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Mt. Cameroon - REDD+ Feasibility Study

Das Projekt "Mt. Cameroon - REDD+ Feasibility Study" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility a REDD+ project aiming at a reduction / avoidance of the currently ongoing deforestation in the Mt. Cameroon area. The ecologically valuable region is under serious threat of deforestation, caused by local villagers through the establishment of cash crops, mainly for cocoa-plantations. Deforestation shall be avoided by the development and implementation of a REDD+ project. This project shall be inherently conected to the newly established Mt. Cameroon National Park. The REDD+ project shall finance both the administration of the National Park as well as compensation measures in the surrounding villages. This compensation measures shall not only ensure the interest of local population in the participation in the REDD+ project, it shall also cover the REDD+ projects need for leakage management activities ensuring that the project impact (in terms of carbon conservation) is not compensated by deforestation activities outside the park area. This shall ensure the REDD+ projects overall success. The study evaluated the threat of permanent deforestation in the Mt. Cameroon region, identified drivers of deforesation, screened appropriate mitigation strategies and developed a baseline scenario. In May 2009, GFA ENVEST visited the project site, investigated the legal project structure and discussed project setup with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife and the Ministry for Environment and Nature Protection. As the national park was established in spring 2010, the REDD+ project development is envisaged to start in autumn 2010. Services provided: GFA ENVEST provides the following services: Assessment of carbon stocks of intact forests for the main forest strata; Assessment of carbon stocks of degraded forests sites (i.e. cocoa plantations) for the main forest strata; Evaluation of forest protection measures and related abatement costs; Assessment of leakage management and leakage monitoring options and related costs; Design of a monitoring system based on remote sensing. This system shall allow for the verification of the overall success of forest protection measures. Calculation of the projects emission reductions under the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) considering VCS security buffer approach for non-permanence; Assessment of carbon revenues and the overall financial feasibility of REDD+ measures; Evaluation of carbon rights ownership and an appropriate REDD+ project structure managing carbon funds and project costs.

On the potential of total lightning data for nowcasting of thunderstorms and precipitation. Part II: Assessment of the benefit of total lightning using a MOS (Model Output Statistics) approach

Das Projekt "On the potential of total lightning data for nowcasting of thunderstorms and precipitation. Part II: Assessment of the benefit of total lightning using a MOS (Model Output Statistics) approach" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Meteorologie und Klimatologie durchgeführt. The University of Hannover operates continuously since July 2003 a SAFIR lightning detection network for total lightning in Northern Germany. It is the first network in Germany which detects also intra-cloud besides the usually observed cloud-toground discharges. The objective of the project is to elaborate the potential of this new data source in Germany for the quantitative short-term forecast of heavy convective rainfall and to include the data then in such an operational nowcasting system. Convective precipitation is responsible for approximately half of the annual precipitation in Germany and also often, especially in summer times, for local flooding, but forecasts of heavy convective rainfall usually are unreliable. With total lightning data we expect to contribute significantly to the further development of a comprehensive nowcasting System for convective rainfall in Germany, as so far, not much experience exists here with the use of lightning data, especially not with total lightning data. First own studies confirm some of many already known advantages of total lightning detection systems for nowcasting purposes. The participation in the various observation campaigns of the Schwerpunktprogramm and the provision of the data to the research community is natural part of the project.

Dialog - Transparenz und Beteiligung im Umweltschutz in Moldawien

Das Projekt "Dialog - Transparenz und Beteiligung im Umweltschutz in Moldawien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen UfU - e.V. durchgeführt. Durch das Beratungshilfeprogramm des BMU werden Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas, Südosteuropas, im Südkaukasus und in Zentralasien sowie die Russische Förderation bei der Verbesserung des Umweltschutzes, der Stärkung ihrer Umweltverwaltungen und beim Aufbau der Zivilgesellschaft unterstützt. Das Projekt soll die Umsetzung der von der Republik Moldau bereits 1999 ratifizierten Aarhus-Konvention unterstützen. Das Vorhaben beinhaltet drei Arbeitsphasen. Zunächst wird ein Aktionsplan zur Umsetzung der Aarhus-Konvention erarbeitet, der einzelne Arbeitsschritte und Zuständigkeiten regelt. Der Arbeitsplan soll bis Februar 2010 der Öffentlichkeit vorliegen. Darauf aufbauend werden Inhalte des Aktionsplanes in konkrete Gesetzesvorschläge überführt, die sich auf die zweite Säule der Konvention (Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung) konzentrieren. Die Gesetzesvorschläge werden mit VertreterInnen des Parlaments, aus Unternehmen, Umweltverbänden und dem Umweltministerium diskutiert. Im Anschluss werden die Gesetzesvorschläge modellhaft in Verwaltungsverfahren auf ihre Praxistauglichkeit erprobt und ausgewertet.

Integration of Associated Candidate Countries and New EU Member States in European Research Area by Environmental approaches (ERA-ENV)

Das Projekt "Integration of Associated Candidate Countries and New EU Member States in European Research Area by Environmental approaches (ERA-ENV)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. durchgeführt. The aim of this Specific Support Action (SSA) is to enhance the participation of research organizations and SMEs from new Members States and Candidate Countries in FP6 and 6.3. Thematic Priority. The proposed activities will: - actively promote the research competencies on environment in ACC (at least 200 research organisations from ACC will be promoted); - train research and SMEs representative on issues related to FP6 and 'Global Changes and Ecosystems' (11 training sessions organized and up to 240 researchers trained); - allow to promote FP6/Global Changes and Ecosystems to research community and SMEs (2,750 brochures, 5,000 leaflets, 2,750 CDs, one web page, monthly E- newsletters, one European Conference); - allow to support researchers/SMEs in proposals elaboration and submission (up to 20 proposals with ACC partners); - allow to establish partnerships between organizations from Member States and ACC (one big Brokerage Event will be organized in Romania). ERA-ENV mobilises the skills and competencies of relevant organisations from 7 European Countries, of which 2 are Member States (Austriaand Germany), 2 are new Member States (Hungary and Slovakia) and 3 are Candidates Countries (Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey). Prime Contractor: Fiman Development Services S.A.a; Bucurestii 2; Romania.

Environmentally Compatible Air Transport Systems (ECATS- Network of Excellence)

Das Projekt "Environmentally Compatible Air Transport Systems (ECATS- Network of Excellence)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre Oberpfaffenhofen durchgeführt. ECATS ist ein so genanntes Exzellenznetzwerk (NoE) der Europäischen Kommission in Brüssel, an dem 13 Gruppen europäischer Universitäten und nationalen Forschungszentren beteiligt sind. Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines virtuellen europäischen Forschungsinstitutes durch Bündelung verschiedener nationaler und europäischer Forschungsinitiativen zur Entwicklung umweltfreundlicher Luftverkehrskonzepte.

Forschungsnetzwerk Participation and Education on Climate Change, Anschlussantrag zum Vorhaben FKZ 01UT0802

Das Projekt "Forschungsnetzwerk Participation and Education on Climate Change, Anschlussantrag zum Vorhaben FKZ 01UT0802" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen UfU - e.V. durchgeführt. Das Anschlussprojekt hat das Ziel, die wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen des UfU in den Feldern Partizipation und Umweltbildung zu stärken. Die Ansätze der ersten beiden Jahre sollen erfolgreich fortgeführt und nachhaltig ausgerichtet werden. Hierbei soll auch das in den ersten beiden Projektjahren restrukturierte Fachgebiet 'Ressourcenschutz und Landschaftsökologie' einbezogen werden. Insgesamt soll die wissenschaftliche Kompetenz des UfU, insbesondere im Bereich der sozialökologischen Forschung durch verschiedene Aktivitäten in den Themenfeldern Partizipation und Bildung bei Jugendlichen gesteigert werden. Der nutzerorientierte Ausbau des Internetauftritts des UfU ordnet sich hierbei ebenso ein wie ein verstärktes Auftreten des UfU auf internationalen Konferenzen. Der wissenschaftliche Beirat des UfU soll bei allen Aktivitäten unterstützend tätig werden. Zudem wird das Netzwerk verstetigt. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Anschlussprojekts sind die Ausrichtung einer internationalen Tagung zum Thema Bildung, Kommunikation und Partizipation im Bereich Klimaschutz und Klimawandel sowie die Erstellung einer Studie zu diesem Themenkomplex. Diese Studie soll die Situation der Klimaschutzbildung und Partizipationsmöglichkeiten im Bereich Klimaschutz in unterschiedlichen Staaten vergleichend analysieren. Hierfür werden zusammen mit Partnerorganisationen aus den jeweiligen Ländern qualitative Interviews und Literaturrecherchen durchgeführt. Die Studie, in die sowohl die Ergebnisse der qualitativen Erhebungen und Recherchen als auch die Resultate der Tagung einfließen, wird abschließend als UfU-Paper veröffentlicht.

Remote Sensing and Geo informatio n processing in the assessment and monitoring of land degradation and desertification in support of the UNCCD. State of the art and operational perspectives (DESERTSTOP)

Das Projekt "Remote Sensing and Geo informatio n processing in the assessment and monitoring of land degradation and desertification in support of the UNCCD. State of the art and operational perspectives (DESERTSTOP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Trier, Fach Umweltfernerkundung und Geoinformatik, Abteilung Fernerkundung durchgeführt. In the past years, the persisting threat of desertification and degradation of natural resources has resulted in a large number of initiatives and research efforts on a global scale, including the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Despite significant progress, knowledge still remains fragmented in many fields, especially with respect to the definition of related indicators or early warning systems. The specific support activity 'Remote Sensing and Geoinformation processing in the assessment and monitoring of land degradation and desertification in support of the UNCCD. State of the art and operational perspectives', intends to serve as a platform to bring together leading scientists working in the fields of remote sensing and geoinformatics with a focus on desertification and land degradation with potential users. A dedicated conference striving for attention on a world wide level will be the core around which various other activities are assembled. Commissioned studies in specific target fields will provide an overview on the state of the art, being complemented through methodological and application studies. Besides taking care of a sound scientific management and logistic organisation of the conference, major efforts will be dedicated towards the international visibility of the event and its results by providing for a high-level dissemination following different pathways (abstract book/CDROM, special issues of scientific journals, printed conference proceedings). A web site will provide further dissemination of the project as well as dynamic elements. Following principles set forth by the Commission under the ENRICH initiative and the quest to strengthen the European Research Area, the project will address renowned scientific experts, and support the participation of experts and stakeholders from third world and developing countries, which are often among the regions most affected from desertification and land degradation.

Initiative 4 Facilitating integration of Research Potential from the Accession Candidate countries with the Potential of the Member States in the Area of Water Cycle including Soil Related Issues of t (INTEGRATION 4 WATER)

Das Projekt "Initiative 4 Facilitating integration of Research Potential from the Accession Candidate countries with the Potential of the Member States in the Area of Water Cycle including Soil Related Issues of t (INTEGRATION 4 WATER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH durchgeführt. The project is aimed at supporting integration of ACC and MS research teams in ERA through facilitating participation of ACC research organizations in FP projects in the area Water cycle including soil-related aspects and actively support implementation of the workprogramme of sub-priority 1.6.3.The goals will be achieved through: development of a multifunctional, internet-based information service aimed as a 'one-stop-shop' for dissemination and exchange of information on water research conducted by ACC and MS organizations and for project dissemination, database of ACC organizations incl. SMEs active in water research, structured for FP projects development needs and combined with a dedicated partner search engine accessible through the service web page; 3 day event comprising 3 concurrent workshops with panel sessions addressing 3 topics from the area Water Cycle including soil related aspects: hydrology and climate change, ecological impact of global change, soil functioning and water quality, integrated management strategies and mitigation technologies. Specific topics and number of panel sessions will be tailored to the 4 call of priority event is aimed at training ACC researchers in the strategy of developing proposals (especially IP/NoE) with ACC potential integrated as contribution and forming ACC/MS Topical Expert Groups as project subconsortia capable to contribute to and/or develop FP proposals on selected panel sessions topics.Workshops participants will be 117 representatives of ACC organizations selected from the proposed database. Moderators will be selected 9 ACC and 9 MS researchers - recognized European leaders in water research. Project direct outcomes:an internet service and ACC organizations database are designed as sustainable mechanisms and will be maintained upon project completion together with the Expert Groups and the dedicated web pages set-up for them as platform to sustain ACC/MS Groups integration. Prime Contractor: Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas Katowice, Poland.

Wasserwirtschaft in Bayern: Teil A) Wasserwirtschaftliches Handeln in der Fläche. Die Aufgaben der Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung im ländlichen Raum - Teil B) Kommunikation und Partizipation. Die Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung im Zeichen von Bürgergesellschaft und Good Governance

Das Projekt "Wasserwirtschaft in Bayern: Teil A) Wasserwirtschaftliches Handeln in der Fläche. Die Aufgaben der Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung im ländlichen Raum - Teil B) Kommunikation und Partizipation. Die Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung im Zeichen von Bürgergesellschaft und Good Governance" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, Institut für Geodäsie, GIS und Landmanagement, Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung durchgeführt. Aufgabe des Forschungsvorhabens ist es aufzuzeigen, welche Rahmenbedingungen das Selbstverständnis und die Aufgaben der Bayerischen Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung im ländlichen Raum bestimmen, wie die Bayerische Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung als Akteur im ländlichen Raum wahrgenommen wird, welche (neuen) fachlichen und gesellschaftspolitischen Aufgaben und Schwerpunkte auf die Bayerische Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung zukommen und welche Partner (v.a. auch im Hinblick auf benachbarte Ressorts) die bayerische Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung bei der Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums hat und bewusst zu integrierten Lösungen suchen soll. Im zweiten Teil des Forschungsvorhabens geht es darum, welche Grundgedanken und für Verwaltungshandeln relevante Anforderungen hinter den Leitprinzipien von Good Governance (Gutes Regieren) und Civil Society (Bürgergesellschaft) stehen und wie die Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung in Bayern die Partizipation in Zukunft gestalten sollte.

Pollution Reduction Options Network (PRONET)

Das Projekt "Pollution Reduction Options Network (PRONET)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen durchgeführt. European Member States have set up National Environment and Health Action Programmes during the last decade, confirming the importance of environmental health protection. The importance of scaling down this approach to regional and local level is evident to improve the conditions of life. There is a lack of exchange of information and experiences among Member States on this issue. Thus, there is a need to identify and analyse national and regional activities and to exchange good practices. The main objective of the PRONET project is to facilitate exchange and evaluation of interventions on environment and health exposure reduction measures on a regional level and promote implementation of successful initiatives in other regions of Europe. This project will focus on the exchange of useful practices in two areas; 1) the reduction of traffic-related health hazards; 2) improvement of indoor air quality. This project will co-ordinate the body of experience in practical pollution reduction measures or strategies and will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the design and implementation of measures aimed at reducing exposure to environmental health hazards. Communication, participation, socio-economic and gender factors are included in the analysis as they might influence the impact of exposure reduction measures. To do so PRONET will set up an information exchange platform for the development of health promotion-based policies. Furthermore, this project will set up a network of regional authorities and researchers at different levels. Establishing a link through partners and member states to THE PEP and other relevant projects will be part of the activities. At workshops and by surveys network members will come together to identify, analyse, assess and develop policy options to gain insight in interventions and disseminate the results to all stakeholders in European regions. The results will be used to make recommendations for policies at regional level. Prime Contractor: Hulpverlening Gelderland Midden; Arnheim; Netherlands.

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