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Ozone soundings as a tool for detecting ozone change

Das Projekt "Ozone soundings as a tool for detecting ozone change" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung - Institut AWI - Forschungsstelle Potsdam durchgeführt. Objective: 1. To measure the rate and extent of ozone loss both inside the Arctic vortex and at middle latitudes during the winters of 1995-96, 96-97 and 97-98. 2. To follow the ozone destruction as it develops during an individual winter and from one winter to the next. 3. To investigate the structure and duration of laminae episodes. 4. To extend the important record of ozonesonde data obtained during the last four winters. 5. To build a data base of quality controlled ozonesonde data collected since 1988. 6. To provide this and other projects with meteorological analyses and forecasts from ECMWF. General Information: The work programme consists of five work packages: 1. Purchase and distribution of sondes and sonde operation 2. Match campaign and analysis If ozone loss occurs it will be detected by launching sondes from different stations into the same air mass a few days apart. This is achieved by using forecast trajectories. A large number of such matching pairs is needed in order to get a good statistics. It is the aim to investigate the ozone loss both inside the polar vortex and at middle latitudes. Sondes launched in Canada will be used as primary sondes, and the same air mass will be measured by the European stations. 3. Ozone laminae, climatology and trends 3.1 Mean ozone field 3.2 Ozone versus potential vorticity (PV) The effects of dynamics will be isolated from chemical effects by considering the relative evolution of ozone and PV. 3.3 Extension to subtropical latitudes This activity will address changes in the ozone distribution caused by dynamical changes, which can then be linked to the effects seen at middle latitudes. 3.4 Ozone trends on isentropic levels The temporal evolution of the ozone mixing ratio at isentropic surfaces will be studied. Diabatic descent will be accounted for. Data will be sorted according to the PV values at the sounding site. 3.5 Measurement of ozone laminae A newly improved ozone lidar will measure ozone from 4 to 18 km. It will be used to measure the passage of ozone laminae over Aberystwyth, in order to determine the typical along-flow scales of these features. 4. Quality control and homogeneous ozonesonde data base Ozonesonde data will be subject to daily quality control. A comparison of how the different stations convert raw data to geophysical data will be carried out before winter 1996-97. Common sounding instructions will be distributed to the stations. After the campaign the post mission quality control will verify the correctness of the final data in close collaboration with the station PIs. An archive of quality controlled data from 1988-1998 will be made and disseminated on CD-ROM. 5. Data centre and ECMWF data Ozonesonde data will be collected from the sounding stations in near real time. Data from ECMWF will be collected for use by OSDOC and some other projects. Prime Contractor: Norwegian Institute for Air Research; Kjeller; Norway.

Stratosphaerische Ozonvariationen im Bereich des arktischen Polarwirbels II

Das Projekt "Stratosphaerische Ozonvariationen im Bereich des arktischen Polarwirbels II" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 1 Physik,Elektrotechnik, Institut für Umweltphysik,Fernerkundung durchgeführt. Die Station in Ny Alesund nimmt im globalen Programm des NDSC (Network of Detection of Stratospheric Change) als 'Arctic Primary Station' eine Schluesselrolle ein. Das Messprogramm umfasst die Messung von Ozon- und Spurenstoffprofilen (z.B. Cio) sowie Druck- und Temperaturverteilung, Aerosole und die Totalmenge von weiteren wichtigen Spurengasen (z.B. N2O, HCI, HF, CIONO2 usw.) die Instrumentierung der Station wurden durch das OFP und Eigenmittel der beteiligten Institute aufgebaut. Das Gebaeude und wesentliche Teile der Logistik werden vom AWI zur Verfuegung gestellt. Um die Sicherstellung des Messprogramms waehrend SESAME zu gewaehrleisten und die Datenauswertung zu ermoeglichen, ist eine Verlaengerung des laufenden Projektes um 6 Monate bis 30. Juni 1995 notwendig. In dieser Zeit soll auch gemeinsam mit dem BMBF eine langfristige Loesung fuer den Stationsbetrieb und die wissenschaftliche Betreuung gefunden werden.