This series refers to datasets related to the presence of people; livelihoods; species or ecosystems; environmental functions, services, and resources; infrastructure; or economic, social, or cultural assets in places and settings that could be adversely affected by climate hazards, including flooding, wildfires and urban heat island effects. The datasets are part of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) accessible here:
This series refers to datasets related to the potential occurrence of a climate-induced physical event or trend that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision, ecosystems and environmental resources. It includes datasets on flooding, drought, urban heat island and heatwaves, extreme temperatures and precipitations, fire danger as well as climate suitability for vectors of infectious diseases. The datasets are part of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) accessible here:
Data about the EU emission trading system (ETS). The EU ETS data viewer provides aggregated data on emissions and allowances, by country, sector and year. The data mainly comes from the EU Transaction Log (EUTL). Additional information on auctioning and scope corrections is included.
The recast Energy Efficiency Directive (EU) 2023/1791 sets a binding target for 2030 of 763 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) for final energy consumption (FEC), and an indicative target of 992.5Mtoe for primary energy consumption (PEC). Since early access to the most recent information on energy consumption is relevant for all stakeholders, the EEA and its European Topic Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME) produce each year a set of early estimates concerning the consumption of primary and final energy in the previous year, across the EU as a whole and in each Member State. These estimates are compatible with the scope of the energy efficiency targets for 2020 and 2030, and they correspond to the indicator codes PEC2020-2030 and FEC2020-2030 from Eurostat. The current data set covers the EEA 2023 approximated data on primary and final energy consumption (PEC2020-2030; FEC2020-2030).
The Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU (EED) and amending directive 2018/2002/EU establish a common framework for the promotion of energy efficiency within the Union in order to ensure the achievement of the Union’s target of 20 % reduction in energy consumption by 2020 and 32 % by 2030, and to pave the way for further energy efficiency improvements beyond that date. It also calls on Member States to set their own indicative national energy efficiency targets. Since early access to the most recent information on energy consumption is relevant for all stakeholders, the EEA and its European Topic Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME) produce each year a set of early estimates concerning the consumption of primary and final energy in the previous year, across the EU as a whole and in each Member State. These estimates are compatible with the scope of the energy efficiency targets for 2020 and 2030, and they correspond to the indicator codes PEC2020-2030 and FEC2020-2030 from Eurostat.
Regulation (EU) 2018/956 requires EU Member States and manufacturers to report data related to heavy-duty vehicles. Member States report trucks, buses and trailers registered in their territory. Manufacturers report trucks of specific types that are subject to certification requirements. The reporting periods are annual and run from 1st July to 30 June the following year. One exception was the first reporting which covered 1st January 2019 to 30 June 2020. In addition, the dataset covers the United Kingdom and Norway who reported data in line with the Regulation (EU) 2018/956 (the UK was subject to the Regulation in the reporting period 2019-20).
The Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action ((EU) 2018/1999) requires Member States to report national projections of anthropogenic GHG emissions. Every two years, each EU Member State shall report GHG projections in a ‘with existing measures’ scenario for the years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050 by gas (or group of gases) and by sector. National projections shall take into consideration any policies and measures adopted at Union level. The reported data are quality checked by the EEA and its European Topic Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME).
The Regulation (EU) No 2019/631 (and before that Regulation (EU) No 510/2011) requires Member States to record information for each new van registered in its territory. Every year, each Member State shall submit to the Commission all the information related to their new registrations. In particular, the following details are required for each new van registered: manufacturer name, type approval number, type, variant, version, make and commercial name, specific emissions of CO2, mass of the vehicle, wheel base, track width, fuel type and fuel mode. Additional information, such as engine power and engine capacity were also submitted. Data for EU27, Norway, Iceland, and United Kingdom are reported in the main database. Since 2018 Iceland and since 2019 Norway are also included in the database.
The Regulation (EU) No 2019/631 requires Countries to record information for each new passenger car registered in its territory. Every year, each Member State shall submit to the Commission all the information related to their new registrations. In particular, the following details are required for each new passenger car registered: manufacturer name, type approval number, type, variant, version, make and commercial name, specific emissions of CO2 (NEDC and WLTP protocols), masses of the vehicle, wheel base, track width, engine capacity and power, fuel type and mode, eco-innovations and electricity consumption. Data for EU-27 and UK are reported in the main database. Since 2018 Iceland is also included in the database. Since 2019 Norway is also included in the database. For downloading the data in the elastic data viewer please use Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
This database contains a number of integrated national climate and energy policies and measures (PaM) implemented or planned by European countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve climate and energy targets. This data is reported in accordance with the Governance Regulation (2018/1999) Articles 17 and 18. Most of these PaMs have been additionally reported to the European Commission via National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) or to the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR). Only Estonia, Ireland, Sweden updated their data in 2024. This dataset consists of the updated data for these countries and then the latest reported data from the other EU27 countries in 2023. This dataset only includes core reporting elements from Implementing Regulation 2020/1208 Annex XXIV and Implementing Regulation 2022/2299 Annex IX and not all additional energy related reported information as normally required under the National Energy and Climate Progress Reporting (NECPR) requirements - as this data is only mandated on a biennial basis.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 1 |
Europa | 133 |
Wissenschaft | 1 |
Type | Count |
unbekannt | 135 |
License | Count |
geschlossen | 1 |
offen | 1 |
unbekannt | 133 |
Language | Count |
Englisch | 135 |
Resource type | Count |
Archiv | 2 |
Bild | 1 |
Datei | 15 |
Dokument | 4 |
Keine | 21 |
Webdienst | 1 |
Webseite | 114 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 119 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 103 |
Luft | 106 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 135 |
Wasser | 115 |
Weitere | 135 |