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Strategies and Tools to Assess and Implement noise Reducing measures for Railway Systems (STAIRRS)

Das Projekt "Strategies and Tools to Assess and Implement noise Reducing measures for Railway Systems (STAIRRS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsche Bahn AG, Bahn-Umwelt-Zentrum (VU) durchgeführt. Objective: STAIRRS proposal is a response to Task 2.2.2/5 in the 5th Framework Programme fi Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality: Competitive and Sustainable Growth fl It contains three work Packages: WP1 Development of a tool for a common European scale cost benefit study of different options for implementing low noise solutions, leading to industrial development and implementation of optimal solutions on a local, national and international level. WP2 Refinement of assessment of noise from railway systems, using advanced procedures to prevent the need to duplicate measurements for interoperable vehicles, and thus reduce testing costs. by providing values applicable to various countries, by a single operation. Such methods will also allow separation of vehicle and track contributions to rolling noise. WP3 action to strategy makers using results from WP1 and WP2. Prime Contractor: Stichting European Rail Research Institute; Utrecht; Nederland.

Hochleistungs- und Hochverfügbarkeits-Offshore-Windenergietechnologie

Das Projekt "Hochleistungs- und Hochverfügbarkeits-Offshore-Windenergietechnologie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik (IWES) - Institutsteil Kassel durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the HiPRwind project is to develop and test new solutions for very large offshore wind turbines at an industrial scale. The project addresses critical issues of offshore WT technology such as extreme reliability, remote maintenance and grid integration with particular emphasis on floating wind turbines, where weight and size limitations of onshore designs can be overcome. HiPRWind will test a cost effective approach to floating offshore WTs at a 1:10 lower MW scale as a first of its kind worldwide. Innovative engineering methods, new rotor blade designs and built-in active control features will reduce the dynamic loads and thus weight and cost drastically compared to existing designs. It will overcome the gap in technology development between small scale tank testing and full scale offshore deployment. Thus HiPRwind will significantly reduce risk and cost of deep offshore technology commercialisation. The HiPRwind project can make use of two existing offshore test areas, with a favourable permitting situation and suitable infrastructure such as the grid connection and monitoring facilities. In WP 1, a floating support structure and the moorings system will be designed and manufactured. WP 2 covers the operation of the research projects of the platform. Within WP 3 to 6, critical aspects of the floating wind turbine are investigated, such as the structure and its system dynamics, the controller, high reliability power electronics to be tested in the lab at a MultiWM scale, the condition and structural health monitoring systems and the rotor based on innovative blade designs and features. The results feed into WP 7 to identify and refine new concepts for very large offshore wind turbines. The full impact of the project is ensured by a strong participation of leading industrial as well as R&D stakeholders from the offshore-maritime and the wind energy sector with a strong background in harsh environment industrial developments.

Intelligentes offenes DC-Netz in der Industrie für hocheffiziente Systemlösungen mit elektrischen Antrieben - Entwicklung eines Smart Grid netzmanagements für ein industrielles Mikro DC-Netz

Das Projekt "Intelligentes offenes DC-Netz in der Industrie für hocheffiziente Systemlösungen mit elektrischen Antrieben - Entwicklung eines Smart Grid netzmanagements für ein industrielles Mikro DC-Netz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung durchgeführt.

Irkutsk Regional Information System for Environmental Protection (IRIS)

Das Projekt "Irkutsk Regional Information System for Environmental Protection (IRIS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Jena, Institut für Geographie, Abteilung Geoinformatik und Fernerkundung durchgeführt. Background: IRIS builds on former Framework Programme 4 and 5 projects, extends their networks to Russia and adopts some of their findings to the specific needs of the involved governmental agency. This implements for the first time that the scientific results from former EC-funded scientific co-operations are being collected and transformed to tools for regional management by the administration. Consequently, the involvement of the potential IRIS user community is the most challenging objective and remains an ongoing process. Impacts: As a result of project implementation the prospective research initiatives for the creation of regional GIS, pollution transport models, industrial development scenarios and risk assessments will be formulated. IRIS will be useful for officials of the Russian Federation at different levels of state hierarchy, i.e. at regional level (Irkutsk Region), inter-regional level (since the neighbouring areas are also included in IRIS as the present/potential sources of pollution) and federal level (e.g. management of federally controlled nature resources and stress on the environment by enterprises held in federal property). The international dimension of project implementation is strongly connected with problems of climate change essential worldwide and, in particular, for EU Member States. There is no doubt today that the role of the boreal forests is essential. In this context the Siberian taiga, which is the largest forest region in the world, and Irkutsk region as a part of taiga is of vital importance. Thus the strategic impact of the project could be felt on both national and international levels, helping to manage the environment and develop effective solutions of regional and global problems facing the society. Objectives: The Irkutsk Regional Information System for Environmental Protection - 'IRIS' assesses the current status and dynamics of the Irkutsk Region's forestry environment, influenced by man-made changes and anthropogenic impact arising from pollution sources and other negative anthropogenic drivers located in the region and in adjacent areas. It will investigate the responsiveness and vulnerability of forestry environment within the region under different scenarios of industrial development and nature-preserving measures. The major goal of IRIS is to efficiently share Earth Observation data and domain-specific (ecologic and economic) information within earth science community and regional governance to identify environmental impacts that are both economic and socially responsible. Thus, for integrated environmental management methodical designs are necessary which refer to the complexity of the natural resource to be managed and the difficulty to predict the factors or driving forces influencing them.

Wood2Chem: a computer aided platform to support the optimal implementation of wood-based bio refinery concepts

Das Projekt "Wood2Chem: a computer aided platform to support the optimal implementation of wood-based bio refinery concepts" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institut de Thermique, Laboratoire d'Energetique Industrielle durchgeführt. Wood2CHem: A computer-aided platform for developing bio-refinery concepts The bio-refinery concept offers the timber industry numerous development opportunities by integrating the production of value-added products made from biomass. The computer-aided platform Wood2CHem, developed within the scope of this project, will help to devise innovative means for promoting wood as a resource using a holistic and integrated approach. Background Due to its composition and complex chemical structure, wood can be used to make a large number of value-added products. The bio-refinery concept proposes to widen the range of products derived from wood while adopting a systemic approach aimed at promoting synergies in the production of various products by integrating different processes. It therefore offers an enormous development potential for the wood sector and opens up many new markets. The development of bio-refinery concepts poses a significant challenge. A large number of processes that integrate studies and technologies of innovative transformation need to be evaluated, integrated and optimised using a holistic approach before the most promising concepts can be identified. Aim By applying techniques from process engineering, energy integration and multi-objective optimisation, the consortium of the Wood2CHem project proposes to develop a computer-aided platform for systematically generating the most promising bio-refinery models and evaluating their thermodynamic, economic and environmental performance. This integrated platform will be developed by combining expertise in chemical engineering and process engineering. It is aimed at integrating technological developments of wood transformation and will be validated in industrial case studies. Significance The Wood2CHem project concerns the development of industrial concepts and will therefore primarily interest experts and engineers in the field who wish to develop integrated and innovative concepts for a rational promotion of wood. It will allow them to envisage and compare inegrated process chains. The platform will integrate all the actors wishing to assume the perspective of industrial ecology.

IEA 4E EMSA 2017: Annex Energieeffiziente Elektrische Motorensysteme 2017

Das Projekt "IEA 4E EMSA 2017: Annex Energieeffiziente Elektrische Motorensysteme 2017" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Österreichische Energieagentur durchgeführt. Ausgangssituation, Motivation: Motorsysteme sind in Österreich für 75 % des Stromverbrauchs in der Industrie verantwortlich. Sie umfassen u.a. Pumpen-, Ventilator-, Kälte- und Druckluftsysteme. Gleichzeitig können durch entsprechende Optimierungsmaßnahmen durchschnittlich 20 % des Stromverbrauchs eingespart werden. In den letzten Jahren wurden sehr viele politische und normative Aktivitäten zu Testnormen und Mindeststandards gesetzt, die zunächst nur Asynchronmotoren ohne Regelung berücksichtigten. Mittlerweile wurden auch neue Motorentechnologien in Normen zur Energieeffizienz integriert. Die umfassende Digitalisierung der Produktion wird es künftig ermöglichen, dass alle produktionsrelevanten Faktoren (Mensch und Anlagen) aktiv in den Produktionsprozess einbezogen sind und über intelligente Netze miteinander kommunizieren. Einerseits wirken sich intelligente Vernetzung der Verbraucher und Erzeuger sowie Produktionsplanung senkend auf den Energieverbrauch von Motorsystemen aus. Andererseits hat die zunehmende Automatisierung durch den verstärkten Einsatz von Steuerungsequipment und Elektromotoren einen steigenden Effekt auf den Energieverbrauch. Geplante Ziele, Methode: Der Stromverbrauch von Systemen, die durch Industrie 4.0 neu installiert werden (z.B. Roboter, Automatisierungstechniken, Steuerungssysteme) ist derzeit in nur sehr wenigen Studien thematisiert. Österreich wird im Projekt unter dem Titel 'Monitoring and assessing new industrial developments' prüfen, ob neue Entwicklungen bei der Industrieautomatisierung Auswirkungen auf den Stromverbrauch in Industriebetrieben haben und welche Auswirkungen auf den Motorenmarkt zu erwarten sind. Dazu werden Analyse von Studien, wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen und Vorträgen, Stakeholder-Interviews mit Anbietern, Anwendern und EnergieberaterInnen, nationaler und internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch und Disseminierungsaktivitäten während Workshops, Konferenzen und Meetings durchgeführt. Weiters ist die im Annex gewonnene Kenntnis der Entwicklung von internationalen Energieeffizienz-Normen, Mindeststandards, Testnormen und -abläufen für österreichische Firmen wichtig, um rechtzeitig die entsprechenden Trends zu erkennen und F&E Entwicklungen anzutreiben. Angestrebte Ergebnisse, Erkenntnisse: Folgende Erkenntnisse sind im Task 'Monitoring and assessing new industrial developments' geplant: - Beurteilung, ob und wie Industrie 4.0 Auswirkungen auf die Stromverbrauchsentwicklung allgemein und insbesondere von Elektromotoren hat und/oder haben wird - Einschätzung, welche Technologieentwicklungen im Bereich Automatisierung, Digitalisierung besonderen Einfluss auf den Stromverbrauch von Elektromotoren haben werden - Einschätzung, welche Anforderungen für Elektromotoren mit Industrie 4.0 verbunden sind - Darauf aufbauend: Formulierung der während der nächsten Programmperiode zu bearbeitenden Fragestellungen. (Text gekürzt)

Combined development of compact thermal energy storage technologies (COMTES)

Das Projekt "Combined development of compact thermal energy storage technologies (COMTES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von AEE, Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien durchgeführt. The COMTES project has as goal to develop and demonstrate three novel systems for compact seasonal storage of solar thermal energy. These systems will contribute to the EU 20-20-20 targets by covering a larger share of the domestic energy demand with solar thermal energy. Main objective of COMTES is to develop and demonstrate systems for seasonal storage that are significantly better than water based systems. The three technologies are covered in COMTES by three parallel development lines: solid sorption, liquid sorption and supercooling PCM. Strength of this approach is the collaboration of three development groups in activities that pertain to the analyses, methods and techniques that concern all technologies, without risking the exchange of confidential material. In this way, the development is much more effective than in three separate projects. The project starts with a definition of system boundary conditions and target applications. Next comes the investigation of the best available storage materials. Detailed numerical modelling of the physical processes, backed by experimental validations, will lead to optimum component design. Full-scale prototypes are simulated, constructed and tested in the laboratory in order to optimize process design. One year of fully monitored operation in demonstration buildings is followed by an integrated evaluation of the systems and their potential. When deemed successful, the involved industry partners will pick up the developed storage concepts and bring them further to a commercial level. The COMTES project is a cooperation of key scientific institutions active in the above mentioned heat storage technologies. For the first time, all relevant research disciplines are covered in an international effort. For each development line, a top-Ieading industry partner contributes its know-how and experience, providing the basis for further industrial development and exploitation of project results.