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Auswirkungen von dezentraler Photovoltaik auf das lokale Versorgungsnetz

Das Projekt "Auswirkungen von dezentraler Photovoltaik auf das lokale Versorgungsnetz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Staatliches Institut für Gesundheit und Umwelt durchgeführt. In the CEC funded Joule-II-project 'Consequences of Decentralised PV on Local Network Management' a regional network for measuring global solar energy was installed and maintained in the region of Saarbruecken, Germany from 9305 to 9509. The 15 stations were distributed in a near and in a far distances grid over an area of 31 times 45 km2. They were equipped with CM-11 pyranometers and identical PC-based measurement facilities to guarantee similar hard- and software conditions. Over the measuring period, we had a mean monthly availability of 98 per cent.