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Natural Radionuclides in Groundwater (NORM) (WMS)

Considering water as the primary resource necessary for social life, agriculture, industry, and wealth, the importance of groundwater investigation is clear. Apart from many other pollutants, this work focusses on geogenic uranium (U) and radium (Ra), which both stand for natural radionuclides (NORM) that need to be considered frame of groundwater exploration and monitoring programmes due to their specific mobility and chemo-/radiotoxicity. As investigation of U and – to a lesser extent - Ra is done by an increasing number of scientific working groups, the global dataset is improving continuously. In order to give a summarized overview on available and recent literature, scientific papers, reports, and governmental documents have been reviewed for U-238 mass concentrations and Ra-226 and Ra-228 activity concentrations and collected in tables and global maps. Further natural isotopes of U and Ra have been rarely subject of investigation. The collected data were evaluated and interpreted in frame of an associated scientific publication (see citation). From the available data it can be concluded that high geogenic U occur mainly under oxidizing conditions and carbonate rich groundwater, which might be seen as indicator for elevated U concentrations. Certain geological formations, as for example sedimentary, granitic, and volcanic host rocks, promote high U concentrations in groundwater. For geogenic Ra, the search for definite indications proved difficult, since less clear correlation is given for any observed factor. In a global perspective, the most promising evidence for elevated Ra are highly reducing redox conditions, as well as the occurrence of Fe/Mn mineral phases. Furthermore, barite represents a sink for Ra due to its ability to incorporate Ra isotopes. Dissolution of those mineral phases eventually results in co-dissolution of Ra, when Ra is found in host rocks of investigated aquifers, or downstream of such groundwater reservoirs. Furthermore, cation exchange might enhance Ra mobility process, especially in case of sedimentary aquifers with low sorption capacity and/or aquifers with high salinity. Given those chemical requirements for the occurrence of U and Ra, a negative correlation between mother and daughter nuclide can be established. When knowledge on present geological and geochemical constraints is available, elevated U and Ra concentrations might be predictable, as long as anthropogenic influence is excluded.

Natural Radionuclides in Groundwater (NORM)

Considering water as the primary resource necessary for social life, agriculture, industry, and wealth, the importance of groundwater investigation is clear. Apart from many other pollutants, this work focusses on geogenic uranium (U) and radium (Ra), which both stand for natural radionuclides (NORM) that need to be considered frame of groundwater exploration and monitoring programmes due to their specific mobility and chemo-/radiotoxicity. As investigation of U and – to a lesser extent - Ra is done by an increasing number of scientific working groups, the global dataset is improving continuously. In order to give a summarized overview on available and recent literature, scientific papers, reports, and governmental documents have been reviewed for U-238 mass concentrations and Ra-226 and Ra-228 activity concentrations and collected in tables and global maps. Further natural isotopes of U and Ra have been rarely subject of investigation. The collected data were evaluated and interpreted in frame of an associated scientific publication (see citation). From the available data it can be concluded that high geogenic U occur mainly under oxidizing conditions and carbonate rich groundwater, which might be seen as indicator for elevated U concentrations. Certain geological formations, as for example sedimentary, granitic, and volcanic host rocks, promote high U concentrations in groundwater. For geogenic Ra, the search for definite indications proved difficult, since less clear correlation is given for any observed factor. In a global perspective, the most promising evidence for elevated Ra are highly reducing redox conditions, as well as the occurrence of Fe/Mn mineral phases. Furthermore, barite represents a sink for Ra due to its ability to incorporate Ra isotopes. Dissolution of those mineral phases eventually results in co-dissolution of Ra, when Ra is found in host rocks of investigated aquifers, or downstream of such groundwater reservoirs. Furthermore, cation exchange might enhance Ra mobility process, especially in case of sedimentary aquifers with low sorption capacity and/or aquifers with high salinity. Given those chemical requirements for the occurrence of U and Ra, a negative correlation between mother and daughter nuclide can be established. When knowledge on present geological and geochemical constraints is available, elevated U and Ra concentrations might be predictable, as long as anthropogenic influence is excluded.

Lassen sich Normen und technische Regeln klimafest gestalten?

Angesicht der Folgen des Klimwandels sollten Normen und technische Regel dabei unterstützen, Sicherheitsstandards und Resilienz langfristig zu wahren. Der Bericht zeigt, welche Normen den Klimawandel bereits explizit berücksichtigen und wo besonderer Handlungsbedarf besteht. Dies gilt insbesondere für den der Schutz von Personen und Gütern durch klimaangepasstes Bauen, die Reduzierung der Auswirkung von Hitzewellen durch angepasste Gebäudetechnik und die verbesserte Hochwasservorsorge im Falle von Starkniederschlägen. Die Autoren analysieren Barrieren und Erfolgsfaktoren, diskutieren häufig geäußerte Thesen und geben Empfehlungen zur besseren strategischen Berücksichtigung des Themas. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de

Hamburgisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt (Teil I)

Nach hamburgischem Landesrecht werden Veröffentlichungen durch Abdruck im Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt vorgenommen. Rechtsverbindlich ist deshalb ausschließlich die gedruckte Ausgabe des Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblattes. Eine Inhaltssuche kann nur über die Internetseite der <a href="http://www.luewu.de/gvbl/">Firma Lütcke & Wulff</a> erfolgen.

Amtlicher Anzeiger, Teil II des Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblattes

Nach hamburgischem Landesrecht werden Veröffentlichungen durch Abdruck im Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt vorgenommen. Rechtsverbindlich ist deshalb ausschließlich die gedruckte Ausgabe des Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblattes Teile I und II (Amtlicher Anzeiger). Eine Inhaltssuche kann nur über die Internetseite der <a href="http://www.luewu.de/anzeiger/">Firma Lütcke & Wulff</a> erfolgen.

Landesrecht online Hamburg

Die Seite "Landesrecht online" bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, online in den Hamburger Rechtsvorschriften (Gesetze, Verordnungen etc.), den Entscheidungen der Hamburger Gerichte sowie in den schulrechtlichen Verwaltungsvorschriften zu recherchieren.


Das Projekt "SO2 IN AIR" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Messer-Griesheim GmbH durchgeführt. Community Directive 80/779/EEC specifies maximum permissible levels of sulphur dioxide in the ambient air. Intercomparisons organized by DG XI in support of the implementation of this Directive have shown differences in excess of 10 percent between central laboratories and in excess of 30 percent between network monitors. The aim of the project was to improve the analytical technique and agreement between results. STATUS: In the first intercomparison the values obtained ranged from 78 to 94 nmol/mol. In the final stage the sampling procedure had been improved (dead volume minimised, length of sampling line minimised, sufficient equilibration time). All laboratories agreed to within a range of 4 nmol/mol. Prime Contractor: L'Air Liquide Belge, Schelle, BE.

Effect of weed management strategies on the risk of enteric pathogen transfer into the food chain and lettuce yield and quality

Das Projekt "Effect of weed management strategies on the risk of enteric pathogen transfer into the food chain and lettuce yield and quality" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Institut für Organischen Landbau durchgeführt. The risk of pathogen transfer from soil to plant, here: lactuca sativa var. capitata, under organic farming conditions is to be investigated within the scope of the QLIF project. When brute fertilisers are applied during production, a health risk by consuming raw eadibles, as e.g. lettuce, is often discussed because of the demanding high standard of sanitation. The type of fertiliser might promote transfer of Enterobacteriaceae, and among these possibly human pathogens. Splash-effects during rainfall and irrigation as well as transfer of soil particles during mechanical weed control. Risks of the pathogen transfer into lettuce will be examined by use of different fertilisation and weed control management strategies, the latter being compared regarding their effectiveness in reducing pathogen transfer. Different field trials with organic fertilisation will be performed in 2006 and 2007. The contents of Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms and E. coli are used as sanitation indicators for the assessment of the effectivity of weed control strategies. Therefore, the contents will be measured in soil as well as in plants. Furthermore, the quality of lettuce will be acquired by analyses of nutrient composition and morphological measurements.

New Aero Engine Core Concepts (NEWAC)

Das Projekt "New Aero Engine Core Concepts (NEWAC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. NEWAC will provide a step change for low emission engines by introducing new innovative core configurations to strongly reduce CO2 and NOx emissions. This breakthrough will be achieved by developing and validating new core configurations using heat management (intercooler, cooling air cooler, recuperator), improved combustion, active systems and improved core components. NEWAC will design and manufacture these innovative components and perform model, rig and core tests to validate the critical technologies. The NEWAC core configurations include an Inter-cooled Recuperative Aero engine (IRA) operating at low overall pressure ratio (OPR), an inter-cooled core configuration operating at high OPR, an active core and a flow controlled core operating at medium OPR. NEWAC will complement past and existing EC projects in the field, e.g. EEFAE in FP5 and VITAL in FP6. The main result will be fully validated new technologies enabling a 6Prozent reduction in CO2 emissions and a further 16Prozent reduction in NOx relative to ICAO-LTO cycle. Most importantly, the project will address the challenges involved in delivering these benefits simultaneously. NEWAC will deliver together with EEFAE (-11Prozent CO2, -60Prozent NOx), national programs and expected results of VITAL, the overall CO2 reduction of 20Prozent and the NOx reduction close to 80Prozent at a technology readiness level of 5, contributing to the attainment of the ACARE targets. NEWAC will achieve this technology breakthrough by integrating 41 actors from the European leading engine manufacturers, the engine-industry supply chain, key European research institutes and SMEs with specific expertise. The advance and benefits that NEWAC will bring to Europe in terms of more efficient and environmental-friendly air transport will be disseminated widely to all stakeholders. Furthermore a training programme will ensure the transfer of expertise and knowledge to the wider research community and especially to the new member states of the EU.

Standardization of Ice Forces on Offshore Structures Design (STANDICE)

Das Projekt "Standardization of Ice Forces on Offshore Structures Design (STANDICE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dr. J. Schwarz durchgeführt. Objective: During the past six years two RTD-projects have been performed by a consortium of seven European partners to investigate ice forces on marine structures. The aim of this work has been to establish new methods for ice load predictions. The work has been supported by the EC under the projects LOLEIF and STRICE. The data compiled by these projects are of great importance for the future development of offshore wind energy converters, OWECS, in the ice-covered seas of Europe. Because the ice forces on marine structures are internationally heavily disputed the present design codes for OWECS as well as for all marine structures in ice-infested waters are not been considered reliable. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to contribute to the development of an international standard for the design of marine structures such as OWECS against ice loads with special emphasis on European sub-arctic ice conditions.

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