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Entwicklung und Testung eines innovativen ionenselektiven Elektrodenueberwachungs- und -steuerungssystems fuer den Gesamtstickstoff in Meeresgewaessern

Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Testung eines innovativen ionenselektiven Elektrodenueberwachungs- und -steuerungssystems fuer den Gesamtstickstoff in Meeresgewaessern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Duisburg, Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik durchgeführt. General Information: This project addresses a world wide need for a reliable, affordable, and simple means of measuring total Nitrogen levels in marine waters. Providing the enabling technology will have major effect on the market penetration of the participating SMEs including the provision of increased revenues and employment levels. It will also have a major effect on growth in the marine aquaculture industry, aid early detection of pollution, increase knowledge of pollution and marine science, have a substantial effect on tourism, and ultimately provide the enabling technology to measure Nitrogen in fresh waters also. The consortium proposes a technical solution whereby various constituents of Nitrogen and various other physical parameters will be measured simultaneously, a logarithms developed to compute the various constituents in total Nitrogen and these measurements transmitted by telemetry or other signal transmission methods. The resulting data and information can then be used to control denitrification processes if appropriate by automatically returning a signal to the site of measurement. The project will facilitate enhanced safety at the work place for persons involved in marine aquaculture and have substantial social and environmental implication s for the public in general. The project has considerable technical risk and will hinge on the development of new ionophores which are suitable for use in marine waters, allow matrix compensation, enable sufficient low levels of detection and can be configured into an array which is rugged and suitable for a marine environment. Although the initial industrial objective is aimed at the Mari culture industry, the project has major pollution and climate implications in that it is envisaged with global warming that there will be a proliferation of problems due to high Nitrogen levels. The consortium is pan-national in structure and has an outstanding track record of project development and management. Prime Contractor: Reagecon Diagnostics Ltd.; Shannon Country Clare; Ireland.