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Data to Understanding soil and plant interaction by combining ground‐based quantitative electromagnetic induction and airborne hyperspectral data


Data Management in COSYNA - Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas


On-line Bestimmung von Photolyseraten aus Radiometerdaten

Das Projekt "On-line Bestimmung von Photolyseraten aus Radiometerdaten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität-Gesamthochschule Essen, Fachbereich 8 Chemie, Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie durchgeführt. Project Description: All chemical reactions in the earth's atmosphere depend directly or indirectly on photolysis processes induce by radiation from the sun. It is therefore necessary to determine the photolysis rates as exactly as possible, especially, if field measurements of short lived species are to be interpreted. Since the absorption cross section and the quantum yueld of a photolytic process are independent of location and time, the only quantity to be measured simultaneously with the observation of atmospheric compouns is the actinic flux. Measurement of the actinic flux by flter radiometers will be routinely made during the various CHORUS campaingns. One way to determine the photodissociation frequencies is to measure the actinic photon flux by filter radiometers and then adjust a radiative transfer model to these data. From the model calculations all desired photolysis rates can then be derived. Within this project a program will be developed to determine photolysis frequencies from measurements of balloon or aircraft borne radiometers. The project consists of two separate parts: - A routine for processing the raw data of the radiometers. This routine provides the time series of the physically meaningful radiometers signals (e.g. voltage) - A radiative transfer model for the calculation of the photolysis frequencies. This model first simulates the measured radiometers signals and then determines the photodissociation rate constants with the same parameters as for the photon flux through the atmosphere.