The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) instrument continues the long-term monitoring of atmospheric trace gas constituents started with GOME / ERS-2 and SCIAMACHY / Envisat. Currently, there are three GOME-2 instruments operating on board EUMETSAT's Meteorological Operational satellites MetOp-A, -B and -C, launched in October 2006, September 2012, and November 2018, respectively. GOME-2 can measure a range of atmospheric trace constituents, with the emphasis on global ozone distributions. Furthermore, cloud properties and intensities of ultraviolet radiation are retrieved. These data are crucial for monitoring the atmospheric composition and the detection of pollutants. DLR generates operational GOME-2 / MetOp level 2 products in the framework of EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Atmospheric Chemistry Monitoring (AC-SAF). GOME-2 near-real-time products are available already two hours after sensing. OCRA (Optical Cloud Recognition Algorithm) and ROCINN (Retrieval of Cloud Information using Neural Networks) are used for retrieving the following geophysical cloud properties from GOME and GOME-2 data: cloud fraction (cloud cover), cloud-top pressure (cloud-top height), and cloud optical thickness (cloud-top albedo). OCRA is an optical sensor cloud detection algorithm that uses the PMD devices on GOME / GOME-2 to deliver cloud fractions for GOME / GOME-2 scenes. For more details please refer to relevant peer-review papers listed on the GOME and GOME-2 documentation pages:
This collection contains tropospheric NO2 columns for Germany and surrounding areas derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI Level-1B data. The Sentinel-5P tropospheric NO2 data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD". The tropospheric NO2 data are vertical column densities with the unit "µmol/m2". Sentinel-5P observes Germany once per day at ~12:00 UTC. These daily observations are gridded onto a regular UTM grid. The day and measurement time are included in the netCDF data file. Only tropospheric NO2 data for cloud-free Sentinel-5P measurements are provided (cloud fraction < ~0.2). Sentinel-5P cloud fraction data is included in this collection as well.
This collection contains surface NO2 concentrations for Germany derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI data. The Sentinel-5P NO2 data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD". The surface NO2 data are concentrations with the unit "µg/m3". Sentinel-5P observes Germany once per day at ~12:00 UTC. These daily observations are gridded onto a regular UTM grid. The day and measurement time are included in the netCDF data file. Only surface NO2 data for cloud-free Sentinel-5P measurements are provided (cloud fraction less than ~0.2). Sentinel-5P cloud fraction data is included in this collection as well.
This collection contains monthly mean tropospheric NO2 columns for Germany and surrounding areas derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI Level-1B data. The Sentinel-5P tropospheric NO2 data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD". The tropospheric NO2 data are vertical column densities with the unit "μmol/m2". Sentinel-5P observes Germany once per day at ~12:00 UTC and only cloud-free measurements (cloud fraction < ~0.2) are used. The Sentinel-5P tropospheric NO2 data within each month are averaged and gridded onto a regular UTM grid. The number of measurements used in the calculation of the averaged value are included in this collection as well.
This collection contains monthly mean surface NO2 concentrations for Germany derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI data. The Sentinel-5P NO2 data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD". The surface NO2 data are concentrations with the unit "μg/m3". Sentinel-5P observes Germany once per day at ~12:00 UTC and only cloud-free measurements (cloud fraction less than ~0.2) are used. The Sentinel-5P surface NO2 data within each month are averaged and gridded onto a regular UTM grid. The number of measurements used in the calculation of the averaged value are included in this collection as well.