Das Projekt "Forest functions arrangement with the CBD's Ecosystem Approach - A study on the Bengawan Solo River Basin, Java, Indonesia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Burckhardt-Institut, Professur für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege durchgeführt. The natural capital of forests consists to a great extend of the forests environmental functions for human well-being, which not only include goods and services (source and sink functions) but also include life-support functions that reflect ecosystem performance (ecosystem functioning). Shifting the management approach from a traditional one to one that is more aware of the ecosystem complexity, the idea of 'ecosystem functioning is appearing to tackle gradual declines of ecosystem functions. Within CBDs framework, the Ecosystem Approach has been introduced on account of the necessity for open decision making with strong links between all stakeholders and the latest scientific knowledge due to uncertainty and unpredictability in nature. The Ecosystem Approach is still in need of further elaboration, even though as a concept Ecosystem Approach has been widely accepted. To aim forest enhancement, this approach has been regarded as the most feasible concept for the study area, the Bengawan Solo River Basin - Java, Indonesia. Therefore the principles and operational guidelines will be used to analyse and evaluate the current forest management in those areas of the Bengawan Solo River Basin, in which ecosystem function is the basis for forest development area. This research focuses on ecological functions of forests at various levels of ecosystem management planning, from the forestry sectors point of view.
Das Projekt "FASTOF: Fully automated in-situ GC-TOF Observation of atmospheric trace gases" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt durchgeführt. Halocarbon compounds play an essential role in atmospheric chemistry, in the depletion ofstratospheric ozone and in radiative forcing of the atmosphere. They are most commonlymeasured by gas chromatography coupled to quadrupole mass spectrometry. We propose todevelop a novel measurement system, in which the quadrupole mass spectrometer is replacedby a much more powerful time-of-flight mass spectrometer, which has recently becomeavailable in a form which is suited for field deployment. The main advantage of this newlyavailable mass spectrometer is that it achieves the sensitivity of a quadrupole massspectrometer which is tuned to a single mass, but in the same time provides information on allmasses (full scan mode). We suggest to fully automate this instrument in order to be able todeploy it at remote field sites. First atmospheric observations will already be possible at anearly stage of the instrument development, while fully automated measurement capability willbe available after the second project year.We suggest three scientific areas for the first measurements with this instrument, focussing onhalogenated hydrocarbons in the atmosphere: (i) measure brominated and iodinatedhalocarbons which may impact stratospheric ozone in their source region, the marineboundary layer, (ii) use the scanning capability of the instrument to search for new, so farunidentified halocarbons in the atmosphere and (iii) measure hydrofluorocarbons, which couldbecome much more important greenhouse gases in the future and use the scanning capabilitiesof the TOF mass spectrometer in order to create an air archive allowing to quantify so farunidentified species, even at a later stage. With the work proposed here we would like to establish the GC-TOF technique foratmospheric trace gas measurements, which will provide much more detailed information inthe future. Many further applications of this instrument in national and international projectsare foreseeable, e.g. for studies of non-CO2 greenhouse gases and ozone depleting chemicals,their atmospheric trends, sinks and sources, distributions, variabilities and their impact onchemistry and climate of the atmosphere.
Das Projekt "INQUA Project 1216 - RAISIN: Rates of soil forming processes obtained from soils and paleosols in well-defined settings" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. The project RAISIN represents a core project of the Focus Area Group PASTSOILS. One of the major goals of the Focus Area Group will be achieved through RAISIN: Rates of soil forming processes in different climates, obtained from soils and paleosols in settings where climatic conditions and duration of soil development are known, will be assessed and documented. Thus, the project will provide a solid base for future interpretation of paleosols in the frame of palaeo-environmental reconstructions. Numerous data on soil development with time, many of them based on soil chronosequence studies in various regions, have been published in the past decades. The main aim of the project is hence to bring together scientists working on rates of soil-forming processes in different regions of the world to share and discuss their results, review and compare published data and finally produce a document representing the current state of knowledge on soil formation rates in different climates. The outcome of the project will be published in a special issue of Quaternary International to make it available to the scientific public. Thus, a common standard for interpreting paleosols in soil-sediment successions in terms of duration and environmental conditions of soil development will be created. Moreover, gaps in our current knowledge will be identified in the process of reviewing existing data in the frame of the project. This will stimulate future research and possibly lead to collaborative projects aiming on closing the identified gaps step by step.
Das Projekt "The effect of water storage variations on in-situ gravity measurements and their use for hydrology (HYGRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. Water storage variations in the soil, groundwater, snow cover and in surface water bodies cause a gravitational effect due to mass attraction. Thus, there exists a strong interrelation between hydrology and gravity. From a hydrological perspective, the estimation of water storage and its spatio-temporal changes is essential for setting up water balances and for effective water use and management. However, direct measurements of local water storage changes are still a challenging task while time-variable gravity observations are a promising tool as an integrative measure of total water storage changes. From a geodetic perspective, the hydrological gravity effect is an interfering signal, which imposes noise on gravimetric measurements and thus has to be eliminated from the gravity records. Superconducting gravimeters (SG) enable the in situ observation of the temporal changes of the earth gravity field. These SG data contain information about polar motion, earth tides, oscillations of the earth, atmospheric pressure and hydrology. But still variations in local water masses have a significant influence on SG measurements. Hence, the question is: How does local water storage change influence the signal of SG measurements? Objective: The objective of the HYGRA project is to separate the local hydrological signal from the integral signal of the SG records. From the geodetic perspective, this will provide a tool to remove the unwanted hydrological noise in SG recordings. At the same time, the hydrological gravity signal bears the potential to estimate hydrological state variables (ground water, soil moisture). Study Area: The HYGRA project focuses the relation of local hydrology and gravity in following study areas: Geodätisches Observatorium Wettzell, Deutschland; South African Geodynamic Observatory (SAGOS). Method The investigation of the interrelation between hydrology and geodesy is done by following worksteps: 1. 4D Simulation of the influence of water storage changes on the superconducting gravimeter; 2. Measuring and modelling of the different water storages; namely groundwater, soil moisture and snow; 3. Transformation of the water storage changes to a gravimetric signal; 4. Comparison between the measured gravity change by the SG and the estimated hydrological gravity response.
Das Projekt "An optical fibre sensor based intelligent system for monitoring and control of exhaust emissions from road vehicles (OPTO-EMI-SENSE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von University of Limerick, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering durchgeführt. Objective: The proposed project is designed to address the problem of pollution of the environment by road vehicles as denned under the Thematic Priority 1.6.2, Sustainable Surface Transport relating to the Work Programme 'Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area'. The research activities of the consortium will be based around state of the art developments in the area of optical fibre sensor and intelligent instrumentation technology to formulate a system for on line monitoring of exhaust emissions from road vehicles. The application of this technology to resolving the problems of atmospheric pollutants and their regional impacts is therefore highly appropriate to the issue identified in the thematic roadmap i.e. 'New technologies and concepts for all surface transport modes'. The consortium which will execute the research programme comprises six members from four EC member states. They include four academic institutions, an SME and an end user (a major European car manufacturer). Their combined expertise and knowledge of the technological and business issues will facilitate the rapid development of the technology into a demonstratable prototype within the three year lifetime of the project. The project's technical objectives are summarised as follows: -. To set up laboratory based test facilities such that the sensor systems may be characterised in a precisely controlled and reproducible manner. Therefore, individual parameters such as optical absorption and scattering may be studied in isolation as well as collectively.. To isolate and identify the optical signals arising from contaminants present in the complex mixtures of exhaust systems of a wide range of vehicles using advanced and novel optical fibre based spectroscopie interrogation techniques. To develop novel optical fibre sensors which are miniature and robust in their construction and may be fitted...
Das Projekt "Investigation of Water Resources Aimed at Multi-Objective Water Resources Development With Respect to Limited Data Situation: The Case of Abaya-Chamo Lakes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik durchgeführt. Aim of the Research: The aim of the research is multi-objective and focuses on enhancing development and utilization of water resource in a sustainable manner, where data are scarce and resources are underdeveloped. The research area is focused on Southern part of Rift Valley Region of Ethiopia, which constitutes two natural Lakes, viz. Abaya and Chamo. The objective can be collectively described as 'investigate the water resources quantity, development potential and its impacts under limited data situation using existing and new methodologies and provide guidelines that can be used for hydrological and hydraulic computations that can be used for water resources development of the research and similar areas'. Specific Objectives: The research specifically deals with the following components: - Identification of the research region named Abaya-Chamo Basin its drainage areas, rivers and lakes; - Development of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and drainage analysis using Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM) under Geographic Information System (GIS); - Investigate the morphometric characteristics combining Global Positioning System (GPS) and bathymetry survey, and there by develop the capacity curve and digital data of the two Lakes; - Development of meteorological and hydrological data base of the drainage system; - Analysis of meteorological and hydrological data and development of their regional relationships; - Development of new conceptual hydrological model for runoff computation based on developed database, which can enhance design of water projects in the research and similar areas; - Propose and develop guidelines on computations for hydrological and hydraulic design parameters of water resource projects mainly related to identified potentials; - Investigation of the existing water resources use and future development demand of the research area, based on the database and guidelines; - Investigation of the water resources development potential, with respect to satisfying the demand; - Develop the water balance models of the Lakes, and through which assess the impact of natural, man made and exploitation of the identified water resources uses.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 6 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 6 |
License | Count |
offen | 6 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 6 |
Englisch | 6 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 5 |
Webseite | 1 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 6 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 6 |
Luft | 5 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 6 |
Wasser | 5 |
Weitere | 6 |