Karst aquifers constitute important freshwater resources, but are challenging to manage and to protect, because of their unique hydraulic structure and behaviour, representing continuous challenges for research and development. Karst aquifers are widespread and contribute to freshwater supply of most Mediterranean countries and many cities are supplied by karst water, e.g., Rome, Vienna, Montpellier and Beirut. These land surfaces correspond to the main recharge zones of karst aquifers, which are often hydraulically connected over large areas and are highly vulnerable to contamination. The preparation of the Mediterranean Karst Aquifer Map (MEDKAM) generally followed the workflow used for the World Karst Aquifer Map (WOKAM). A new lithological classification has been developed for the MEDKAM, similar to that of the WOKAM, which groups the geological units into four meaningful hydrogeological units: 1). Karst aquifers in sedimentary and metamorphic carbonate rocks. 2). Karst aquifers in evaporite rocks. 3). Various hydrogeological settings in other sedimentary and volcanic formations (karst aquifers are possibly present at depth). 4). Local, poor and shallow aquifers in other metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks (no karst aquifers present at depth).
Im Rahmen des "Energieatlas Baden-Württemberg" wurden für die Einzugsgebiete Neckar, Donau, Hochrhein, Main, Oberrhein und Bodensee/Alpenrhein eine Potenzialanalyse für die Wasserkraft erstellt. Dabei wurde von Herbst 2008 bis 2016 das Potenzial der Wasserkraft an Standorten bis 1 MW systematisch untersucht, ausgenommen der schiffbare Abschnitt zwischen Plochingen und Mannheim im Neckar-Einzugsgebiet, dessen Wasserkraftanlagen durchweg eine Leistung von mehr als 1 MW aufweisen. Zur Ermittlung der Wasserkraftpotenziale wurden an fischökologischen Erfordernissen orientierte standardisierte Festlegungen zu ökologischen Abflüssen getroffen, insbesondere anhand des Wasserkrafterlasses Baden-Württemberg. Bitte beachten Sie folgende Hinweise zu Vollständigkeit und Qualität der bereitgestellten Daten: aufgrund von Ungenauigkeiten bei der Erfassung von Fachobjekten kommt es vereinzelt zu nicht validen Geometrien gemäß OGC-Schema-Validierung. Da GIS-Server wie ArcGIS-Server, GeoServer oder UMN MapServer immer genauere Datengrundlagen verwenden/verarbeiten müssen, wird auch die Prüfroutine immer weiterentwickelt und mahnt im Toleranzbereich als auch in der topologischen Erfassung Ungenauigkeiten (bspw. durch Dritt-Software) an. Dies führt dazu, dass Geometrien nicht mehr dargestellt beziehungsweise erfasst werden können. Zu den beanstandeten Geometriefehlern gehören u.a. Selbstüberschneidungen (Selfintersections) oder doppelte Stützpunkte. Die LUBW kann daher keine Garantie für die Vollständigkeit und Stabilität des Download-Dienstes (WFS) geben. Bitte prüfen Sie daher im Bedarfsfall die Vollständigkeit anhand der ebenfalls angebotenen Darstellungsdienste (WMS).
Im Rahmen des "Energieatlas Baden-Württemberg" wurden für die Einzugsgebiete Neckar, Donau, Hochrhein, Main, Oberrhein und Bodensee/Alpenrhein eine Potenzialanalyse für die Wasserkraft erstellt. Dabei wurde von Herbst 2008 bis 2016 das Potenzial der Wasserkraft an Standorten bis 1 MW systematisch untersucht, ausgenommen der schiffbare Abschnitt zwischen Plochingen und Mannheim im Neckar-Einzugsgebiet, dessen Wasserkraftanlagen durchweg eine Leistung von mehr als 1 MW aufweisen. Zur Ermittlung der Wasserkraftpotenziale wurden an fischökologischen Erfordernissen orientierte standardisierte Festlegungen zu ökologischen Abflüssen getroffen, insbesondere anhand des Wasserkrafterlasses Baden-Württemberg.
Since the end of the 1980ies the geological, areal and production data of operating mining sites have been collected systematically by LGRB. The periodic update of this information is carried out every four or five years. Main reasons are 1) the preparation of the periodic follow-up of the 12 regional development plans, 2) the work on the near-surface mineral raw material maps published by LGRB, and 3) the periodical editing of the state report for near-surface mineral raw materials published by LGRB at the start of each new election period. The geological data include a detailed documentation of the thickness, petrography and quality of mined rock(s) and the overburden as well as geochemical data gained from rock samples. The areal data refer both to the permitted mining area (zones of recultivation, work and expansion) and to possible areas for the mine expansion (the latter are confidential). Due to the quick spatiotemporal variability of these data, here all mining sites are shown as point data. The confidential annual production data are the basis for the periodic raw material report. In addition, another data are collected, e.g. for the mining permission, the delivery area and the subsequent land use. All these data are stored in the mining site database of the LGRB (Rohstoffgewinnungs-stellendatenbank = RGDB). This one comprises also the data for abandoned mining sites and mines. In total, actual (2021) about 14.000 data records are stored. The name of each mining site (e.g. RG 6826-3) consists of three parts. RG is the abbreviation for "Rohstoffgewinnungsstelle". the following four-digit number means the number of the relevant topographic map 1 : 25.000. The last number means the serial number of the mining site; serial numbers 1-99 mark operating mining sites gathered since the end of the 1980ies ( (today partially already closed) , such > 100 mark abandoned mining sites collected before 1980 and such > 300 mark data of mining sites and mines collected in the course of actual raw material mapping. The mintell4eu data set comprises all mining sites with serial numbers 1-99. In addition, the most important abandoned mines of former or probably still ongoing economic importance.
The WMS of the map „Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000 (INSPIRE)“ highlights the results of a Germany-wide compilation of typical soil organic matter contents in top-soils differentiated according to groups of soil parent material, four climatic areas and the main land use. The evaluation is based on more than 9000 soil data profiles with information about Soil Organic Matter (SOM) from a period of about 20 years. The report 'The Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany', BGR Archive, No. 0127036 (in German) documents the methodology. To transform the organic matter content (of the original dataset HUMUS1000OB) into INSPIRE-relevant organic carbon content (CORG), we applied the van Bemmelen factor (1.724). According to the “Data Specification on Soil“ (D2.8.III.3_v3.0) and the “Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE“ (D2.9_v3.0) the map “Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000“ provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The data has been transformed into the following INSPIRE-Feature Types (Spatial Object Types): “SoilDerivedObject“, “OM_Observation“ and “OM_Process“.
Karst aquifers constitute important freshwater resources, but are challenging to manage and to protect, because of their unique hydraulic structure and behaviour, representing continuous challenges for research and development. Karst aquifers are widespread and contribute to freshwater supply of most Mediterranean countries and many cities are supplied by karst water, e.g., Rome, Vienna, Montpellier and Beirut. These land surfaces correspond to the main recharge zones of karst aquifers, which are often hydraulically connected over large areas and are highly vulnerable to contamination. The preparation of the Mediterranean Karst Aquifer Map (MEDKAM) generally followed the workflow used for the World Karst Aquifer Map (WOKAM). A new lithological classification has been developed for the MEDKAM, similar to that of the WOKAM, which groups the geological units into four meaningful hydrogeological units: 1). Karst aquifers in sedimentary and metamorphic carbonate rocks. 2). Karst aquifers in evaporite rocks. 3). Various hydrogeological settings in other sedimentary and volcanic formations (karst aquifers are possibly present at depth). 4). Local, poor and shallow aquifers in other metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks (no karst aquifers present at depth).
The map ”Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000 (INSPIRE)” highlights the results of a Germany-wide compilation of typical soil organic matter contents in top-soils differentiated according to groups of soil parent material, four climatic areas and the main land use. The evaluation is based on more than 9000 soil data profiles with information about Soil Organic Matter (SOM) from a period of about 20 years. The report 'The Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany', BGR Archive, No. 0127036 (in German) documents the methodology. To transform the organic matter content (of the original dataset HUMUS1000OB) into INSPIRE-relevant organic carbon content (CORG1000OB), we applied the van Bemmelen factor (1.724). According to the “Data Specification on Soil“ (D2.8.III.3_v3.0) and the “Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE“ (D2.9_v3.0) the content of the map “Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000“ is stored in a single INSPIRE-compliant GML file: buek1000-humus-ob_SoilDerivedObject.gml. The data has been transformed into the following INSPIRE-Feature Types (Spatial Object Types): “SoilDerivedObject“, “OM_Observation“ and “OM_Process“. The GML file together with a Readme.txt file is provided in ZIP format (BUEK1000-HUMUS-OB-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML file content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.
The WMS GK1000 (INSPIRE) represents the surface geology of Germany and adjacent areas on a scale of 1:1,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS GK1000 (INSPIRE) contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit), faults (GE.GeologicFault) and marginal position of the ice shield (GE. NaturalGeomorphologicFeature) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). For different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Carboniferous - Permian, the portrayal is defined by the color of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the rock or rock group representing the main part of the lithological composition of the geologic unit. In case of the geologic units the user obtains detailed information via the getFeatureInfo request on the lithology, stratigraphy (age) and genesis (event environment and event process).
The WMS GÜK250 (INSPIRE) represents the surface geology of Germany on a scale of 1:250,000. In general, the term “surface geology” refers to geologic formations up to a depth of two meters. However, particularly in the south of Germany, considerable deviations of this concept exist and thicknesses of a couple of hundred meters may be displayed. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The GÜK250 (INSPIRE) contains a base layer and an overlay layer which usually represents thin Quaternary deposits. The WMS GÜK250 (INSPIRE) contains correspondingly two layers for the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit.BaseLayer and GE.GeologicUnit.OverlayLayer). Additionally the WMS comprises layers representing the faults (GE.GeologicFault), marginal position of the ice shield (GE. NaturalGeomorphologicFeature) and quartz veins (GE.GeologicUnit.QuartzVein). The layers are mostly displayed according to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.BaseLayer.AgeOfRocks and GE.GeologicUnit.OverlayLayer.AgeOfRocks, stored in group layer GE.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.BaseLayer.Lithology and GE.GeologicUnit.OverlayLayer.Lithology, stored in group layer GE.Lithology). Because INSPIRE doesn’t provide portrayal rules for the genesis (event process und event environment), this display mode is not available compared to the original WMS GÜK250. In case of different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Pleistocene - Holocene, the portrayal is defined by the colour of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the rock or rock group representing the main part of the petrographic composition of the geologic unit. For the portrayal of different petrographic main components the corresponding colours are superimposed in a dot pattern. Analogous to the original WMS GÜK250 the petrographic content is represented graphically according to the generic terms of the main components, e.g. clastic sedimentary rock, pure carbonate sedimentary rock or metamorphic rock. In case of the geologic units the user obtains detailed information on the stratigraphy, lithology and genesis via the getFeatureInfo request.
Dieser Dienst stellt für das INSPIRE-Thema Produktions- und Industrieanlagen SEVESO Daten bereit.:Dieser Layer visualisiert die saarl. Produktions- und Industrieanlagen zum Thema Handel mit Gas durch Hauptleitungen. Die Datengrundlage erfüllt die INSPIRE Datenspezifikation.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 2473 |
Land | 361 |
Type | Count |
Ereignis | 4 |
Förderprogramm | 1903 |
Kartendienst | 1 |
Messwerte | 188 |
Taxon | 10 |
Text | 307 |
Umweltprüfung | 45 |
unbekannt | 329 |
License | Count |
closed | 323 |
open | 2241 |
unknown | 214 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 2463 |
Englisch | 1855 |
andere | 3 |
unbekannt | 90 |
Resource type | Count |
Archiv | 72 |
Bild | 23 |
Datei | 152 |
Dokument | 195 |
Keine | 1870 |
Webdienst | 15 |
Webseite | 692 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 1997 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 2270 |
Luft | 1648 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 2680 |
Wasser | 2778 |
Weitere | 2692 |