate record from lacustrine sediments of the Zada-Basin, SW Tibet

Das Projekt "A long-term climate record from lacustrine sediments of the Zada-Basin, SW Tibet" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, Institut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation durchgeführt. The long-term history of the Asian monsoon climate is important for a better understanding of regional- to global-scale climate change during the late Neogene, but poorly documented. We propose a multidisciplinary study of -1 km thick late Miocene to Pleistocene (ca. 7-1 Ma?) lacustrine deposits exposed in the Zada basin, SW Tibet, to establish a medium- to highresolution long-term climate record for that region. The present proposal will build and expand upon the results of an ongoing pilot study, during which we established a detailed stratigraphic and sedimentologic framework, and carried out initial sampling for sediment-petrographic work, geochronologic work, and the evaluation of a variety of different potential proxy materials for the reconstruction of climatic and ecologic conditions in the Zada Basin during Late Miocene to Pleistocene time.

Einfluss von Dichloromethan auf den Abbau von Ethanol im Blut von Ratten

Das Projekt "Einfluss von Dichloromethan auf den Abbau von Ethanol im Blut von Ratten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales, Zentralinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin, Ordinariat für Arbeitsmedizin durchgeführt. Wechselseitige Beeinflussungen von Arbeitsstoffen, Medikamenten und Alkohol im Stoffwechsel koennen zu additiven oder potenzierenden Effekten im Hinblick auf eine Gesundheitsschaedigung fuehren. In Tierversuchen sollte ueberprueft werden, inwieweit sich das industriell haeufig verwendete Dichlormethan auf den Abbau von Aethylalkohol auswirkt. Eine Potenzierung der Alkoholeffekte durch Dichlormethan kann fuer die Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz ebenso bedeutungsvoll sein wie fuer das Verhalten im Strassenverkehr auf dem Wege zur und von der Arbeitsstaette. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Dichlormethan die Abbaugeschwindigkeit des Alkohols nicht beeintraechtigt, wohl aber die absolute Hoehe des Blutalkoholspiegels. Eine Erklaerung fuer letzteres Phaenomen steht noch aus.

Vorfuehrung eines energiesparenden Verfahrens zum Schmelzen von Blei

Das Projekt "Vorfuehrung eines energiesparenden Verfahrens zum Schmelzen von Blei" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Berzelius durchgeführt. Objective: To modify an existing QSL reactor to enable the demonstration of the energy-saving, low-pollution process. This requires operating the unit on a continuous basis -vs. the current batch-operation - for 6 months and then switching to cheaper feedstock for an other 6 months. General Information: In the 30,000 TPY QSL-plant of the Berzelius company, initial tests were run to show that it can be operated with an energy-saving of approximately 50 per cent, using lower-value feedstock while reducing SO2 and dust emissions by over 80 per cent The key of the QSL process is that it is a one-step process - compared to two steps in conventional lead-smelting - taking place in one single reactor. This enables the reduction of SO2 emissions by some 93 per cent and dust by 80 per cent. The lead-concentrate (feed) is mixed with fluxes, water and recycled flue dust in a mixer and is then pelletised into so-called green pellets which are kept wet to avoid dusting problems. They are fed into the reactor which is separated into an oxidation and a reduction zone. In the oxidation zone oxygen is blown in to oxidise the lead sulfides to metallic lead and high-lead slag. The high-lead slag passes into the reduction zone, which is separated from the oxidation zone by a weir. Pulverized coal and air or oxygen are blown into the reduction zone from the bottom. The coal reduces the lead oxide contained in the slag to metallic lead, which recombines with the primary lead from the oxidation zone before being tapped. The reduced low-lead slag leaves the reactor via an overflow and is either granulated or processed to recover the zone. The SO2-containing off-gas leaves the oxidation zone of the reactor at appr. 1100 deg. C. It is cooled to less than 800 deg. C. in a vertical uptake before passing to a waste heat boiler, an electro-filter and a sulfuric acid plant. The remaining flue dusts go back to the above mixer. To confirm the initial tests, the reactor needs to operate continuously for 6 months (Phase I) after which the feedstock will be switched to cheaper sulfur-containing coal and waste-fuels such as Petroleum coke (Phase II). The cost of the project is DM 10,9 million of which approximately DM 5 million covers Phase I. The benefit of the project is an estimated 30-35 per cent reduction in both investment and operating costs i.e., for a 100,000 TPY lead smelter the investment is approximately DM 150 million for a conventional plant vs. DM 100 million for a QSL-plant and the energy saving equivalent to 10.4 TOE. Patent coverage exists through 5 different patents. Achievements: The object of the project supported by the European Community was the demonstration that the QSL process exhibits only 50 per cent of the energy consumption required in conventional lead smelting. The target of the test as described was reached almost completely with the demonstration plant over a test period of considerable duration. In addition, success was also attained in replacing..

Entwicklung eines Waermewandlers, der bei 130 Grad C Betriebsdampf erzeugt

Das Projekt "Entwicklung eines Waermewandlers, der bei 130 Grad C Betriebsdampf erzeugt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MAN durchgeführt. General Information: Different possibilities have been studied to produce heat at 125 - 145 degrees c for a paper dryer from its waste heat at 80 - 90 degrees c. A comparison of the possible systems was made regarding technical feasibility, energy saving potential and costs. The two-staged absorption heat pump with libr/h2o was found to be able to work under the specific operating conditions of the reference paper machine. A 100 kw heat pump of this type was built and tested on a test rig. As a result of these tests the following modifications are being brought about: - installation of a pump to control the solution and avoid crystallization of libr - continuous measurement of the libr concentration - design of a new libr solution distribution system - replacement of the solution heat exchanger by a new apparatus with low losses.

Bekanntgabe nach § 5 (2) UVPG über die Feststellung der UVP-Pflicht für ein Vorhaben der Bayer AG in Wuppertal

Die Bayer AG hat mit Datum vom 10.12.2021 (Eingang vom 13.12.2021), einen Antrag auf Genehmigung nach § 16 BImSchG zur wesentlichen Änderung der Anlage für chemische Prozesse mit spez. Arbeitsstoffen (PH4) durch Erweiterung der Anlage auf dem Werksgelände Elberfeld an der Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 217-333 in 42117 Wuppertal gestellt. Beantragt ist die Errichtung und der Betrieb einer neuen Produktionslinie zur Herstellung von Finerenone. In diesem Zusammenhang soll das vorhandene Gebäude 8 baulich ertüchtigt und in den Anlagenbestand integriert werden. Zur Realisierung werden zusätzliche Rührwerkbehälter, Vorlagen, Wärmetauscher, Filter, Zentrifugen, Trockner, Zwischenbehälter, Fördergeräte sowie Pumpen einschl. der zugehörigen Versorgungsperipherie installiert. Diese soll künftig als neue Betriebseinheit 3 (BE 3) geführt werden.

Pollution at coke works - measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the atmosphere within the environs and in the neighbourhood of coke works - Phase II

Das Projekt "Pollution at coke works - measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the atmosphere within the environs and in the neighbourhood of coke works - Phase II" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von DMT-Gesellschaft für Forschung und Prüfung, Institut für Kokserzeugung und Kohlechemie durchgeführt. Objective: The main aims of the research project are to - harmonize the measuring procedures for conditions at the place of work and in the environment of coking plants - to find out more about the passage of PAH emissions from coking plants through the atmosphere and their effects. General Information: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are formed in the pyrolysis of organic material, e.g. in the coking of hard coal. Although the major proportion of the PAH produced in the coking plant is separated out of the crude gas together with the tar, and then undergoes further treatment, a certain amount can still be emitted into the atmosphere and thus affect both the workers at the plant and the population living in the environment. This is particularly important since some PAH e.g. benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), are considered carcinogenic. To investigate the related questions, a joint research project was carried out and provided answers to several highly complex questions, e.g.: - harmonization of analysis methods - harmonization of sampling methods for measuring emissions - drawing up balance sheets for PAH in emissions, at places of work and in the environment - the implementation of new techniques e.g. LAMMA measuring procedure, mutagenesis tests. Other problems, some of which arose during the investigations, could not be solved satisfactorily for lack of either time or financial resources. In particular, it was not possible to harmonize the sampling methods of the three organisations for measurements at the place of work and in the environment of coking plants. Although this had no influence on the assessment of the results achieved in each Member State, it was impossible to compare these results where they had been obtained under conditions peculiar to coking in specific Member States i.e. different coal types, coking conditions, environmental protection facilities, oven design etc. The US Environmental Protection Agency's most recent decision to classify coking oven emissions as dangerous pollutants and the effects of this decision on legislation in Europe make this type of information increasingly important. It was therefore agreed to tackle the outstanding questions in a follow-up project.

Economic comparison of decontamination and direct melting with a view to recycling scrap

Das Projekt "Economic comparison of decontamination and direct melting with a view to recycling scrap" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH durchgeführt. Objective: the decommissioning of nuclear facilities either requires the final disposal of large quantities of contaminated scrap metal or the decontamination to a degree which allows its further use in nuclear or other areas. Decontamination technology is well developed and in most cases based on the application of highly corrosive agents or electrochemical processes. Recently, direct melting has been added to these procedures as it allows for the separation of Cs and Sr from the base material. However, the volatile contamination agents have to be retained by appropriate filter systems. The objective of this work is to carry out an economic study of decontamination, direct melting and super-compaction, with a view to recycling of scrap, in order to establish a state-of-the-art cost structure for the decommissioning of nuclear installations. This economic comparison is based on actual clean-up or decommissioning work executed by the contractor under industrial conditions. This study takes into account the nuclear installations in Germany. General information: 1. Review studies. 1.1. Inventory of contaminated metal scrap until 1994. 1.2. Review of existing decontamination methods. 1.3. Review of licensing conditions for recycling of decontaminated metal scrap. 2. Assessment of the investment and running cost of the three following procedures: - decontamination of scrap metal followed by melting and release, - direct melting of scrap metal, followed by release, - super-compaction followed by disposal as radioactive waste.

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