Mit Hilfe des Sperbermonitorings werden in Zusammenarbeit mit den Bürger*innen Kölns Hinweise über den Sperber und seine Bruterfolge ermittelt, um bei negativen Entwicklungen Schutzmaßnahmen ergreifen zu können. Die Größe und die Zusammensetzung der Sperber-Bestände können Hinweise über den Zustand der in Köln lebenden Vögel geben. Die Beobachtung wird dabei helfen, den Zustand der Sperber-Population in Köln zu beurteilen. Den Link zur Übermittlung Ihrer Sichtungs-Angaben finden Sie auf der Website unter dem Punkt "Meldestelle Greifvögel". Im unteren Abschnitt der Seite finden Sie weitere interessante Informationen zum Sperber sowie eine detaillierte Beschreibung über das Erscheinungsbildes des kleinen Jägers in unserer großen Stadt.
Das Projekt "European approach to nuclear and radiological emergency management and rehabilitation strategies (EURANOS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Institut für Kern- und Energietechnik durchgeführt. Objective: The Integrated Project EURANOS, through the commitment of fifty operational emergency management organisations, 'stakeholder groups' and competent RTD institutes of many European countries who actively contribute to the following objectives, will build a fully interactive framework for initiating and promoting practical improvements of emergency management and rehabilitation strategies in Europe never reached before: (A) creating better communication links between those responsible for nuclear and radiological emergency management in European countries with the perspective of fast notifications, information exchange and interaction through more direct channels; (B) providing better coherence and transparency in decision processes on local, national and border crossing interventions as one input to improving public understanding and acceptance of off-site measures; (C) supporting decisions on effective and timely emergency actions and countermeasures in case of nuclear or radiological emergencies by access to reliable, consistent and comprehensive information, and in this way mitigating radiological and economic consequences; (D) developing a coherent framework for the sustainable rehabilitation of living conditions in contaminated areas by implementing integrated and decentralised approaches involving key stakeholders and the public. A common approach and an European perspective of a more harmonised emergency management and rehabilitation strategy on the local, national and supra-national levels will be created and promoted through common emergency exercises and their thorough evaluation together with all stakeholders involved and through 'stakeholder panels' on the key issues of rehabilitation. The common views on improved technical tools; methods, strategies and guidance will also create initiatives on the administrative and political levels to improve the efficacy of European emergency management and rehabilitation strategies.
Das Projekt "Galileo-Enhanced MOTIT: an electric scooter sharing service for sustainable urban mobility (G MOTIT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Pildo Labs Wessex Ltd durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Protection of consumers by microbial risk mitigation through combating segregation of expertise (PROMISE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Büro für Forschungsförderung und Innovation durchgeführt. PROMISE strives for multidimensional networking thus fostering integration. The primary strategic objective of PROMISE is to improve and increase the integration, collaboration and knowledge transfer between the new member states, old member states (EU15) and candidate countries through a collaborative workplan of exchange of expertise and regional training and dissemination actions, to tackle common food safety threats. PROMISE strives for sustainability through involvement of risk communicators. A further strategic objective is to integrate stakeholders like public health authorities and national food safety authorities from the old and new member countries in order to ensure the exploitation of research results into standardisation and harmonisation efforts. PROMISE will enhance the knowledge on pathogen transmission. While legal imports are well monitored for contamination and alerts are registered through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed RASFF notification systems, gates into the EU-27 could exist where food supply chains are not controllled. These uncontrolled imports present the risk that new strains of traditional pathogens will be transferred from third countries into the European Union. Analysing, assessing and interpreting this risk of introducing new strains of pathogens is one of the main objectives of PROMISE.