Das Projekt "Staedte ernaehren sich selbst - Erfahrungen mit der Foerderung von staedtischer Landwirtschaft in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften des Agrarbereichs, Fachgebiet Landwirtschaftliche Kommunikations- und Beratungslehre durchgeführt. Growing population and increasing urbanisation is one of the biggest challenges in the next decades. The cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are growing with an exceptional rate of 5 percent annually, by the year 2020 half of the population in this region will be urban. The creation of 'sustainable cities' and the identification of ways to provide food, shelter and basic services to the city residents is a challenge to many city authorities throughout the world. The phenomenon that a growing number of urban dwellers are engaging in agricultural activities in urban and peri-urban areas, especially in less developed countries has been witnessed all over the world. There is increasing awareness among stakeholders to acknowledge urban and peri-urban production as a valid survival strategy by many urban dwellers. Dar es Salaam, the biggest urban centre in Tanzania, is a city were vivid urban agriculture activities do exist. Support measures have started in different fields (policy support to town planners, upgrading extension activities, community development initiatives) during the last years, but not yet combined to a comprehensive strategy. The research intends to contribute to these efforts by documenting, assessing and to putting together experiences in the case of Dar es Salaam. The study will give an overview on the state of the art discussion on urban agriculture in science and development, describe and analyse the prevailing urban farming systems in Dar es Salaam, assess different intervention strategies, with a focus on urban extension and finally draw general conclusions for the promotion of urban agriculture in the cities of developing countries. The following working hypothesis are of importance: a) Urban food production is of importance for the city as well as the individual households in many cities, also in Dar es Salaam. b) Various social groups get involved in different types of urban agriculture activities and consider it a valid survival strategy and/or income opportunity. c) Promotion of urban agriculture can be one strategy for the sustainable development of cities. d) Urban farmers demand support, including extension services, and specific frameconditions. d) Extension services need to be adopted to urban conditions to suit urban farmers. e) A mix of support measures is necessary to effectively promote urban agriculture.