This collection contains airborne hyperspectral imagery acquired by the EOC user service OpAiRS. The data was recorded with the airborne DLR EnMAP simulator, which contains two HySpex cameras manufactured by the Norwegian Company NEO. The survey has been conducted within the scope of the “Data Pool Initiative for the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem”. It covers parts of the Bohemian forest, mainly the Bavarian Forest National Park. The data are made available as orthorectified ground reflectance. For more information concerning the airborne sensor system the reader is referred to:
Processed stationary field spectroscopy measurementes. Time series were collected with solar powered long-term installations (LTI) using the RoX field spectrometer within the frame of the mDRONES4RIVERS project in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively. Measurement were recorded at the southern tip of the island Nonnenwerth in 2019 and 2020, over a side arm of the Rhine in Emmericher Ward 2019, 2020, 2021 (as Emmerich I) and in a ditch at the side arm in Emmericher Ward 2020 and 2021 (as Emmerich II) in Germany. LTI Nonnenwerth was investigating dewberry (Rubus caesius), LTI Emmerich I was investigating sediment dynamics and mixed pioneering vegetation and LTI Emmerich II was investigating mainly mixed pioneering vegetation. The incoming radiance is measured with optics of hemispherical (~180°) field of view and the reflected radiance with conical (~25°) field of view. Zip repositories contain folders named according to LTI place and year of recording. They include human radable .csv files for raw RoX data, calibrated radiance and reflectance in subfolders named after date of recording, a folder with time-lapse photographs of the footprint (only for Emmerich I and Emmerich II) and an ALL_INDEX file, each. For reflectance and radiance files, the first collumn contains the associated central wavelengths, the first row the time of recording, each subsequent field of the table contains the calibrated radiance (in W m-2 sr-1 nm-1) or reflectance (unitless) values. The ALL_INDEX file contains meta data, computed vegetation indices(VI) and quality flags for the time series.
Collected, processed mobile field spectroscopy measurementes, acquired during the campaigns within the frame of the mDRONES4RIVERS project in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively. Measurement were conducted in river-shore areas along the Rhine in Emmericher Ward, Nonnenwerth, Niederwerth, Kuehkopf and Laubenheim in Germany, to accompany airborne, multispectral mapping and to collect representative hyperspectral signatures of vegetation and sediments. The incoming radiance is measured with optics of hemispherical (~180°) field of view and the reflected radiance with conical (~25°) field of view, optics were stabilized with and active gimbal. The data is present as human-readable .csv files and structured for each year in folders named with date and place of recording. Raw data, calibrated reflectance, reflected radiance, incoming radiance from measurements with the RoX field-spectrometer and derived vegetation indices (VI) are in subfolder /JB-112-GX/. Associated photos for each recorded footprint are collected in the /fotos/ folder. The derived level-2 data products are placed in /mD4R_L3-products/ and contains an overview table with unique ID, summarized meta-data including notes from the field protocol, associted photo-ID, GPS coordinates in WGS-84 and in ETRS 89 - 32N, classification information in 4 levels of differentiation and VI for each recorded footprint. In addition is the deconvolved multispectral reflectance response for the MicaSense Red Edge and Red Edge Blue, as well as the Gyrocopter costum sensor PanX 3.0 with all available filters reported with mean and standard deviation for each footprint in an individual file per sensor. Furthermore, this folder contains the mean and standard deviation of the hyperspectral reflectance as recorded by the RoX for each footprint. Primary key for all tables is the collumn IDMD4R, which contains a unique identifier for each footprint, composed out of the short for place of recording, year of recording, season (1 - winter, 2 - spring, 3- summer, 4 - fall), date, work group and running index. In addition, the protocol.txt file contains the raw notes taken during the field measurements. The same information is also present in the notes column of the overview table in the products folder.