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Found 28 results.

GTS Bulletin: FQEN63 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQEN63 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (EN): Northern Europe (Remarks from Volume-C: Nautical warnings NCC HAMBURG (IN GERMAN))

GTS Bulletin: FQEN64 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQEN64 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (EN): Northern Europe (Remarks from Volume-C: Nautical warnings NCC HAMBURG (IN GERMAN))

GTS Bulletin: FQBQ20 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQBQ20 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (BQ): Baltic Sea area (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: FQEN68 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQEN68 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (EN): Northern Europe (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: FQEN61 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQEN61 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (EN): Northern Europe (Remarks from Volume-C: Weather forecast NAVTEX, NCC Hamburg (IN GERMAN))

GTS Bulletin: FQBQ68 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQBQ68 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (BQ): Baltic Sea area (Remarks from Volume-C: FORECAST (2 DAYS) FOR THE BALTIC SEA (IN ENGLISH))

GTS Bulletin: FQBQ63 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQBQ63 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (BQ): Baltic Sea area (Remarks from Volume-C: FORECAST FOR THE BALTIC SEA (IN GERMAN))

GTS Bulletin: FQEN20 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQEN20 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (EN): Northern Europe (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: FQEN40 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQEN40 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (EN): Northern Europe (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: FQEN84 EDZW - Forecast (details are described in the abstract)

The FQEN84 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (EN): Northern Europe (Remarks from Volume-C: Nautical warning (IN ENGLISH))

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