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RS92 GRUAN Data Product

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

RS92 GRUAN Data Product (beta)

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

RS92 GRUAN Data Product (v1) - Potenza 2012

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

RS92 GRUAN Data Product (v2) - Potenza 2012

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

RS92 GRUAN Data Product (v1) - Potenza 2011

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

RS92 GRUAN Data Product (v2) - Potenza 2013

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

RS92 GRUAN Data Product (v2) - Potenza 2011

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

Potenz und Toleranz einzelner Phasen der Embryonalentwicklung und ihre Bedeutung fuer die Habitatbindung ausgewaehlter Simuliidenarten (Simuliidae, Diptera)

Das Projekt "Potenz und Toleranz einzelner Phasen der Embryonalentwicklung und ihre Bedeutung fuer die Habitatbindung ausgewaehlter Simuliidenarten (Simuliidae, Diptera)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Biologie, Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum durchgeführt. Im Rahmen der Untersuchungen des Agrooekosystems Kriebelmuecken-Mensch-Weidetiere-Fliessgewaesser soll die Eibiologie vergleichend analysiert werden. Von den Simulaiiden sind verschiedene Modi der Eiablage bekannt, u.a.: Abwurf der Eier im Fluge; Ablage auf Pflanzensubstrat, festes Material in der Wasserlinie, unter Wasser. Eiablageverhalten und Auswahl der Ablageplaetze, d.h. die Bindung an bestimmte Eigenschaften eines Fliesswasser oder -abschnittes, beeinflussen die Populationsdynamik verschiedener Kriebelmueckenarten und tragen bei plage- wie schaderregenden Arten zur Schad- und Herdbildung ueber die Abundanzdynamik bei. Besondere Bedeutung besitzen die Faktoren: Temperatur, Sauerstoff, Verfuegbarkeit des Wassers je nach Kontakt der Gelege mit der Wasserlinie. Je nach Pegelschwankungen der Fliessgewaesser, dem Eiablageort und -modus sind die Gelege der Arten unterschiedlich stark durch Austrocknung gefaehrdet. Unter den genannten Gesichtspunkten soll analysiert werden, welche Mechanismen die Potenz bzw. Toleranz der Eigelege bestimmen und steuern. Hierzu sind Versuche zu folgenden Fragestellungen gaplant: 1. Einfluss verschiedener Temperaturen auf die Dauer der Eientwicklung. 2. Bedeutung der Groessenentwicklung der Eier im Zusammenhang mit der Wasseraufnahme. 3. Austrocknungstoleranzgrenzen in einzelnen Embryonalphasen. 4. Verlauf des O2-Verbrauchs als Mass des Energiemetabolismus. Die Vergleichsbasis bildet die grundsaetzliche Gliederung der Embryonalentwicklung in einzelne Phasen.