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Präsentationsgraphik PG 25

Die Präsentationsgraphik im Maßstab 1:25.000 wird automatisiert aus dem tagesaktuellen ATKIS®-Basis-DLM abgeleitet. Das in der Graphik dargestellte Schriftgut wird aus den topographischen Kartenwerken entnommen. Im Gegensatz zu den bundeseinheitlichen topographischen Karten liegt die PG 25 nur innerhalb Hessens vor und unterscheidet sich durch einen spezifischen Zeichenschlüssel in Art und Umfang der dargestellten Objekte.


Das digitale Landschaftsmodell beschreibt die topographischen Objekte der Landschaft und das Relief der Erdoberfläche im Vektorformat. Die Objekte werden einer bestimmten Objektart zugeordnet und mit ihrer räumliche Lage, ihrem geometrischen Typ, den beschreibenden Attributen und Beziehungen zu anderen Objekten (Relationen) definiert. Jedes Objekt besitzt deutschlandweit eine eindeutige Identifikationsnummer (Identifikator). Die räumliche Lage wird für das Basis-DLM maßstabs- und abbildungsunabhängig im Koordinatensystem der Landesvermessung angegeben. Welche Objektarten das DLM beinhaltet und wie die Objekte zu bilden sind, ist im ATKIS-Objektartenkatalog (ATKIS-OK online) festgelegt.Der Informationsumfang des Basis-DLM orientiert sich am Inhalt der topographischen Karte 1:25.000, er weist jedoch eine höhere Lagegenauigkeit (angestrebt sind ± 3m) für die wichtigsten punkt- und linienförmigen Objekte auf. Die Erfassung der Objektarten und Attribute erfolgt in drei aufeinander folgenden Realisierungsstufen, die im ATKIS-OK ausgewiesen sind. Das ATKIS-Basis-DLM steht in Form von WFS-Diensten und Datensätzen im Downloadcenter der HVBG (www.gds.hessen.de) zur Verfügung. HLBG

Diskontinuierliche Luftqualitätsdaten im Land Brandenburg

Die im Land Brandenburg diskontinuierlich über Probenahme und Laboranalytik ermittelten Luftqualitätswerte werden in Exceltabellen erfasst, archiviert und fortgeschrieben. Die Überwachung der Luftqualität entsprechend gesetzlich vorgegebener Grenzwerte wird dadurch ergänzend gewährleistet.

Model Output Statistics for Neustadt, Bad (P025)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Kuhbier (F125)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Eberfing (P825)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Thalmässing (P425)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Hammelburg (P122)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Waldeck-Alraft (L125)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Stadelhofen (P165)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

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