This data set comprises different types of data acquired at the Krauthausen test site. The data are arranged in different folders corresponding to the method used to collect the data. The different folders are: • Crosshole GPR data • Borehole deviation data • Cone penetration test data • Direct-push data (acquired by the UFZ Leipzig) • Flowmeter data • Grain size data • 3D aquifer models derived from multi-point statistical simulations Each folder includes a documentation-file which briefly explains the data structure and which provides additional information e.g. about the exact location of measurement points or about the original source of the data. Papers describing the experimental setup / processing of the data are included as well.
GPR data was acquired in crosshole setup before (background) and after (time-lapse) salt tracer injection for 9 planes. In total 42 datasets were measured.
GPR data was acquired in crosshole setup before (background) and after (time-lapse) hot water tracer injection for 4 planes. In total 39 datasets were measured.
GPR data was acquired in crosshole setup before (background) and after (time-lapse) salt tracer injection. Plane 2926 includes 2 datasets: the background and day 1 following the injection.