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CO-MICC - The open knowledge and data portal on freshwater-related hazards of climate change for decision makers and businesses

CO-MICC is a data portal for freshwater-related climate change risk assessment at multiple spatial scales. It is named after the research project during which it was developed, i.e. the CO-MICC (CO-development of Methods to utilize uncertain multi-model-based Information on freshwater-related hazards of Climate Change) project (2017-2021). The aim of CO-MICC is to support decision making in the public and private spheres dealing with future availability of freshwater resources. This climate service is operated and maintained by the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC), and more broadly by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology. The portal comprises data of over 80 indicators of freshwater-related hazards of climate change, which can be visualized in the form of global maps or interactive graphs. The indicators are dynamically calculated based on modelled annual and monthly gridded (0.5°) data sets of climate and hydrological variables. These data sets were computed by a multi-model ensemble comprising four Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), four General Circulation Models (GCMs), three Global Hydrological Models (GHMs) and two variants per hydrological model, which amounts to 96 ensemble members in total. They were provided by three European research modelling teams that are part of the ISIMIP consortium. The indicator data correspond to absolute or relative changes averaged over future 30-year periods, as compared to the reference period 1981-2010.

Model output for: “Feeding ten billion people is possible within four terrestrial planetary boundaries”


LPJmL4 Model Code


LPJmL5 Model Code
