Das Projekt "Evaluation of Relevant Aspects of the Environmental Impact Assessments for Completion of the Nuclear Power Stations Rivne Unit 4 and Khmelnitsky Unit 2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Institut. Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V. durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Highly-resolved imaging in artificial and natural soils to yield dynamics and structure of interfaces from oxygen, pH and water content" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Potsdam, Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. In soils and sediments there is a strong coupling between local biogeochemical processes and the distribution of water, electron acceptors, acids, nutrients and pollutants. Both sides are closely related and affect each other from small scale to larger scale. Soil structures such as aggregates, roots, layers, macropores and wettability differences occurring in natural soils enhance the patchiness of these distributions. At the same time the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of these important parameters is difficult to access. By applying non-destructive measurements it is possible to overcome these limitations. Our non-invasive fluorescence imaging technique can directly quantity distribution and changes of oxygen and pH. Similarly, the water content distribution can be visualized in situ also by optical imaging, but more precisely by neutron radiography. By applying a combined approach we will clarify the formation and architecture of interfaces induces by oxygen consumption, pH changes and water distribution. We will map and model the effects of microbial and plant root respiration for restricted oxygen supply due to locally high water saturation, in natural as well as artificial soils. Further aspects will be biologically induced pH changes, influence on fate of chemicals, and oxygen delivery from trapped gas phase.
Das Projekt "Geothermal Energy Supply in Chile, Phase 1: General Framework and Environmental Impact Assessment" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hochschule Bochum, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Zentrum für Geothermie und Zukunftsenergien durchgeführt. Climate protection aspects, commitments to the Kyoto-protocol and a guarantee of the national energy supply are the main drivers for this project of the Government of Chile. In the first phase of the consultation GZB will be the technical partner of a workgroup which is going to establish a government-guideline for the implementation of geothermal energy projects in Chile. The guideline will emphasize legal, financial and environmental aspects.
Das Projekt "Probing the Earth's subdecadal core-mantle dynamics based on satellite geomagnetic field models" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Potsdam, Institut für Mathematik durchgeführt. The CHAMP mission provided a great amount of geomagnetic data all over the globe from 2000 to 2010. Its dense data coverage has allowed us to build GRIMM - GFZ Reference Internal Magnetic Model - which has the highest ever resolution for the core field in both space and time. We have already modeled the fluid flow in the Earth's outer core by applying the diffusionless magnetic induction equation to the latest version of GRIMM, to find that the flow evolves on subdecadal timescales, with a remarkable correlation to the observed fluctuation of Earth rotation. These flow models corroborated the presence of six-year torsional oscillations in the outer core fluid. Torsional oscillation (TO) is a type of hydromagnetic wave, theoretically considered to form the most important element of decadal or subdecadal core dynamics. It consists of relative azimuthal rotations of rigid fluid annuli coaxial with the mantle's rotation and dynamically coupled with the mantle and inner core. In preceding works, the TOs have been studied by numerical simulations, either with full numerical dynamos, or solving eigenvalue problems ideally representing the TO system. While these studies drew insights about dynamical aspects of the modeled TOs, they did not directly take into account the observations of geomagnetic field and Earth rotation. Particularly, there have been no observation-based studies for the TO using satellite magnetic data or models. In the proposed project, we aim at revealing the subdecadal dynamics and energetics of the Earth's core-mantle system on the basis of satellite magnetic observations. To that end, we will carry out four work packages (1) to (4), for all of which we use GRIMM. (1) We perform timeseries analyses of core field and flow models, to carefully extract the signals from TOs at different latitudes. (2) We refine the conventional flow modeling scheme by parameterizing the magnetic diffusion at the core surface. Here, the diffusion term is reinstated in the magnetic induction equation, which is dynamically constrained by relating it to the Lorentz term in the Navier-stokes equation. (3) We develop a method to compute the electromagnetic core-mantle coupling torque on the core fluid annuli, whereby the energy dissipation due to the Joule heating is evaluated for each annulus. This analysis would provide insights on whether the Earth's TOs are free or forced oscillations. (4) Bringing together physical implications and computational tools obtained by (1) to (3), we finally construct a dynamical model for the Earth's TOs and core-mantle coupling such that they are consistent with GRIMM and Earth rotation observation. This modeling is unique in that the force balances concerning the TOs are investigated in time domain, as well as that the modeling also aims at improving the observation-based core flow model by considering the core dynamics.
Das Projekt "Bio-optische Eigenschaften als Echtzeittracer für die Transformation des organischem Materials in der SML (SP 1.3)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH durchgeführt. Die Sea-Surface Microlayer (SML) als dünne Grenzschicht trennt Hydrosphäre und Atmosphäre. Häufig sind die Konzentrationen bestimmter Verbindungen in der SML höher, entweder durch physikalische Konzentration aus dem darunter liegenden Wasser, durch Produktion in der SML oder durch atmosphärische Ablagerungen. Ein bekannter Aspekt ist die durchweg höhere Konzentration von chromophoren gelösten organischen Stoffen (CDOM) in der SML im Vergleich zum darunter liegenden Wasser. Kürzlich haben wir gezeigt, dass die inhärenten optischen Eigenschaften (IOP) â€Ì d.h. die Lichtstreu- und Absorptionseigenschaften von Wasser und seinen Bestandteilen â€Ì der SML genutzt werden können Komponenten in der SML zu charakterisieren und nützliche Informationen für den Strahlungstransfer und für Fernerkundungsstudien zu liefern. Darüber hinaus war unsere frühere Forschung zu optischen Eigenschaften in der SML unsere Motivation hier vorzuschlagen, IOPs und apparente optischen Eigenschaften (AOPs) â€Ì abgeleitet aus spektralradiometrischen Messungen des Lichtfeldes â€Ì sowie die Fluoreszenz zur Charakterisierung von organischen Stoffen (OM) und deren Transformation für die Echtzeitbewertung der SML als biologischen und chemischen Lebensraum zu nutzen. Hiermit können wir in außergewöhnlicher Weise die Kurzzeitdynamik relevanter biologischer und chemischer Treiber in der SML untersuchen.
Das Projekt "Linking internal pattern dynamics and integral responses - Identification of dominant controls with a strategic sampling design" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. In hydrology, the relationship between water storage and flow is still fundamental in characterizing and modeling hydrological systems. However, this simplification neglects important aspects of the variability of the hydrological system, such as stable or instable states, tipping points, connectivity, etc. and influences the predictability of hydrological systems, both for extreme events as well as long-term changes. We still lack appropriate data to develop theory linking internal pattern dynamics and integral responses and therefore to identify functionally similar hydrological areas and link this to structural features. We plan to investigate the similarities and differences of the dynamic patterns of state variables and the integral response in replicas of distinct landscape units. A strategic and systematic monitoring network is planned in this project, which contributes the essential dynamic datasets to the research group to characterize EFUs and DFUs and thus significantly improving the usual approach of subdividing the landscape into static entities such as the traditional HRUs. The planned monitoring network is unique and highly innovative in its linkage of surface and subsurface observations and its spatial and temporal resolution and the centerpiece of CAOS.
Das Projekt "Mineral magnetism of shocked ferrimagnetic minerals" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften, Abteilung Strukturgeologie & Tektonik durchgeführt. Magnetic properties of ferrimagnetic minerals depend on their crystal lattice, anisotropy, chemical composition and grain size. The latter parameter is strongly controlled by microstructures, which are significant for the interpretation of the magnetic properties of shocked magnetic minerals. Fracturing and lattice defects are the main causes for magnetic domain size reduction and generate an increase in coercivity and the suppression of magnetic transitions (e.g. 34 K transition in pyrrhotite, Verwey transition in magnetite).Especially for an adequate investigation of shock-induced modifications in ferromagnetic minerals, a combination of microstructural and magnetic measurements is therefore essential.This project focusses on two significant aspects of extreme conditions - the consequence of shock waves on natural material on Earth and on the magnetic mineralogy of exotic magnetic minerals in iron meteorites. In order to obtain general correlations between deformation structures and magnetic properties, the specific magnetic properties and carriers as well as microstructures of samples from two impact structures in marine targets (Lockne and Chesapeake Bay) will be compared with shocked magnetite ore and magnetite-bearing target lithologies from outside the crater (Lockne) as well as from undeformed megablocks within the crater (Chesapeake Bay). We will test the hypothesis if shock-related microstructures and associated magnetic properties can significantly be overprinted by postshock hydrothermal alteration. We especially want to focus on the Verwey transition (TV) as lower TVs are described for shocked impact lithologies. Hence, the main focus of this study lies on magneto-mineralogical investigations which combine low- and high-temperature magnetic susceptibility and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization with mineralogical and microstructural investigations. The same methods will then be used for the investigation of iron meteorites, whose magnetic properties are often controled by exotic magnetic minerals like cohenite, schreibersite and daubreelite in addition to the metal phases. Magnetic transition temperatures of those phases are poorly documented in relation to their chemical composition as well as to their crystallographic and microstructural configuration. For a general understanding of shock-related magnetization processes in extraterrestrial and terrestrial material, however, it is crucial to obtain a general correlation between the initial 'unshocked' state and the subsequent shock- and alteration-related overprints.
Das Projekt "Origin and fate of dissolved organic matter in the subsoil" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Bodenkunde durchgeführt. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one major source of subsoil organic matter (OM). P5 aims at quantifying the impact of DOM input, transport, and transformation to the OC storage in the subsoil environment. The central hypotheses of this proposal are that in matric soil the increasing 14C age of organic carbon (OC) with soil depth is due to a cascade effect, thus, leading to old OC in young subsoil, whereas within preferential flowpaths sorptive stabilization is weak, and young and bioa-vailable DOM is translocated to the subsoil at high quantities. These hypotheses will be tested by a combination of DOC flux measurements with the comparative analysis of the composition and the turnover of DOM and mineral-associated OM. The work programme utilizes a DOM monitoring at the Grinderwald subsoil observatory, supplemented by defined experiments under field and labora-tory conditions, and laboratory DOM leaching experiments on soils of regional variability. A central aspect of the experiments is the link of a 13C-leaf litter labelling experiment to the 14C age of DOM and OM. With that P5 contributes to the grand goal of the research unit and addresses the general hypotheses that subsoil OM largely consists of displaced and old OM from overlying horizons, the sorption capacity of DOM and the pool size of mineral-associated OM are controlled by interaction with minerals, and that preferential flowpaths represent 'hot spots' of high substrate availability.
Das Projekt "Uncertainty and the bioeconomics of near-natural silviculture" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt, Fachgebiet für Waldinventur und nachhaltige Nutzung durchgeführt. Research in 'silviculture' and 'forest economics' very often takes place largely independent from each other. While silviculture predominantly focuses on ecological aspects, forest eco-nomics is sometimes very theoretic. The applied bioeconomic models often lack biological realism. Investigating mixed forests this proposal tries to improve bioeconomic modelling and optimisation under uncertainty. The hypothesis is tested whether or not bioeconomic model-ling of interacting tree species and risk integration would implicitly lead to close-to-nature forestry. In a first part, economic consequences of interdependent tree species mixed at the stand level are modelled. This part is based on published literature, an improved model of timber quality and existing data on salvage harvests. A model of survival over age is then to be developed for mixed stands. A second section then builds upon data generated in part one and concentrates on the simultaneous optimisation of species proportions and harvest-ing ages. It starts with a mean-variance optimisation as a reference solution. The obtained results are compared with data from alternative approaches as stochastic dominance, down-side risk and information-gap robustness.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 196 |
Wissenschaft | 1 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 196 |
unbekannt | 1 |
License | Count |
offen | 196 |
unbekannt | 1 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 196 |
Englisch | 178 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 148 |
Webseite | 49 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 169 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 187 |
Luft | 142 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 196 |
Wasser | 152 |
Weitere | 197 |