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INSPIRE: Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,000 (KOR250) (WMS)

The WMS KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is derived from the KOR250, the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These mines are not included in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) as often the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself is displayed as well as in many regions the dataset is outdated. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted. The point data displayed in KOR250 (INSPIRE) indicate very small, but worth mentioning prospects of certain raw materials. The WMS KOR250 (INSPIRE) contains the two layers MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon (mineral resources as polygons) and MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Point (mineral resources as points). Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains additional information on the mineral resources. Notes: The colouring of the raw material occurrences in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) largely corresponds to the colouring of the original KOR250. In the INSPIRE Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) there are no portrayal rules for building raw materials and dimension stones, which constitute a large part of the raw material occurrences. It should be noted that according to the INSPIRE commodity code list, most magmatites and metamorphites were assigned to the two values "granite" and "basalt". From a geological point of view and with regard to its origin, this assignment is often misleading. For more information on the outcropping rock of a specific raw material occurrence, the German name from the original KOR250 was mapped to the attribute name of the class GeologicFeature. Link KOR200: https://www.bgr.bund.de/EN/Themen/Min_rohstoffe/Projekte/Rohstoffverfuegbarkeit_laufend_en/KOR_200_en.html

INSPIRE: Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,000 (KOR250)

The KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is derived from the KOR250, the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These mines are not included in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) as often the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself is displayed as well as in many regions the dataset is outdated. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted. The point data displayed in KOR250 (INSPIRE) indicate very small, but worth mentioning prospects of certain raw materials. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in two INSPIRE-compliant GML files: KOR250_EarthResource_polygon.gml comprises the mineral resources as polygons. KOR250_EarthResource_point.gml comprises the mineral resources as points. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (KOR250-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements. Notes: It should be noted that according to the INSPIRE commodity code list, most magmatites and metamorphites were assigned to the two values "granite" and "basalt". From a geological point of view and with regard to its origin, this assignment is often misleading. For more information on the outcropping rock of a specific raw material occurrence, the German name from the original KOR250 was mapped to the attribute name of the class GeologicFeature. Link KOR200: https://www.bgr.bund.de/EN/Themen/Min_rohstoffe/Projekte/Rohstoffverfuegbarkeit_laufend_en/KOR_200_en.html

INSPIRE: Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,000 (KOR250)

The KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is derived from the KOR250, the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These mines are not included in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) as often the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself is displayed as well as in many regions the dataset is outdated. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted. The point data displayed in KOR250 (INSPIRE) indicate very small, but worth mentioning prospects of certain raw materials. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in two INSPIRE-compliant GML files: KOR250_EarthResource_polygon.gml comprises the mineral resources as polygons. KOR250_EarthResource_point.gml comprises the mineral resources as points. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (KOR250-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements. Notes: It should be noted that according to the INSPIRE commodity code list, most magmatites and metamorphites were assigned to the two values "granite" and "basalt". From a geological point of view and with regard to its origin, this assignment is often misleading. For more information on the outcropping rock of a specific raw material occurrence, the German name from the original KOR250 was mapped to the attribute name of the class GeologicFeature. Link KOR200: https://www.bgr.bund.de/EN/Themen/Min_rohstoffe/Projekte/Rohstoffverfuegbarkeit_laufend_en/KOR_200_en.html

Lärmsanierung Schwaig von Betr.-km 397+750 bis Betr.-km 400+182 (Abschnitt 740 Station 0,167 bis Abschnitt 760 Station 2,371) an der BAB A 3 Würzburg – Regensburg

Mit Schreiben vom 30.09.2019 hat die Autobahndirektion Nordbayern, Dienststelle Fürth, als (damalige) Vorhabensträgerin die Durchführung eines Planfeststellungsverfahrens für das Bauvorhaben Lärmsanierung Schwaig von Betr. –km 397+900 bis Betr. –km 399+978 beantragt. Zum 01.01.2021 wurde die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, Niederlassung Nordbayern, im Rahmen der Rechtsnachfolge (Umwandlung) neue Vorhabensträgerin für das Verfahren. Im Laufe dieses Verfahrens haben sich jedoch durch die Senkung der Lärmsanierungsgrenzwerte zum 01.08.2020 und die Einführung eines neuen Lärmberechnungsverfahrens nach den Maßgaben der RLS 19 die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen im Lärmschutz gravierend geändert. Diese gesetzlichen Änderungen waren für die Vorhabensträgerin zum Zeitpunkt der Antragsstellung nicht absehbar. Die neuen Rahmenbedingungen erforderten umfangreiche Umplanungen, um die Lärmschutzmaßnahme an den aktuellen Stand der Technik anzupassen. Aufgrund des Umfangs der notwendigen Änderungen ist nach erfolgter Rücksprache mit der Regierung von Mittelfranken als zuständige Planfeststellungsbehörde die Durchführung eines neuen Rechtsverfahrens notwendig. Mit Schreiben vom 10.07.2021 hat die Vorhabensträgerin den Antrag vom 30.09.2019 daher zurückgezogen. Mit Bescheid der Regierung von Mittelfranken vom 14.10.2021 wurde das (ursprüngliche) Planfeststellungsverfahren eingestellt. Das nunmehr am 28.07.2022 neu beantragte Vorhaben umfasst die Optimierung des Lärmschutzes, den Ersatzneubau des Bauwerks BW 398b, die Erneuerung der Fahrbahndeckschicht und die Provisorien der bauzeitlichen Verbreiterung der Bundesautobahn (BAB) A 3 im Autobahnabschnitt zwischen der AS Nürnberg/Behringersdorf und dem AK Nürnberg. Die geplanten Lärmschutzmaßnahmen verlaufen östlich und westlich der BAB A 3 von Betr.-km 397,750 bis Betr.-km 400,182. Die plangegenständlichen Maßnahmen beinhalten: • aktive Lärmschutzmaßnahmen beidseitig der BAB A 3 auf einer Gesamtlänge von 3.300 m und einer maximalen Höhe von 16,20 m über Gradiente • ergänzende passive Lärmschutzmaßnahmen an 101 Gebäuden zur Einhaltung des Nachtgrenzwertes für die Lärmsanierung • beidseitige Erneuerung der Fahrbahndeckschicht und Einbau eines lärmarmen Fahrbahn-belages SMA LA auf einer Länge von ca. 2,40 km • Ersatzneubau der Feldwegunterführung BW 398b (2 Teilbauwerke) sowie • Provisorische Verbreiterung der BAB A 3 Richtungsfahrbahn Würzburg auf einer Läge von ca. 270 m. Die optimierten aktiven Schallschutzmaßnahmen führen zu einer wesentlichen Reduzierung der Immissionen an der nächstgelegenen Bebauung. Gleichzeitig verringern sich durch das Vorhaben auch die bestehenden, negativen Auswirkungen auf die hinter den Schutzeinrichtungen liegenden Lebensräume und Tierarten. Insofern erfolgt eine Reduzierung der Belastung unmittelbar angrenzender Biotope und eine Erhöhung der Biotopfunktionen sowie eine Verbesserung der Erholungsfunktion für die Bevölkerung. Wegen näherer Einzelheiten wird auf die Unterlage 1 der Planunterlagen verwiesen. Der Planungsabschnitt liegt im Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken, Landkreis Nürnberger Land. Die Baumaßnahme wirkt sich auf das Gebiet der Gemeinde Schwaig bei Nürnberg mit den Ortsteilen Behringersdorf und Malmsbach sowie der Stadt Nürnberg, Ortsteil Laufamholz, aus. Trägerin des Vorhabens einschließlich aller Nebenanlagen ist die Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Bundesstraßenverwaltung, vertreten durch die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, Niederlassung Nordbayern. Im Zuge der Umsetzung des Bauvorhabens ist es notwendig, sowohl privates als auch öffentliches Grundeigentum vorübergehend sowie dauerhaft in Anspruch zu nehmen.

Development of a Green Investment Scheme Project Idea Note for Energy Efficient Lighting in the Ukraine

Das Projekt "Development of a Green Investment Scheme Project Idea Note for Energy Efficient Lighting in the Ukraine" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of the assignment is to develop a Project Idea Note (PIN) for a Programme of Activities (PoA) in the context of a Green Investment Scheme (GIS) in the Ukraine in the sector of energy efficient lighting. This PIN describes the possible project setup of a program for the replacement of inefficient lighting appliances (i.e. incandescent bulbs (ICLs)) through energy efficient Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) in public buildings. Such a program would significantly reduce energy consumption while providing the same quality of lighting services. These energy savings also result in a reduction of CO2 emissions related to the CO2 intensity of the Ukrainian electricity grid. These emission reductions may be sold on an inter-governmental level, the so-generated funds may be used to finance the program activity. In the PIN the the project setup is proposed, a conservative ex-ante calculation of emission reductions is done, a 'hard greening ratio (i.e. 1:1) is proposed, as well as monitoring- and carbon revenue disbursement schemes. This document shall facilitate the intergovernmental negotiation between the government of Ukraine and a buying country. GFA ENVEST provided the following services: Proposal of an GIS project setup, identifying an appropriate program proponent and defining an adequate program scope; Assessment of the combination of a JI PoA (pre 2012) with an GIS (post 2012) structure applying a 'hard greening ratio; Establishment of a conservative baseline following AMS II.J, (Version 3) and assessment of the Ukrainian grid emission factor; Design of a monitoring scheme for the JI PoA (pre 2012) in combination with a monitoring scheme for a GIS (post 2012); Conduction of an overall financial assessment (JI and GIS revenues, program costs) and development of a proposal for the disbursement of carbon revenues.

Analysis for CDM potential in the biogas sector (Vietnam)

Das Projekt "Analysis for CDM potential in the biogas sector (Vietnam)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. Objective of the assignment was to undertake an analysis of the CDM potential in Vietnam for a German electricity utility with emphasis on the general framework conditions for CDM projects and on the biomass sector. In a first phase the general framework conditions were analyzed and a screening of different sectors performed. In the second phase a detailed analysis of different companies was undertaken GFA ENVESTs responsibilities included Analysis and description of the general framework for CDM projects (institutions, approval process, challenges); Analysis of the AgroIndustry sector; Additional Screening of CDM project options (gas flaring, coal sector); Detailed analysis and visits to companies in the gas and oil industry, beer industry, starch industry, sugar factory; Elaboration of recommendations for a potential investment strategy.

PRIMLIGHT JI CFL Distribution Programme (Ukraine)

Das Projekt "PRIMLIGHT JI CFL Distribution Programme (Ukraine)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of the LUMMAX JI CFL Distribution Programme is to distribute up to 2,000,000 Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) in buildings of the public education system in Ukraine. This shall be achieved in a two-phased approach. The CFLs will replace incandescent lamps and thus lead to significant energy savings. This energy saving activity not only reduces energy costs, it also reduces CO2 emissions stemming from fossil fuels used for electricity generation. These CO2 emission reductions shall be certified under a Joint Implementation (JI) Project leading to the generation of Emission Reduction Units (ERUs). The commercialization of ERUs shall refinance the project activity. The assignments overall objective is to develop a business model based on the production and distribution of CFLs, on the commercialization of ERUs and on the assistance to Primlight with its implementation. In order to achieve the overall goal, the assignment has a twofold objective: First it shall assist the project in gaining access to the carbon market and second it shall develop an appropriate management structure ensuring the swift and efficient implementation of the project at full scale (i.e. phase two). Baseline- and Project Design Document (PDD) Development comprise all required steps to register the project under a Joint Implementation scheme. This shall grant the project the right to claim ERUs for its emission reducing activities. An appropriate management structure must be determined for the project implementation at full scale. This structure shall create a sound basis for the successful and efficient operation of the project activity. Pursuing these two objectives shall ensure the projects overall success. GFA ENVEST provided the following services: Assessment of the optimal project structure (i.e. JI project vs. JI Programme of Activities (JI PoA)); Elaboration of the corresponding JI PoA Design Document; Establishment of a conservative baseline following AMS II.J, (Version 3) and assessment of the Ukrainnian grid emission factor; Assistance in the determination and registration of the JI PoA-DD under track one; Setup of Primlight LLC as Special Project Vehicle (SPV) being the project participant; Assessment of CFL production and distribution costs and development of an appropriate management structure; Assessment of operational structures for the monitoring of the project activity; Assistance in the development of a sound contractual basis with the Ministry of Education (MoE) for the transversal of carbon rights from the MoE to the SPV; Development of a financing concept for phase two allowing for the scaling up of CFL distribution volumes.

Review der Übertragung von Ungewissheiten und der Sensitivitätsanalyse in SR-Site - Review-Hauptphase

Das Projekt "Review der Übertragung von Ungewissheiten und der Sensitivitätsanalyse in SR-Site - Review-Hauptphase" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Clausthal, Institut für Endlagerforschung, Fachgebiet Endlagersysteme durchgeführt. This assignment is part of SSMs Main Review Phase and the review of the SR-Site safety assessment covering final disposal of spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site. In this assignment the supplier shall review the adequacy of the methods adopted by SKB for conducting sensitivity analyses and for quantifying and propagating uncertainty in their safety assessment SR-Site.

Instrumente zur Verkehrsprognose und Szenarioanalyse Projekt 'TRANS-TOOLS': Tools for Transport Forecasting and Scenario Testing

Das Projekt "Instrumente zur Verkehrsprognose und Szenarioanalyse Projekt 'TRANS-TOOLS': Tools for Transport Forecasting and Scenario Testing" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Regionalforschung durchgeführt. The aim is to develop a European network-based transport model starting from the ideas consolidated in the modelling experience of the consortium partners. This means that some of the features of the current available EU models will be added, considering that while the model cannot be a tool for every purpose, the selection of the model features should be essentially on the basis of the policy needs addressed by the European Commission services. It is already quite clear that the SCENES model approach will provide good suggestions for the treatment of passenger transport and the interaction of local and long distance traffic, that the VACLAV transport network will be a suitable basis for the development of an efficient transport assignment model, that NEAC will provide the information for proper description of freight transport and that the SCENES model will constitute a reference for the treatment of intermodal transport, as well as SLAM for logistics.Prime Contractor: Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek.

Forest-Climate Projects KWAMP and PAPSTA (Rwanda)

Das Projekt "Forest-Climate Projects KWAMP and PAPSTA (Rwanda)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. Aim of the assignment was to undertake a feasibility study within the Kirehe 'Community Based Watershed Management Project' (KWAMP) and the 'Project for the Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture' (PAPSTA) do qualify as CDM projects according to the regulations of the Kyoto protocol. Services provided: Clarification of the additionality for both projects; Determination whether the projects can be implemented as Programme of Activities (PoA); Revision and improvement of technical mechanisms for monitoring, for continued support to the establishment of agroforestry systems, and for sharing monetary incentives with participating farmers; Assessment of the carbon finance opportunities for the planned small-scale biogas fermenters; Development of the Carbon Finance Documents for both projects based on the standard of the BioCarbon Fund of the World Bank.

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