Das Projekt "Oeffentliche Umweltinformationsdienste fuer europaeische Staedte" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ESRI durchgeführt. Project Summary: EnviroCity environmental information to the urban public by means of telematics. It aggregates and integrates different levels of heterogeneous information into a synthetic picture, and delivers in to the public by two methods: queries from public PC-terminals, and projection on to large city information panels. The end product of this project will be a pre-demonstrator. The system is based on existing Geographical Information System and database query technologies and the Internet-WWW. Information for input to the EnviroCity system is taken from existing municipal databases and other sources. Any European city can join as a user of the system. The project will deliver a users' requirements analysis, geographical information system software in pre-prototype form, and pilot verifications (pre-demonstrator). The pre-prototype will be developed on air quality data and information from the city of Munich and will be further implemented using air quality data from the cities of Antwerp, Piraeus and Vitoria. In addition, verification of an ecologyrelated application will be undertaken for the city of Lamia. In the longer term, two types of users can be served: environmental experts and the general public. However, all types of user are considered in the User Requirements Analysis, which covers the categories of homes, industry, schools, universities, administrations, planners, commuters, and the European Environment Agency. It takes into account the air, land-soil, water, and ecosystems components of the city environment. EnviroCity is a one-year project. Results will be disseminated to the EUROCITIES network, to schools and to workshops to be identified, and one workshop to be organised by the city of Munich. The partners intend to form a network to commercialise the software and provide added-value services.