Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Ueberwachungssystems fuer die von Fahrzeugen verursachte Luftverschmutzung in einer europaeischen Grossstadt, Vorschlag und Auswertung von Massnahmen zur Verringerung der durch Fahrzeuge verursachten Luftverschmutzung - Fallstudie aus Athen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Trier, European Association for Environmental Management Education - Focal Point Trier -, Europäisches Diplom in Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. One of the serious problems for many European cities is air pollution and especially the photochemical pollution that has as main contributor the vehicular traffic. The subject of this project is the definition and evaluation of interventions to the traffic network of the city of Athens as a mean to minimise pollution. The first part of the project gives a description of the subsystems of the Vehicular Pollution Monitoring System (VPMS) such as: the traffic flow monitoring system, the sampling system for vehicular speed, fuel consumption, emission factors of CO. HC's and NOx, and driving conditions. The next part is referred to the application of a VPMS in the city of Athens. The combination of the subsystems of VPMS is discussed in practice, and the data for every main road are presented in a database which is related to a Geographical Information System (GIS) that also completes the comprehensive, spatial and temporal presentation of data. The final part is dedicated to the proposal and evaluation of interventions in the road network of Athens, which have the form of percentages of traffic decrease in specific roads. The amounts of CO, HC, NOx emitted in the atmosphere from every road are a very important parameter in the evaluation procedure. A large part of the evaluation process is taking place in GIS environment for a more efficient presentation of interventions, systematic and complete management of data.